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  1. Takamasa

    Where would you choose to live?

    I'd live in Vana'diel if I were a lvl 75 NINJA LoL...XIV's city teaser looks like beutiful place to live and im sure their will be more cities similar if not better to the one we saw.
  2. Takamasa

    Best Opening AMV

    FFVIII first game of the series that just took me away from this earth since inserted the disk, its my second(well soon to be third favorite) and FXI so dramatic, makes you feel like there's an epic adventure set for you and you wont face it alone(get it? lol games not teh easiest of the series...
  3. Takamasa

    Final Fantasy XIV: Stop whining.

    Hmmm...let's analyze this for a second. You mean b/c its online its totally diff. from all the other Final Fantasies?Or you mean it doesnt have a story line? It doesnt have numerous amounts of gear that can be upgraded? Charecters that fight with during the game? Chocobos? You arent the hero? Oh...