Best Opening AMV

FFX, for sure. It seemed pretty intense, with good music. Although I liked FFX-2s, just cause I'm a sucker for that game :monster: The music is catchy, and the graphics are just pretty. I kinda wish FFX had received the amount of effort put into FMVs of FFX-2. D:
I'm torn between VIII and XII. VIII majorly kicked arse with starting out with a wicked fight packed with orchestrated music. But XII was also nice, going into clear detail of some events before you start playing the game.
Hmm...I have to say FF XII. I enjoyed how it started off with a happy occasion but by the end everything seemed hopelessly lost. The opening really drew me in and got me excited to play the game. Too bad the game wasn't as interesting as the opening sequence.
I loved FF7 Crisis core's opening, action packed ftw. I remember just receiving the game and watching that... man :P
I'm gonna have to go with FF7. You see a starry night sky, and you're thinking, "what's going on here?" You see green particles, and a flower girl picking flowers in the dark, and it seems kind of nice. The camera starts to move out, you see she's in an alleyway. Then you see it's on a busy street full of noisy cars and brightly-lit shops. Then you see this is only part of a large sector of buildings, scaffoldings, and railway tracks. Then you see that this is only part of a huge disc, and then you see the massive Shinra building towering above this city, and then you see that even this is surrounded by huge towers which are emitting a constant stream of filth. And that this city is surrounded by eternal darkness. You can't beat that "wow" feeling.
Sorry i didnt think FFX's opening was brilliant, it was ok and i liked the beginning a lot more than later in the game but FFVII's opening was the best for me and possibly FFVI's
I loved FFVIII's opening. When the music began, and all you could see at first was ocean, it felt eerie and spine tingling. And that opening battle between Seifer and Squall was just awesome.
FFVIII even though when I was younger, I'd hide away from the bit when Seifer cuts Squall. XD;; I love how it's got full on dramatic Liberi Fatali playing through it as it goes through the opening movie.

But then you have FFX's. With Auron raising his bottle towards Sin, as the city is about to get destroyed. Something about that just oozes win. :3
FFVIII first game of the series that just took me away from this earth since inserted the disk, its my second(well soon to be third favorite) and FXI so dramatic, makes you feel like there's an epic adventure set for you and you wont face it alone(get it? lol games not teh easiest of the series and its online so you wont be alone in beating it? w/e teehee) and im sure im gonna throw FFXIV before FFXI when it makes its way to me.
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I had a feeling I'd be the odd man out. I'm going to have to give it to the FFIV DS version. Maybe I'm biased because it's one of my favorite FF games but I just think the opening scene with the crystal glistening inside the shrine and then Cecil losing his rank while Rosa is comforting him is too much. Then the montage with all the various characters(and where the heck is Cid?). Oh, and the theme songs playing? Beautiful.

But then again FFVIII is the first RPG that I played and half the reason is its opening scene. So I guess it's a tie between those two.'s too bad this thread is limited to FF because I might have to choose the PSX Chrono Trigger movie though :P
FFVIII had a very good opening.

That epic battle between Squall and Seifer was awesome to see and all the visuals were stunning. The text that comes up at the beginning was cool. It portrayed the theme of the game nicely in my opinion. It lead into the game in a great way, too.

FFXII had great one, too. It was the best visually in my opinion and it told a story all its own. It shows what happens before the story in a great way, which allowed me to understand the pain Ashe felt in the game after losing Rossler. It was quite well.
Personally, I still think Final Fantasy IV has the best opening sequence in the series. Everything in the intro had a direct link to the events that would progress throughout the game. I loved seeing Cecil's guilt over his actions in the name of Baron and it had a far greater impact for me then any other oepening sequence in the series. Also, "Theme of the Red Wings" is probally the best opening theme I have ever heard from the series.

I will say this though, VIII had an awesome opening.
VIII all the way. I mean, VIII's opening cutscene is arguably better than the game itself, and I like VIII. It has this epic, movie trailer feel, and I am a sucker for a good trailer.

X gets an honorable mention, with the blitzball/Sin attack scene. Very pretty and so different from most of the series. I was pretty wowed by it the first time.
Mine has to be VIII, just for the battle between Squall and Seifer.
In fact, VIII had the best set of AMVs in my opinion (the Rinoa/Squall dance was very nice as well)

It's been a while since I played XII so I don't really remember it... but I do remember really liking the opening AMV. Shame I can't really remember what it was about.
Even though FFVII is my favourite FF game, I've gotta say I like the opening of Final Fantasy VIII the best, with that dramatic feel, the epic music, and an intense fight, that is pure win. :D

And I like how it lead more into the start of the game than most openings do, where he gets that deep cut from the fight looked at, that was pretty cool, it really led from opening AMV to game very nicely. :awesome:
As controversial a choice as it is whenever these threads pop up I always go with X-2's opening. I think way too many people took the game too seriously and personally I thought it was hilarious. Yes it's cheesy and completely stupid but that's kind of the point, it was a welcome change from the usual doom and gloom you get from FF series. Considering I hate both the English and Japanese artist who sang the opening theme too I'd say that's testament to how well done it was.
The opening for Final Fantasy XII was probably my favorite opening AMV.

First you're zooming in onto the city, and you're introduced to Rabanastre. You see Ashe & Rasler's wedding, and then you've got the drama of being forced into war (and of course the awesome battle scenes). There were just so many emotions put into one intro.

It was just an absolutely excellent way of introducing the game.
VIII, X, and XII are the 3 that come to mind straight away. All very action packed, with perhaps a little more emotion with VIII and XII. As for my favourite opening out of those 3... I have to go with VIII. It was amazing when it came out, its amazing now, and will still be amazing in another 10 or so years. A masterpiece.