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  1. T

    The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Clichés

    XD Just about all of these apply to that RPG Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast and GC. Vyse's home was burnt down. Fina had the 'pendant that would destroy the planet'. They had all of the cities they mentioned. They had the slums and the upperclass in the main city. One of the cities was...
  2. T

    Top 10 Favorite Gaming Characters

    1.Link - He's not much on personality but he's my favorite character on Soul Caliber 2 and one of my favorites on Smash Bros. Melee. 2.Mario - Why not. 3.Cecil(ffiv) - I liked the whole theme with going from dark to light to save the world. Wonder if I could get a mod to make him dark Cecil...
  3. T

    Video Games based of Movies/TV shows that don't suck

    Lol, you probably wouldn't believe me, but I actually enjoyed a couple of movie games that are normally on the worst 10 list. Enter the Matrix- Good for what it was, I enjoyed mindlessly killing off hordes of SWAT members, played it on the GC and never an into any glitches, guess I was...
  4. T

    Top 10 Favorite Games -- And Why.

    10.Resident Evil 4,GC(ZOMG, I knew this game was going to be either really bad or really good, glad it was the latter. It'd be higher on my list if it had better replay value, a multiplayer mode would have been nice) 9.Super Mario Sunshine(this game I played through and enjoyed throroughly...