Video Games based of Movies/TV shows that don't suck


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
So yeah, we pretty much know that all video games based off of a movie or a TV show are doomed to fail. But there are a few exceptions. Discuss the video game verision of movies and TV shows that do not suck.

There are two that come to my mind at the moment.

Little Mermaid (NES)- yeah I know, but this game was pretty fun. You got to be Ariel and she was a complete badass. She used bubble to capture fish and you used them to kill other sea creatures. The game was actually quite fun to play. It was difficult too.

Aladdin (Sega and SNES?) This is probably the best video game version of a movie that I've ever played. You could either kill with your sword or stone people with apples. And the levels were a lot of fun too. There was however, that lava episode that I always hated. The genie's lamp episode was awesome though.

EDIT: can a mod please remove the second "of" in the title? ;)

EDIT2: thank you!

Mod Edit: Gladly. =)
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Spiderman for the PS1 was a pretty good game. Enjoyable.

The Chronicles of Riddick is also decent, though I'll admit to not playing a whole lot of it.
Super Star Wars Trilogy for the SNES was awesome, the second two games were a tad difficult but the first is an absolute classic.

And Goldeneye on the N64 is regarded as one of the best games of all time and just has to be mentioned. Might not have aged too well over the years but not many console FPS games have come close to it.
Harry Potter games spring to mind, I have them for the PS2 and Gameboy colour and really enjoyed all of them. Chamber of Secrets was probably my favourite.. I never got round to completing it on the gameboy though.

And I'll also admit to really liking Surf's Up for the xbox. I've never actually seen the film but the game is great. Although that's just my opinion as somebody who's favourite type of games are racing ones. Sure, it's not perfect but it's surfing penguins and really addictive. :wacky:
I'm not a fan, but Lord of the Rings was a good game too on the PS2
And like the user above said Spider man on the PSone was a great game too
I remember I played The Lion King for Sega Genesis. I quite like it, although quite challenging (at that age, anyway). I never did get to finish it as I got stuck in the stampede part, but overall, it was still a good kiddy game.

I also remember Ninja Turtles for the old Nintendo. Oh man, memories...I just simply loved the game to death! I was only 5 or 6 when I played it, but still, I do recall a few things from the game that I had found enjoyable - even if I play it right this instant.
I remember I played The Lion King for Sega Genesis. I quite like it, although quite challenging (at that age, anyway). I never did get to finish it as I got stuck in the stampede part, but overall, it was still a good kiddy game.

I loved the Lion King for Sega! I was able to get all the way to the end but I could never ultimately defeat Scar. :( I remember the last level being a pain in the ass and I liked kid Simba much better than adult Simba.
Lord of the Rings was a good game too on the PS2.

Agreed. One of the best movie tie in series, I think. Very little replay value on the hack and slash games, though.

Surprisingly, the second and third were produced by EA, but still quite good, even though EA's slogan should be "ruin everything" for its murder of many a franchise.

One major reason why most movie tie-ins suck is that there's little scope for creativity, more often than not they have to be moulded around the relatively short cinematic story of the film, and people will have seen the movie beforehand. Thus, the whole plot is ruined. You don't often get a cinematic experience in a movie-tie in, just the odd film cutscene.
That, and movie tie-ins often have to be rushed. Generally though, film tie ins, especially those of blockbuster family films, are mostly meant to appeal to guillible kids, but not always.
Game based films are only slightly better. Television and long running franchise tie-ins tend to be quite good, though. Because there's a wider for creativity, they don't tend to have rushed development as such, etc, etc.

That's why the Lord of The Rings games are quite good. Wouldn't hurt to have a remake of the hack 'n slash as FF-style RPGs, though. :neomon:

The Bond games, as it's been pointed out, are also usually good. The games can have their own independent stories, and don't have to be based on any particular film. They just have to feature James Bond, the compulsory Bond girls, etc, and all the rest is generally independent. Nightfire and Everything or Nothing were especially great.


And Goldeneye on the N64 is regarded as one of the best games of all time and just has to be mentioned. Might not have aged too well over the years but not many console FPS games have come close to it.

Crap, I can't believe I forgot Goldeneye 64. I agree. Even by today's standards, I consider Goldeneye to be one of the top FPS videogames out there.
I didn't want to admit this, but I actually enjoyed the Xena game for the PS >_< it is actually fun, but once you get to a certain point, it is really hard. I loved using the Chakram. I'd use it all the time and I'd hit cows and stuff. Zombies too. It'd cut them in half sometimes.

I also had The Lion King on a Sega Game Gear that I enjoyed. It was pretty hard and I never was able to beat it.

Huh? What's a Game Gear?

Sega Game Gear wiki
Huh? What's a Game Gear?

Sega Game Gear wiki
OMFZ! I remember, that when i was on Elementary; i got a friend who takes his Game Gear once to the school and everyone was so amazed!! He let us play a little (Jurassic Park or something like that); men i'm feeling old now! >_<

Anyway, returning to the topic. As i can remember, the "24" game wasn't that bad (in fact was surprisingly 'not bad'); Chronicles of Riddick, CSI. You can also try anime games.
Crap, I can't believe I forgot Goldeneye 64. I agree. Even by today's standards, I consider Goldeneye to be one of the top FPS videogames out there.

I made sure I mentioned the game specifically because I noticed you missed it. :monster:

I also had The Lion King on a Sega Game Gear that I enjoyed. It was pretty hard and I never was able to beat it.

Huh? What's a Game Gear?

Sega Game Gear wiki

Are you insulting our intelligence or did you within the same post just ask yourself what a Game Gear was and link it to the relevent wiki page?

Another game well worth mentioning is the 4-player Simpsons arcade game which ranks alongside the Streets of Rage games as my fave in the genre. It truly was made of epic win.
Are you insulting our intelligence or did you within the same post just ask yourself what a Game Gear was and link it to the relevent wiki page?

Yes, I'm insulting your intellegence. I mean, it couldn't be the fact that there are 15-year olds who probably don't know what it is. That's definitely not the reason :monster:

I forgot about T2 on the SNES. It's a very hard game, so hard a seasoned pro player might have difficulties. But I enjoyed the little I could play.
Lol, you probably wouldn't believe me, but I actually enjoyed a couple of movie games that are normally on the worst 10 list.

Enter the Matrix- Good for what it was, I enjoyed mindlessly killing off hordes of SWAT members, played it on the GC and never an into any glitches, guess I was lucky XD.

Superman 64- Lol I know the graphics were horrible and the gameplay wasn't the best, but hey, you get to BE Superman. I thought it was alright though.

That's funny about the GameGear thing though. Now I feel old too. XD
Enter the Matrix- Good for what it was, I enjoyed mindlessly killing off hordes of SWAT members, played it on the GC and never an into any glitches, guess I was lucky XD
You gotta be kiddin' me man.

I could never finish the game (neither PS2 or GC) after the mission with Ghost when he jumps from a church to another roof. The game always freezes on that cinema.:mad:
Oy, if knowing what a Game Gear makes you feel old, what about a 3DO? Anyone know what that is? There was one game for it that I dont know which came first, the game or the movie, but Wing Commander is pretty good. I never played it, but I watched my mom play it. Now I feel old...
I played Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe from the Xbox. Surprisingly it was a very fun game. It wasn't great by any means, but it didn't suck. You choose a level by picking a panel on the wardrobe, and the panels have designs inspired from the book "The Magicians Nephew" which I found to be awesome.

you can also control all four children and each have their own special ability. The game was short but fun to play :)
The LOTR games that came out accompanying the movies were all pretty fun I thought. Very atmospheric, for most parts quite challenging, and really fun in multiplayer. The third one in particular was great.
What Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic?

Technically they are based off a movie and they were both fantastic games. Some of the best characters I've ever seen in an RPG. I'm of the opinion that they actually put movies to shame.
Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban on the GBA is definitely good.
The graphics were beautiful, and so was the gameplay. Probably one of the few movie-turned-videogames I've enjoyed.