Top 10 Favorite Gaming Characters


10. Kratos (God Of War)
9. Link (Zelda)
8. Nightmare (Soul Calibur)
7. Zell (Final Fantasy VIII)
6. Leon (Resident Evil)
5. Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim)
4. Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)
3. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
2. Byran Fury (Tekken)
1. Dark Adonis Vyers/Mid-Boss (Disgaea)
I have waaaay to many fav characters, so, I'll try to leave out Final Fantasy

1) Issun from Okami. I mean, come on, one inche tall, he has a kickass sword, and he has the nerve to constantly tease the mother to us all.

2) Okami Amertasu, again from Okami. Why? She is the creator god, in wolf form. She litterly slices and dices. And she has an awesome victory howl.

3) Waka, yes, a third character from Okami. He has a flute that can transform into a light saber, and also wields a katana, using the two weapons as twin swords, obliterating everything in his way. Plus, he has awesome hair.

4) Alex from Golden Sun. He has to be the most powerful adept alive, yet, we never see him fight once. On top of that, he is a water adept, which makes it all even better. He uses the entire cast to do his evil bidding. He, like waka, has awesome hair.

5) Riku from Kingdom Hearts. Come, on, whats not to like? Great friend of Sora's, uber powers of Darkness, and nice hair. Thats why.

6) Clank from Ratchet and Clank. He is awesome. Super smart, double as a jetpack, and he fits on like a backpack. I can't really like him for his hair, well, he is a robot, so he hasn't any.

7) Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories. Yeah, he is cool. His sythe says it all. He is teh ninja. His quick swipes of his blade left me with very little HP, lol. Yeah, cool hair.

8) Shiranui, from Okami. Yes, I know, a fourth character from the game. Yes, I know, we do play as an incartion as her, and she only has about 10 mins of screen time, and, doesn't say anything, I was still very attached to her. Partly because of the Legend of Orochi, and how many times everyone repeated it.

9) Captain Quark from Ratchet and Clank. Great comic relief. Just really funny to watch him try to be a hero, lol.

10) Axel from Kingdom Hearts. He is a great character. Awesome hair, and his weapons are sweet. Plus, his power over fire, too cool.
I have waaaay to many fav characters, so, I'll try to leave out Final Fantasy

1) Issun from Okami. I mean, come on, one inche tall, he has a kickass sword, and he has the nerve to constantly tease the mother to us all.

2) Okami Amertasu, again from Okami. Why? She is the creator god, in wolf form. She litterly slices and dices. And she has an awesome victory howl.

3) Waka, yes, a third character from Okami. He has a flute that can transform into a light saber, and also wields a katana, using the two weapons as twin swords, obliterating everything in his way. Plus, he has awesome hair.

Agreed on all three :elmo:
I completely forgot about Okami, and this list should be bigger than just 10. Issun was such a huge perv, he was hilarious. Waka was cool, I never understood why Issun hated him. And don't forget, Ammy can piss on her enemies too :wacky:

9) Captain Quark from Ratchet and Clank. Great comic relief. Just really funny to watch him try to be a hero, lol.
YES. Quark is freaking win, he's like a lame, cowardly version of Buzz Lightyear. His little sidescrolling stages in Up Your Arsenal are awesome, you can make him wear a tutu, and his hideaway on that Ice Planet is one of my favorite levels in the game.
1. Tonberry, of the Final Fantasy Series
2. Vivi, of Final Fantasy IX
3. Red XIII, of Final Fantasy VII
4. Matthew, of Fire Emblem
5. Mask Worm, of the Monster Rancher Series
6. Gerik, of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
7. Irvine, of Final Fantasy VIII
8. Lyn, of Fire Emblem
9. Yuffie, of Final Fantasy VII
10. Glen, of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
1: Cloud Strife
2: Minsc
3: Vivi Orunitia
4: Anyone from FF1 except Black Belt and White Mage
5: Dark Elf from Sacred
6: Edwin Odesseiron
7: Drizzt Do'Urden
8: Kain Highwind
9: Ricard Highwind
10: Roy
10:Moogle(FF) Kupo !!!
Not really in order...

1.Link - I love his little noises, and that he doesn't talk.
2.Yuna - Some good ol' White Mage/Summoner goodness.
3. Samus (Metroid) - I was so proud when I found out she was a woman. Most main shooters are men.
4.Lulu - Kicks major butt with her magics.
5.Morty (Pokemon) - I just always loved him.
6.Cheshire Cat - Loved that I finally saw him in a game.
7.Kisuke Urahara - Just a shop manager in the game I have, but I like it.
8.Rayman - I just always loved him.
9.Kai (Beyblade) - Gave me a bloody hard time in the game...
10.Rip (Crash Bandicoot Racing) - I think that was his name... Crazy lil blue dog, who tried to beat you off the track. Adorable, really.
In no particular order

1. Gan Ning (Dynasty Warriors): A pirate who joined an army, so he could do some piracy, legally. That's my kind of guy. Plus his musou was probably the best move in the damn game (DW3) and he was just totally the bomb.
2. Dante (Devil May Cry): A half-demon, demon-hunter. And he was freakin' sweet. Plus he had some kickass swords/guns/weapons of major ass-kicking-ness. Probably my favourite on this list.
3. Isaac (Golden Sun): I thought he was cool, and a good main character to have. Levelled him up early and kicked major ass later on, I did.
4. Samus (Metroid): She just kicked total ass, how often do you find a woman who has been trained by near-God-like warriors then let loose on the galaxy... Not very often, thats how much.
5. Professor Oak (Pokemon): The things he said, while probably not designed too, simply cracked me up... God that guy was funny...
6. Auron (FFX): Sheer cool-/awesome-ness coupled with the best lines in that damn game. Fact he was a ghost-thing didn't detract either.
7. Sheik (Legend of Zelda): I never like Zelda, not a clue why, but when I found out she was sheik, I loved Sheik even more! A ninja, quick-change princess... what's not to love?!
8. Zaraki Kenpachi (Bleach): Such a great guy, plus he's super strong and doesn't take anyone's shit. He was also freakin' awesome to use in the Bleach Games
9. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog): The fact that a blue hedgehog was saving the world gave me weeks of shit to laugh about. Plus, he was cool.
10. Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim): Come on, who didn't like this little guy. He was an Earthworm... who killed shit!
7. Sheik (Legend of Zelda): I never like Zelda, not a clue why, but when I found out she was sheik, I loved Sheik even more! A ninja, quick-change princess... what's not to love?!
8. Zaraki Kenpachi (Bleach): Such a great guy, plus he's super strong and doesn't take anyone's shit. He was also freakin' awesome to use in the Bleach Games
9. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog): The fact that a blue hedgehog was saving the world gave me weeks of shit to laugh about. Plus, he was cool.
Always suspected that Sheik was a woman. I dunno why, there was a weird softness that I got from her. Not at all manly. XD She's cool though. :3

About Zenpachi, I like his lil pink-haired friend. She's sooo cute. XD I'm just having a hard time remembering names.. but I loved how she called him Kenny.

And about Sonic, you just reminded me of Knuckles. He's AWESOME. And Mephiles the Dark, in the new Rivals game. He's great to. He greatly reminds me of Dark Link, in Ocarina of Time.
Always suspected that Sheik was a woman. I dunno why, there was a weird softness that I got from her. Not at all manly. XD She's cool though. :3

About Zenpachi, I like his lil pink-haired friend. She's sooo cute. XD I'm just having a hard time remembering names.. but I loved how she called him Kenny.

And about Sonic, you just reminded me of Knuckles. He's AWESOME. And Mephiles the Dark, in the new Rivals game. He's great to. He greatly reminds me of Dark Link, in Ocarina of Time.

Didn't you know Sheik was a woman Leki?

Little pink-haired friend... you mean Yachiru? His lieutenant. She's totally awesome, and funny, considering Kenpachi relies on her for directions, but her sense of direction is actually worse than his. And his is BAD.

Ah, Knuckles... he served us well...
He was fairly awesome, but I liked Sonic a bit more. Mainly because he was Blue!

I haven't played the new rivals game... the fact that this guy reminds you of Dark Link, who was fairly awesome I thought, means I must get it...
Didn't you know Sheik was a woman Leki?

Little pink-haired friend... you mean Yachiru? His lieutenant. She's totally awesome, and funny, considering Kenpachi relies on her for directions, but her sense of direction is actually worse than his. And his is BAD.

Ah, Knuckles... he served us well...
He was fairly awesome, but I liked Sonic a bit more. Mainly because he was Blue!

I haven't played the new rivals game... the fact that this guy reminds you of Dark Link, who was fairly awesome I thought, means I must get it...
No no! I meant I suspected it earlier in the game. She didn't really seem to help fight (as most male character would), she just gave him tips and help.

Yachiru! Yes, that's her! Adorable. Deserves a cookie. :cookie2:

^___^ And yes about Mephiles, I haven't acuatlly gotten the game, but I've read and watched alot of videos on him, and he seems really good. Apparently, he's the shadow of Shadow. But there is more to him, just don't want to give spoilers! Although... his voice is very dramatic. :P
My top ten is like alot so imma just put ten characters I like out of 100:

1. Prince of Persia (Prince of Persia Series)

2. Dante (Devil May Cry Series)

3. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)

4. Kratos ( God of War Series)

5. Mario (Super Mario Series)

6. Sonic ( Sonic the Hedgehog Series)

7. Link (Legend of Zelda Series)

8. Cloud ( Final Fantasy VII)

9. Dart (Legend of Dragoon)

10. Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII)
1. Vincent Valentine - FFVII
2. Gan Ning - Dynasty Warriors
3. The Prince of Persia - Prince of Persia Series
4. Rose - Legend of Dragoon
5. Knuckles - Sonic Series
6. Alucard - Castlevania Sympathy of the Night
7. Marth - Fire Emblem
8. Lady Lyndis - Fire Emblem
8. Guy - Fire Emblem
10. Link - Legend of Zelda Series
1. Quistis Trepe [FFVIII]
2. Rufus Shinra [FFVII]
3. Kefka [FFVI]
4. Dante [Devil May Cry]
5. Solid Snake [Metal Gear Solid]
6. Albel Nox [Star Ocean 3]
7. Zack Fair [FFVII]
8. Phoenix Wright [Phoenix Wright]
9. Akihiko Sanada [Persona 3]
10. Balthier [FFXII]
I'm not sure what my whole list would be, but here's where it starts...

1) Asellus (Saga Frontier)
Man, Asellus could pack a punch. It might have taken a lot of rigorous training to make her invincible...but...this has to be one of the most awesomest characters, in battle, and out, that I've ever seen in a game.
I mean, she was half human, and half mystic (an ageless vampiristic race of sexually dynamic humanoids). And she had green hair...awesome. :cool:

2) Garnet and Beatrix (FFIX)
Ok, this is a really biased choice to have in second place...but the reason I'm putting both of these girls here has everything to do with the amazing story. They each have their own specific struggles throughout the game, but...they're both these incredibly strong-willed women with good intentions and pure hearts. It's melting my heart, how sweet they both are. :inlove: (Oh...besides the fact that Beatrix beats the steaming crap out of you like 892159435 times throughout the game)...

Some other characters that I love include:
Zack Fair (FFVII)
Blank & Zidane (FFIX)
Cort (Legend of Legaia)
Ultimecia (FFVIII)
I don't really have 10, I'd say its about 6 or 7, so I'll just stick to 5 which I know are definately my favourites.

5. Vivi (FFIX) - He is so cute, and funny, and has such an interesting personality. His black magic was the best, and I'd love to take him home and have him as a friend!

4. Vincent Valentine (FFVII)- He is so interesting, and is one of the most interesting characters in FFVII. I always used him in battles, and I really like how mysterious he is.

3. Nina Williams (Tekken) - She is one of the sexiest characters ever. I love her so much because she was the character I was always best at using on Tekken, and could pretty much defeat anyone using her as a character. Plus, again, I love her different revealing outfits, and how she still manages to fight in them ( breasts falling out whilst wearing 6 inch high heels).

2. Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 1 and 3) - I always loved how she was really strong, and didn't take any crap, but she was still a human being (well, in gaming world that is) and didn't seem really fake. I loved her RE and RE3, and she had such a great outfit in RE3.

1. Lulu (FFX) - I actually adored Lulu, she is the perfect game character ever, in my opinion. I love her personality, how she seems so blunt and insensitive, but you start to realise she is caring and loving. But she could always kick anyones ass in a battle, and had the best spells ever. And not to mention the coolest outfit to have ever of existed in an FF game.
1. Wakka

2. Zell

3. Samus Aran (Metroid Prime)

4. Balthier

5. The Merchant (wii version of Resi Evil 4)

6. Solid Snake

7. Rikku

8. Fran

9. Barrett

10. Pikachu!
1. Solid Snake (Metal Gear/Solid)
The guy is just awesome! He's like the James Bond from the games; always in solo missions saving the world with just his charisma, some non-lethal weapons (At least you start like that) and some cigarettes. And he also keeps the girl! ;P... sometimes xD

2. Gordon Freeman (Half Life/HL2)
Whoever has played any HL game, knows that this guy just rlz!! With just his metal bar (or gravitational gun), he can stand against police, aliens and an entire nation! Yeah!

3. Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Even when most of the people doesn't like Link due the lack of a real personality (he has no voice, they say); i like the character a lot; he;s brave and has kick Ganondorf's ass several times now xD. Also, his games are almost always awesome!

4. Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
I can't do other thing than respect and admire a guy who goes to the end of the world (into a forbidden land and stealing a sword btw), make a deal with a demon-god, kill colossus like 100 times his size (which can fly, swim, move and attack) and end
losing his soul to the evil and becoming a child with horns
. Just for his girl!! Aye Wander!

5. Guy Cecil/Gailardia Gardios (Tales of the Abyss)
Well, at first, the only think i like about guy was his fighting style; i rather prefer the speed style than others; but when i reach the part of the Guy story, his past and the background of his fear on women; i ended up liking more than Luke. He's optimistic and charismatic besides his sad past.

There's my top 5. If i need to put other 5 here; there's end of my list. I also like them a lot, but the ones over there are just my total favs.

6. Samus Aran (Metroid)
7. Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)
8. Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia)
9. Balthier (Final Fantasy XII)
10. Kratos (God of War)
1.Link - He's not much on personality but he's my favorite character on Soul Caliber 2 and one of my favorites on Smash Bros. Melee.

2.Mario - Why not.

3.Cecil(ffiv) - I liked the whole theme with going from dark to light to save the world. Wonder if I could get a mod to make him dark Cecil after he changes to a paladin, that'd be sweet...

4.Delita(FFTactics) - This was another case of an evolving character. Not sure about this boards spoiler policy so I won't say anything else...

5.Namine - ZOMG those eyes. I haven't played KH2 yet :( but I liked her a lot better than Kairi. She seems kind of defensless but she has the power to break peoples hearts... literally)

6.Quistis - The saving grace for FFVIII, who could turn down a hot smexy teacher only a couple of years older than you?(not dissing VIII really, actually prolly in my top 3 FF's)

7.Rikku - XD, if you can't tell yet, I like the chix.

8.Cloud - I don't think anyone has anything on Cloud when it comes to being a straight-up badass. Whether you are fighting with him in game or watching him on Advent Children, hell even summoning him in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

9. Sephiroth - I associated myself with Sephy all the way through highschool just cause I thought we were a lot alike.

10.Tom(???) - Think that's his name, the guy that owns the mansion in Suikoden 3. He was probably the funnest out of all the characters, and I like the way they potrayed him.
1. Link (The Legend of Zelda series)
2. Dante (Devil May Cry series)
3. Nero (Devil May Cry 4)
4. Regal Bryant (Tales of Symphonia)
5. Kratos (God of War series)
6. Zack (Final Fantasy VII/Crisis Core)
7. Altaïr (Assasins Creed)
8. Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 4)
9. Ada Wong (Resident Evil 4)
10. Zell Dincht (Final Fantasy VIII)