Top 10 Favorite Gaming Characters


1. Rikku (FFX)
2. Crash Bandicoot (Crash series)
3. Spyro the Dragon (Spyro series)
4. Mario (Mario series)
5. Link (Link series)
6. Dante (DMC)
7. Altier (Assians Creed)
8. Pokemon Trainer (Pokemans)
9. Vincent (DoC)
10. Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank)

In no particular order...It was my top 10 at first but then I started remembering all these characters and I cba changing them around.
I have many favorites, im posting the ones i like most, 5 Males 5 Females.
No particular order:

1 - Lu Bu (DW6)
2 - Shu Shirakawa (SRW Saga)
3 - Genesis (FFVII)
4 - Sephiroth (FFVII)
5 - Auron (FFX)
6 - Lamia Loveless (SRW Saga)
7 - Rikku (FFX)
8 - Yuna (FFX)
9 - Diao Chan (DW6)
10 - Da Ji (WO)
1.Sir Matthew Steele (Stronghold2)
2.Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
3.Link (The Legend of Zelda)
4.Squall (FFVIII)
5.Tommy Vercetti (GTA Vice City)
6.Mario (super mario)
7.Rachet (Rachet and Clank
8.Seifer (FFVIII)
9.Cloud (FFVII)
10.King Mickey(Kingdom Hearts)
1.Urnot wrex (mass effect)
2. The swede from mercs (mainly for the comment of this is an emergancy a viking emergancy)
3.Auron (ffX)
4.Barret (ff7s version of Mr T)
5.cliff (star ocean 3)
6.Big boss (mgs3)
7. Seong Mina (soul blade)
8. Cloud (ff7)
9. Reno/Rude (ff7)
10.Cortez (timesplitters 3)
In no particular order:

Jack of Blades (Fable) I love his voice and sense of humor. Also one of the best evil characters I've seen.
343 Guilty Spark (Halo) Come on, do I have to explain? He's a floating blue ball that's insane and hums.
Lucien Lachance (TES IV) so melodramatic.... and assassiny.
Kreia (KotOR II) OMG she is so coldhearted and has such dark humor. and an old lady.
HK-47 (KotOR) his bloodthirstyness and speech pattern make a hilarious combination.
Illidan (Warcraft III) he looks really cool and has a cool voice.
Jon Irenicus (Baldur's Gate II) So eeeviiil. and British.
Giovanni (Pokemon) Head of team rocket. Need I say more?
Cortana (Halo) She's a super smart purple/green/blue hologram AND is voiced by princess peach
Nall (Lunar: The Silver Star) he's a cute cat-dragon thingy and is completely adorable.
For me it would be something like this:

1. Zack Fair (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII)
2. Solid Snake (MGS series)
3. Nanaya Shiki (Tsukihime/Melty Blood....dunno if Tsukihime counts as a game though:P)
4. Archer (Fate/Stay Night)
5. Otacon (Metal Gear Series)
6. Tifa Lockheart (FFVII and Ehrgeiz)
7. Vamp (Metal Gear 2 and 4)
8. Angeal (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII)
9. Sora (KH games)
10. Link (Legend of Zelda games)

Would've included Big Boss in the list but I haven't played MGS3 much ^^;
In no particular order:

Squall (FFVIII)
Vivi (FFIX)
Link (Zelda series)
Mario (Mario series)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear series)
King of All the Cosmos (Katamari Damacy/We Love Katamari)
Tiki (The New Zealand Story)
Ico (Ico)
Chun Li (Street Fighter II)
Tails (Sonic series)
01.Rikku (Final Fantasy X)
02.Meru (Legend of Dragoon)
03.Albel (Star Ocean Til The End Of Time)
04.Rinoa (Final Fantasy VIII)
05.Zero (Megaman X5)
06.Fran (Final Fantasy XII)
07.Jr (Xenosaga)
08.Vincent (-Dirge of Cerberus- Final Fantasy VII)
09.Scorpion (Mortal Combat)
10.Nero (Devil May Cry 4)
Lieutenant Sarah Louise Kerrigan / Infested Kerrigan - Starcraft.
Riku - Kingdom Hearts.
Kuja, Sephiroth and Ansem - Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
Guybrush Threepwood - The Adventures of/The Curse of/Escape from Monkey Island.
Judge Magister Gabranth - Final Fantasy.

...and I'm actually struggling to meet the quota of 10. I'll try to add more at a later point.
HMMMMM *ponders*

1 Sephiroth
2 Cloud Strife
3 Vincent Valentine
4 Cid (FFVII)
5 Squall Leonheart
6 Luigi!!!!
7 the 1up Mushroom (Its kinda like a character)
8 Zack Fair
9 Rude/Reno
10 Sora

(not a video game but Torchwood Has my Heart)
Here are my top 10 favorite gaming characters:

1.Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
2.Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
3.Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
4.Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
5.Magus (Chrono Trigger)
6.Squall Leonheart (Final Fantasy VIII)
7.Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
8.Altima (Final Fantasy Tactics)
9.Beatrix (Final Fantasy IX)
10.Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts II)

Hmm, I don't think I've ever done this.

1. Uhh...hard choice. The Hero (Dragonquest VIII)
2. Vincent Valentine (FFVII)
4. Fayt (Star Ocean: Till the End of Time)
5. Ezio Auditore and Altair (Assassin's Creed Series)
6. John Marston (Red Dead Redemption)
7. Dart (Legend of Dragoon)
8. -
9. -
10. -

1000000. Cloud Strife
1000001. Sephiroth :mokken:
1. Squall Leonhart(Final Fantasy VIII)
2. Laguna Loire(Final Fantasy VIII)
3. Max Payne(Max Payne)
4. Arthas(Warcraft III)
5. Locke Cole(Final Fantasy VI)
6. Noctis Lucis Caelum(Final Fantasy versus XIII)
7. Kratos(God of War)
8. Alma Wade(F.E.A.R.)
9. Celes Chere(Final Fantasy VI)
10. Tyrael(Diablo II)
1:Seymour Guado(FFX)
5:crono(Chrono Trigger
6: Pip(Chrono Cross)

Cactuar appeared in a few diffrent games playable and you can control Castforms in Pokemon so hush it.
Ohh I love lists like this :D
Ok Mine are:

1. Riku (KH Series) I love him because he's kind of misunderstood but pulls through eventually, he's hawt too and I just like his friendship with Sora.
2. Zidane (FFIX) I love Zidane because he is such an upbeat character without becoming annoying. He cares about his friends and is a pretty lulzy flirt!
3. Pikachu (Pokemon) Yeah, I am one of those lame people who love the worlds most famous electric rat, i think he's adorable and I hold a soft spot for him because of Pokemon Yellow.
4. Luigi (Mario Brothers Series) I think I like Luigi because he is always in his brother's shadow, I also think he is hilarious and I do like the colour green ;)
5. Vivi (FFIX) Yes another IX character. I love Vivi because he really evolves as a character in the game and you find yourself really enjoying his storyline, and he is cute.
6. Jin (Tekken) Omg I love Jin and I don't even know why haha, I suck at using him but back in the day when Tekken 3 was popular I found myself madly inlove with him... I am sad :S
7. Cloud (FFVII) I like cloud pretty much because he is hot, but also because he is an interesting character. I like all his designs from AV - KH and just find he is an all round great character, even if he is an emo D:
8. Spyro (Spyro the Dragon) I only like spyro back in the PSOne days, back when he was actually cool. His games were awesome and who didn't love playing as a cute little purple dragon??
9. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog) Sonic used to be my all time favourite character, but he's dropped quite a few levels, he's just not as cool as he used to be, but I still love him and find his old 2D games and the anime to be a lot of fun!!
10. Sora (KH Series) I love Sora because he's a happy-go-lucky hero that's loyal to his friends, I do think Riku should have been the main character but I am bias, I still love Sora though and he made it to my top 10!

There you have it :D
(hope you enjoy my Vomit coloured text too!

1. Stella Nox Fleuret (Final Fantasy Versus XIII-Early I know, but I know I'll like her)- Beautiful, bubbly, intelligent, a lady... shes unafraid to stand up for her beliefs...and she's not afraid to wear a cute skirt and cardy to a battle with a guy :monster:
2. Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy Versus XIII) I've already explained why I like him so much in many other threads...but I already really like him because he's strong, arrogant (I know that probably sounds bad, however I find a bit of arrogance in the right situation sexy), fights for what he wants...and I know he's the most gorgeous looking male character in a game I'll ever see.
3. Aeris Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII) I haven't finished the game yet, but Aerith is already my favorite character. She's so sweet and innocent...yet she radiates beauty from inside and outside. She's a strong female character who doesn't rely on her assets or attitude to sell her beauty to others.
4. Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy IV) Ohhh Kain. He may have been a bit of a sell out but he was still a great character. So strong, so independent...verrry easy on the eyes. But he realized he has weaknesses...and to share the weight of his problems with others and that he doesn't have to go it alone. He did a character change by the end of the game and I like that.
5. Luigi (Mario Bros.) Ohhh Luigi...he always followed in the footsteps of his popular brother, but he was always my either regular form or baby form :awesome:
6. Ashe (Final Fantasy XII) Some called her a bitch..but this is one strong willed, determined woman. I don't really care what people think about her, she loses her husband before they ever really got to enjoy living a life together...and then after fleeing from where she lives the first person she runs into is Vaan :ffs: I suppose I'd have some sort of complex for the rest of the game if I was in her shoes. I also thought she was a very pretty, orginal-looking Final Fantasy female.
7. Rydia (Final Fantasy IV)- I thought Rosa was very pretty in IV, but Rydia I thought played the better female part in the game. She grew up facing many challenges, yet she overcame them and she didn't need a guy love interest to be able to do it. I loved her outfit and I think she is the best exotic looking FF female...and she totally rocked the green hair :monster:
8. Niko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto 4) He may have played a reckless idiot (like all people in any GTA game) but I lol'd so hard at some of his I liked his russian made the game interesting.
9. Sack Guy (little Big Planet) He's so cute! How can you not love him???
10. Sazh (Final Fantasy XIII) IMO the only redeemable character from FFXIII. He really got shorted story-wise compared to the rest of the group, but his story touched me the most. I loved all of his wise cracks and jokes throughout the made the game a little more tolerable for me.
1: Dante (Devil May Cry Series) I think it goes without saying that he's incredibly badass :ryan: he's just always been cool from his attitude, the way he speaks to his enemies and also times when he gets a bit emotional. He doesn't overplay how powerful he is and his fun loving side always makes DMC a joy to play :awesome:

2: Laguna Loire (Final Fantasy 8) Funny, clumsy, numb leg, what's not to love? :wacky: he's far from the badass factor but he's always entertaining with all the antics he gets up to.

3: Klonoa (Klonoa Series) You knew he'd enter the list :mokken: the gibberish speaking Dream Traveller who, while not the funniest, badass or toughest character, his way of handling situations, as well as his personality definately win him cool points.

4: Masamune Date (Samurai Warriors Series, Warriors Orochi Series) the cocky little shit who takes on entire armies armed with an ego, a blade and a gun. Just runs in headfirst and definately gives the games he appears in a different edge to the seriousness of the other characters.

5: Morrigan (Dragon Age: Origins) Two words, Queen. Bitch. She absolutely destroys all your party with her banter, absolute joy hearing her rip into everyone :rofl:

6: Raiden (Metal Gear Solid Series) Stealth game with swordplay? Yes fucking please. As well as having the most epic final boss fight with Solidus Snake he also gets electric death powaz in 4. Not to mention how advanced his swordplay has become too, even fighting with his feet :wacky:

7: Spyro (Spyro the Dragon Series) By this I mean cool Spyro, not Elijah Spyro who turned him into a total pansy that I wanted to punch whenever he spoke :jtc: Cool Spyro was... Cool :wacky: cocky attitude, happy go lucky, no real fear no matter how tough (or often big) his enemies are and always able to lend a hand :ryan:

8: Justin (Grandia 1) Aside from FF, Grandia 1 was my first PS1 RPG and I LOVED Justin, from his way of thinking to all the charm that he had with his adventuring side. Never a dull moment in Grandia and having Gadwin destroy him was certainly the moment his character REALLY fleshed out.

9: Magus (Chrono Trigger) Two words... Badass Incarnate, this guy just turns up out of the blue and rips you apart (or at least he did to me :sad3:) and then later on you find out so much about him and how special he is, even among his own kind. he was so badass to me I couldn't bring myself to give him a rematch because I thought he'd destroy me (again) :lew:

10: Kain (Legacy of Kain Series) Twilight fantards, take notes on what a real vampire is, this guy is a prime example. As well as being a walking thesaurus his abilities, story and motivations are and always will be both amazing and hard to understand at face value which really makes you always have to guess his intentions. No matter how many times you see him he is really hard to trust, especially when in Soul Reaver, you enter Raziel's shoes and have to weigh up what he did to him against Kain's newfound wish to get Raziel to 'understand the situation' :wacky:
1. Cloud Strife (FFVII)
2. Riku (KH Series)
3. Roxas (KH Series)
4. Xigbar (KH Series)
5. Aqua (KH: BBS)
6. Hope Estheim (FFXIII)
7.Sophitia (Soul Calibur)
8. Taki (Soul Calibur)
9. Christie (Tekken)
10.Hworang (Tekken)
Could have sworn I'd done this before...ah well. Here is my list:

1) Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Profile) - This guy redefines what it is to be a villain. He's so ordinary-looking, and I definetely did not see him coming. He kills Odin and becomes a God himself, creates his own realm, and very nearly merges himself with Lenneth, which is in itself a very disturbing motivation. He's a completely twisted psychopath with the creepiest laugh ever. Plus I love his voice actor ♥

2) Leanne (Resonance of Fate) - She goes both ways. It's good to know.
...well, Leanne is what kept me interested in RoF's story, and she's quite an appealing character, since a lot of time is spent on her in the game. Plus she's just about the cutest character I've ever seen in a video game ♥

3) Kainé (NieR) - A hermaphrodite dressed in revealing clothing who swears every five fucking minutes. What's not to like? She is definetely the third and the fourth endings in the game...:sad2:

4) Popola (NieR) - "IT'S TOO LATE TO STOP! NOBODY STOPS!" :rage:
...oh, and she has a wonderful singing voice.

5) Vayne Solidor (FFXII) - I like Vayne, he's the first (and only, asides from perhaps Delita in Tactics) FF villain to show some real depth to him. FINALLY, someone who is more about strategy and diplomacy than force. He thinks himself both Hamlet and Claudius in a world that belongs to Polonius, and he's quite entertaining to watch.

6) Tsubaki (Trinity Universe) - Tsubaki gets a mention just for making Kanata's story worth playing. Feeding Kanata random made-up bits of information, squabbling with Etna, randomly losing her she's quite useful in combat.

7) Alex (Golden Sun) - Despite how bad Dark Dawn was, I still like Alex a lot. I'm still not entirely sure if he's a villain or not, and that uncertainty makes him a really appealing character. Plus that he also
has a son in Amiti
makes him all the more interesting...he's a complete enigma, and not many characters these days manage that. Certainly not over three games.

8) Liquid Snake (Metal Gear Solid) - Liquid made Metal Gear Solid. I don't care what anyone else says, the only reason I played MGS after the first was because of Liquid Ocelot. The accent, the spectacular inferiority complex, the refusal to die right up to the end, despite being shot down, punched off the top of Rex, and then being shot up again...Liquid is a classic villain.

9) Melodia (Baten Kaitos) - This girl is fucking terrifying. She's another one of those villains you totally don't suspect. Quiet, and generally quite sweet...who turns out to be a complete maniac.

10) Faize (Star Ocean: The Last Hope) - I liked Faize, it's just a shame he vanished halfway through the game. Watching his slow descent into despair was enjoyable, and having him as the
final boss
was quite a surprise...although a welcome one, since
last bosses
in SO games don't usually make any sense at all. Although his
relationship with Lymle bothers me immensely...she looks like she's seven years old. She's actually around thirteen or fourteen. Still underage no matter how you look it, and it's damned sinister...