Top 10 Favorite Gaming Characters

In no particular order:

+ Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - Oh come on, what's not to love about this guy? His games have proven that he can trump Lara Croft any day on the treasure-hunting front. His voice acting is just sublime to say the least and I just love the dialogue he gets.

+ Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI) - Perhaps one of the only few FF main protagonists that I really like, and not just because she's the first female lead. At the beginning you can see just how easily frightened she is of her power and her role in the empire. Towards the end you can just see how far she's developed - just overall a fresh and very interesting written character.

+ Joker (Batman: Arkham Asylum) - Crazy bastard. And yet I fucking love the guy, even moreso that he's voiced by no other than Mark Hamill in this game. I really do have to applaud the scriptwriters for his dialogue. His lines really do make a lot of the game for me. He and Harley Quinn even make the game over screens comical for me.

+ Balthier (Final Fantasy XII) - And this guy practically saved FFXII's cast of protagonists (bar Basch to an extent). Screw that pre-adolescent guy you call Vaan. Balthier should have been the main, with his heavy Han Solo-like inspired characteristics and sharp, witty dialogue. I was pretty glad that later on in the game the writers didn't forget to give him some backstory and such.

+ Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile) - Given the choice between her, Lenneth or Silmeria, I would easily go with her as being the best Valkyrie of the three, probably because I have a thing for the more ruthless and cunning anti-hero kind of types. Yet she cares for her sisters as well, so there's another side to Hrist besides the kind that is fiercely loyal to Odin and not hesitant in having kings beheaded.

+ Sam Gideon (Vanquish) - I love this guy and his general laid-back attitude even in the heat of the battlefield. He even finds time to casually lean back before a big fight and puff on a cigarette before charging in. I quite like his interactions with Burns as well.

+ Spyro - I concur with Damon here. The old Spyro was awesome. The Spyro that we all loved on the PSone. I hate what they've done to him now. He looks more vicious and less cute. Old Spyro was awesome.

+ Kefka (Final Fantasy VI) - One of the most well-received villains from the FF series and it's easy to say why. The guy doesn't need any convoluted excuse for his evil goals. He's just fucking twisted, mainly by no fault of his own. Okay, at first he does like running off, but later on, he
destroys the world
. How is that for getting the job done?

+ Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Profile) - He and Hrist practically made VP2 for me. And Martel, you've pretty much covered the basics of what I want to say about this guy. Appearances can be deceptive. You wouldn't think of what he's capable of when you first see this guy, but ohoho, he's also one of those twisted characters you'd love to have as an antagonist. Even in VP: Lenneth he manages to come in and leave a big impression on the player, even killing off

EDIT: + Gabranth (Final Fantasy XII) - I love his armour. In fact, I love all of the Judge Magisters' armour suits - well, bar Bergan to some extent with that helmet. I really liked Gabranth. He isn't some generic villain in a suit. You could actually understand him and even feel for him when he in particular is ordered by Vayne to execute a certain fellow Judge Magister.
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10) James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2): James is more or less, an idiot. But that's only by design. Apparently he forgot that he killed his own wife three years prior to the game's events and went to a spooky haunted town like it's nothing because there might be a slight chance that his dead wife wrote the letter that said she was in Silent Hill and...yeah. Anyways, what's unique about James is that the more you learn about Silent Hill, the more you learn about James. Since the Silent Hill that he sees is basically a reflection of his own inner demons and the look and feel of the town, and the design of the monsters tells us that there is more to the lovable crazy white moron that is James Sunderland.

9) Liquid Snake (Metal Gear Solid): What is there to say that hasn't been said about this guy already? He's a maniacal, intelligent war-clone with an English accent and my god, is he entertaining. In a lot of ways you can tell that this guy is almost amused by the way the world works, and grins at the fact that he's only an image of a more "real" man. I love how he died a death that wasn't intended for him. Basically the reason why Solid Snake is alive, is pure rotten luck.

8) GLaDOS (Portal): If I could marry an automated sentient being, it would be GLaDOS. She is sinister, logical, hysterical, beautiful and sexy in a twisted, unhealthy way. She is the one thing that gives Portal any character, and she leaves quite an impression. The song she sang in the ending credits, written by Jonathan Coulton, is a melodic phenomenon that reverberates in the minds of all nerds.

7) Ashelia B'naargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy XII): She doesn't seem to be very likable among the fans. It's nothing to do with her character, it's just her attitude. People seem to see only the outer shell of this character, which in their words (and for lack of a better word) bitchy. I don't think people consider her background nor her predicament in the game's events. Ashe is haunted by her husband's early death, her father's assassination and what she thought was an utter betrayal. And besides, it's not like she was the heir to the throne or anything (yes she is). She had to carry on an impossible mission with the company of four outlaws and a man accused of her father's death. Yet she still did what she believed was right, despite her strong feelings against the empire, and her want of revenge. That takes a serious amount of mental power, will power, selflessness and courage. Traits that are fit for a ruler of a country. Her actions were admirable, her composure believable and a far better female character than any other in the Final Fantasy library.

6) Delita Heiral (Final Fantasy Tactics): Delita shows that a man can accomplish anything if they put their mind to it. Ramza, the protagonist, seems to match Delita in almost every way but the one thing that polarized the two was a prejudicial aristocracy. The two condemn the idea of a man's place in life is dictated by their birth and name. And both hold similar values, but Delita's sister was killed in the interest of the "noble" order with little regard to her safety because she was low born. If Delita can't have the one thing that's pure in his life he'd have everything else. Manipulative, powerful, scheming and calculative, Delita is a soul lost in a sea of pretentious, barbaric "noble" criminals, and did all he could to convince himself that he was above it all. And nothing in the world could replace his sister, not even a kingdom. An honorable mention goes to Ramza Beoulve, who's done everything according to his firm beliefs, principals and values, even in the hardest times.

5) Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story): It seems pretentious of me to put him over some of the previous mentions, but Ashley is just that interesting. I don't intend to rely on hyperbole but Ashley is as enigmatic as Batman from the 1989 Burton film. You tend to develop a likeness towards him as you keep playing and sometimes learn some things about him. Like when he casts a Shaman spell, he puts his arms in the air like he's praying, and you can tell that he's a man of faith. He's also a bonafide badass. The guy is relentless, he overcomes any obstacle in his path, single handedly. Dude pwned goblins, dragons, wraiths, zombies, and every force of evil imaginable. The breakthrough in this character is that after learning his true past, and after completing his mission, he forgave himself for the abominable acts he's committed. Something - a few certain characters who practically saved the friggin' world ought to do every now and then-. What I like most about him is that his emotionless, focused, cold and ruthless persona is actually a part of his character rather than a lazy excuse for having a "cool" protagonist. The kind of demeanor you'd expect from a veteran Riskbreaker.

4) Loghain Mac Tir (Dragon Age: Origins): Loghain tests our perception of men like him. We were told again and again of his deeds in saving Ferelden and his king. The man's a hero, and he does the things that he believes are right in this rotten sadistic world. But because we see his current actions are despicable we tend to brush off any past deed and disregard any motives there are to explain the man. Which says to us that actions matter more than words, even if those words were of admirable acts. Hateful ones tend to have a different reaction though. I only sought to take a better look at the character after I read The Stolen Throne which narrates Loghain and Maric's tale of releasing Ferelden from Imperial Orlais. He isn't a coward, and he's not a power hungry tyrant. He's simply a man who has a hard time trusting others and would burn Ferelden to save it if he had to. It's just great how challenging it was to realize that about him.

3) Tali'zorah Nar Rayya (Mass Effect): You can really buy that she represents a completely different culture. The conversations with her are never boring, the more you become interested in her culture the more you become interesting in her. It's great to see true cultural diversity in a game. Even if it is fictional, Tali's background is more or less based on real cultures. She's believable as a capable tech expert and fighter, and a person who's on a journey to find her place in the world. Also, it's quite something to make you develop a slight affection towards a character whose face is barely visible.

2) Kanji Tatsumi (Persona 4): There isn't a single character in this game that I dislike (teddie isn't a favorite though) but if I had to pick just one, it'd definitely be Kanji. It's not often you find a game that explores the psyche of an insecure teenager who's battling his own self to please the grueling hypocritical society he lives in. Kanji "isn't normal" because he likes dolls over trucks. He's been teased and rejected because he doesn't meet the "standards of what makes one masculine" so he acts like a big tough guy. Also, he's gay. But that doesn't mean he's not attracted to girls. (in Japan it's okay to be gay and not at the same time), and this is suggested in the game in the most subtle way possible. He didn't need to say he's gay, in fact he didn't need to label himself at all. All he said was that his shadow is him. Persona 4 is full of characters like Kanji, but I liked that they asked hard questions like what is that makes one masculine? and why is it shameful to not be limited by society's accepted standards of masculinity? And is it necessary that sexual attraction defines an identity? and not just counted as another aspect of the person's sexual preference? I personally like to think that Kanji isn't a "bisexual", nor a "homosexual". He doesn't need to be identified as either and he doesn't see himself as either. He just saw who he is and accepted himself for who he is.

1) Illidan Stormrage (Warcraft): I'm very impressed with how complex this character is. Illidan wanted to do good but also wanted to be powerful. It's a perfect blend of selfishness and selflessness. They did a good job at writing him as a sympathetic character. He's hopelessly addicted to arcane magic. When the source of his power was threatened for the better good, he wouldn't have it so he made another one. Wouldn't you know it's also the source of arcane magic. He was imprisoned for his "betrayal" and released when they needed his help defeating a horde of demons. And he did, with some questionable decisions, he gained the power and the form of a demon. This goes back to his want of power, and he wanted to prove that he can become so much more for his love interest, Tyrande, who only showed affection for his twin brother. Even though he's the same person inside he was rejected by his people because of his appearance. Tyrande never loved Illidan because he lacks the inner power that Malfurion had, since Illidan was never content with what he had. He proceeds to make unfavorable decisions but none can be classified as evil. He was in fact, trying to rid the world of a blight, but an unfavorable turn of events interrupted him. Illidan's tale is long and epic, to summarize his story won't do the character justice. Let's just say that he's the true Tragic Prince of gaming.
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Not really a top 10 but these are my 10 faves.

Nathan Drake, Uncharted - God he is awesome, no matter what situation he's in, he always has amazing lines and comebacks, I love his attitude.

Dante Sparda- Devil may cry - Yeah, this dude has been my fave for a long time. Can't say what I dislike about him.

Nero Angelo- devil may cry - same as Dante

Alistair,Dragon age- He is funny xD his lines are hilarious, he can be an idiot but he is romantic also.

Jill Valentine - Resident evil

Noctis- I dunno him that well, but he looks pretty cool already

Oerba Yun Fang- FFXIII, favourite character from FFXIII, she's so badass and looks good too.

Snow Villiers- FFXIII - A lot of people may dislike him, but I still like him, even though he pissed me off a few times xD

Paine - FFX-2, she was the best of the whole game, and the only one who acted normal

Squall / Leon -, FFVIII

Gonna add Zevran as honorable mention. The guy is just like Alistair only more pervy xD but he is funny as welll. And I love his voice!
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1) Albedo Piazzolla (Xenosaga) - Even though he seems to put some people off, and a lot of fans seem to have the wrong idea about him, I think he's absolutely brilliant :jess: Not only is he debonair, intelligent, and smexy, but
under the guise of raging insanity, he was able to manipulate the entire galaxy just so that he could have his own brother kill him, to put an end to his own terrifying immortality.
I've never seen any game character that was nearly that interesting, and I doubt I ever will again. He's definitely my favorite of all time, I've expressed my undying love for him many times in both threads and signatures :D

2) Setzer Gabbiani (FFVI) - Even though I love Balthier, Setzer pulls off that awesome devil-may-care airship pilot/gambler persona with a flair that is unmatched in my eyes. He even looks rugged and adventurous, and watching the different layers of his story unfold throughout the game is quite gripping emotionally. He will always be one of my favorites.

3) Rydia of Mist (FFIV) - She kicks ass
as both a child and an adult :awesome:
IMO she is the most attractive female FF character as well, and I have always loved the style of her dress and hair.

4) Rubedo (Xenosaga) - The
brother of Albedo, his part in their crazy tale is equally engrossing. Despite his childlike appearance, he's supposed to be twenty-six,
and to have to keep that in mind when you watch his scenes adds an extra layer of interesting complexity to the story. The way he handles everything is impressive, and he is also an absolute powerhouse in battle if you level him up properly, due to his speed. A very well-developed character.

5) Magus (Chrono Trigger) - Most of what I find interesting about him is spoilerific, but he is a fascinating character, very powerful and fun to use, and I love that his story is one of those situations of perspective, where
you only think someone is evil until you find out the truth.

6) Frog (Chrono Trigger) - I always name him Arlon, actually :D Arlon is probably one of the best examples of old-fashioned chivalry I have ever seen in a game character, and I love it. Particularly in the SNES translation of his dialogue, he really fits the part well of a knight in 600 AD. He's one of those characters where even though he claims to have done things he's not proud of, his noble, selfless attitude the rest of the time more than makes up for it, IMO. Plus, he has one of the most epic cutscenes in the game--when
he uses the Masamune to cleave open the way to Magus's Castle :8F: awesome.

7) Albel Nox (Star Ocean 3) - A fascinating character, most of his interesting aspects are also the spoilerific ones, but I love how he's one of the few characters in the game who goes against the grain of the "shiny happy people" attitude. I think his backstory is epic, and he was quite underused in terms of the main story, they should've
woven his backstory into the taming of Croswell and made him captain of the Dragon Brigade somewhere within that part of the tale :mokken:
But oh well. Plus, I loved all his Albelisms--"Worm!" "Maggots!" and of course "I'm in the mood for some good clean violence." :D

8) Claus F. Lester (Tales of Phantasia) - Well I haven't beaten the game yet (no spoilers :rage:), but I'm a good way through it, and I absolutely love his character :yay: He's hilarious, attractive, and quite down to earth/intelligent whenever it's necessary. Even though I like all the playable characters, I'm pretty sure he would've been able to get through most of the story just by himself, he's pretty well-rounded in his capabilities. Plus, if you give him Mystic Symbol early on, he absolutely owns each battle--he'll be whipping out summons faster than you can even do a physical attack. He's fricking amazing :ryan:

9) Darc (Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits) - He's pretty amazing for a lead character. I rarely care for lead characters in a game, but he's extremely likeable and has great charisma. Watching him progress throughout the story, and rising up against the odds, was quite impressive, and he never really gets a huge ego or lets his power go to his head too much, except maybe for when
he's at odds with his brother
. But he's an interesting character, he looks cool (and pretty easy on the eyes ;)) and he has lots of good tech attacks in battle.

10) Bebedora (Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits) - I've had her in my sig/avi set once before, she's the little girl in red who has no eyes, a top hat, and a dress with a huge mouth on the front of it :lew: She's awesome, she's so weird and random, and she's great with magic attacks. Plus, her
semi-romance with Maru is really cute
Hmmm... this is going to be a tough one...
I no particular order, and containing only characters from games I've played relatively recently:

1. Gene (Godhand - PS2) Alright, this is not going to be the only character on this list that exhibits the character trope I'm about to describe, but I can't help but love the different iterations. Gene is kind of a moron, very carefree, and totally oblivious to the kind of danger he's constantly putting himself in. Gene in particular is such a favourite for me because of the incredibly over the top gay jokes. Honestly, the way things are, I'm not sure if he's a comic genius or he's just a victim of the game he's in. His dialogue is solid gold.

2. NiGHTS (NiD - Sega Saturn) Not so much a character, but an embodiment of freedom and flight. People love to make up personalities for him, and yes, that's the point, but for me, he's a connection. He makes it possible to fly and dream and enter a world that doesn't exist, can't exist, will never exist, but all the same you want it to so bad that when you close your eyes you can almost feel it. But only almost. Which is why I appreciate the rapport created to that land of dreams, embodied in a purple flying jester.

Also, please note, SS version only. I don't want to talk about the sequel. Not even a little.

3. Wander (Shadow of the Colossus - PS2) Another trope I love, people that do what they think is right, no matter what the cost. It makes for great villains, but as this shows, it can every now and then make a great hero. At the risk of awakening a dark god and returning him to full power, Wander fights to return life to another. I don't need to know any more about the situation than that to appreciate him as a character.

4. Stan - the Evil King of Shadows (Okage: Shadow King - PS2) Oh, Stan. You are a champ. In the very beginning of the game, Stan agrees to restore the main character's sister's shadow in exchange for having a shadow to inhabit. He restores the shadow, making it neon pink in the process. Stan's life seems to be based around screwing with people, and it's a treat to watch. Bonus points for being in one of the first 3d games to go out of the way to include fully detailed shadows.

5. Cecil (FF4 - SNES) Anything else that happens in the game aside, Cecil physically fights his inner demons, wins by not fighting at all, and comes out a changed man for it. Even as a Dark Knight, he wanted to do what was right, and not even himself could stop him from becoming what he needed to do so.

6. Sonic (Sonic 1-3 & Knuckles - Sega Genesis) Everything I said about Gene applies here, except the gay jokes.

7. Samus (Metroid - NES/Metroid Prime - GC) Powerful female, as you discover in the end game twist. Wears badass power armour, fights aliens, and works as a bounty hunter (I haven't played anything past Prime, but I don't recall her acutally getting hired for anything... probably just slipping my mind). It's nice to see a girl in games doing what's normally considered a man's job. Also, she turns into a ball. Totally hot.

8. Balthier (FFXII - PS2) While I love Setzer, I don't recall him having near as many humerous digs at his fellow cast. Balthier is classy, very hot, and his sarcasm rates off the graph.

9. Locke (FFVI - SNES) Once again, everything about Gene applies, minus gay jokes. Shameless flirt, cunning "adventurer," and still dependable. Favourite character trope, what can I say.

10. Ganon (Legend of Zelda - Various) So hardcore that he can never die, eternally trying to gain the entire Triforce. Anyone so full of powerlust that it takes them beyond death is a hero in my book. Doesn't really belong in Twilight Princess, though. That didn't make any sense to me.
Well here is my quick top ten list.

1. Golbez - FFIV
2. Kain Highwind - FFIV
3. Cloud - FFVII
4. Vincent Valentine - FFVII
5. Seifer - FFVIII
6. Edge - FFIV
7. Sephiroth - FFVII
8. Chocobo - FF series
9. Mario - Super Mario series
10. FFIV - Cecil

as you can see I play mostly FF series...
There's so many characters I like. It's hard just to only be able to pick ten. :sad2:

Here's my list of characters. It's not in a specific order though.

1. Yuna - Final Fantasy X/X-2
2. Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy VII
3. Lenneth Valkyrie - Valkyrie Profile
4. Cecil Harvey - Final Fantasy IV
5. Misaki Asou - Fatal Frame IV
6. Kos-Mos - Xenosaga
7. Chaos - Xenosaga
8. Rydia - Final Fantasy IV
9. Diana - Rule Of Rose
10. Riku - Kingdom Hearts
1.) Zack Fair [Crisis Core]
2.) Aerith Gainsborough [Final Fantasy VII]
3.) Dante & Lady [Devil May Cry]
4.) Eike [Shadow of Memories]
5.) Hope Estheim [Final Fantasy XIII]
6.) Moogles [Final Fantasy]
7.) Cliff & Fayt [Star Ocean: Til The End Of Time]
8.) Locke [Final Fantasy VI]
9.) Faris Scherwiz [Final Fantasy V]
10.) Prince & Elika [Prince of Persia: Epilogue]

I have so many! It's so difficult to choose...
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1) Solid Snake -- Reason because I thought he's the most amazing dude ever man, seriously, he has a fucked up life but he takes it on the chin..! Plus he's hawt to. rawr.
2) Lightning -- I only have her on here on the grounds that she looks amazing in FF13, i think it was her and Vanille that made me continue playing it personally. I'm a bit of a Lightning fag. Sorry.
3) Yuna -- Just because she's perdy. Very perdy.
4) Okami -- No other animal can be as cool as this SOB. =)
5) Dante -- He's cute, and he's a bit mad. So yeah.
6) Jill Valentine -- Because I could easily say she's probably the coolest woman evar. Like srs. I wish I was like that tbh :hmph:
7) Cammy -- Yeah, going into Street Fighter now. She's awesome for a tiny little girl! She's small and very useful, one of my faves on SF.
8) Adon -- Only because the guy has a screw loose somewhere...I tend to think he's the kind of guy that would sort of laugh at you if you ripped someone's spleen out.
9) Auron -- Yes. How could I not!
10) Little Sisters (Bioshock Series) -- I think they are the cutest little things! I love them!
1. Heather, Silent Hill 3. It was nice to have a female protagonist in the game for once. I love how badass she is throughout the game and her desire to stop Claudia for killing her dad.

2. Claire Redfield, Resident Evil. I've always preferred Claire to Jill, shes pretty damn awesome on a motorbike!

3. Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid. This guy is a legend who has survived a hell of a lot of stuff. One bad as fuck dude.

4. Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot. Well what can I say, he is always smiling and having a lot of fun whats not to like?

5. Fang, Final Fantasy XIII. I know not many people like her but she is my favorite character from this game. I love the trouble she goes too to protect Vanille and even the other at the end of the game.

6. Bebedora, Arc : Twilight Of The Spirits. She mysterious and very weird, I love her voice and the context in which she talks. 'I'mmm Bebedorra'

7. Rikku, Final Fantasy X. She's very sassy and somewhat over the top, but shes very cute and always ready to see the fun in things.

8. Spyro, Spyro The Dragon. Well I've seen a few people mention him and I couldn't miss him of my list. Luckily for me I haven't seen the newer version of him so I remember him as the little dragon ready to kick Nasty Gnorcs ass!

9. Moogle, Final Fantasy. Well they're cute and adorable and make a gorgeous little sounds when you talk to them, and they have a pom pom on their head.

10. Zidane, Final Fantasy IX. He is my favorite lead character from the series based on the fact he is cheery the majority of the time, completely cocky and never gives up. Glad he got what he wanted in the end!

There's plenty I could put in there so I pretty much choose 10 at random and decided to keep the description as short as possible or I'd be here forever.
this is gonna be real hard... but here it goes......

1. Yuna (Final Fantasy X), how could u not like her.... her personally is great and the way she is going to let herself die just so she can save the world... that's ace and wicked

2. Sora (Kingdom Hearts) he rules.... and he has a keyblade.. now thats ace :D

3. Edge (Star Ocean - The Last Hope) the way he becomes captain rules... and the shower scene in that game ruled XD :kinky:

4. Lymal (Star Ocean - The Last Hope) i think that's how you spell her name.... she soooooo cute and the way she says k just sooooo ace :wacky:

5. Tails (Sonic) come on a flying fox..... that just sooo ace.. yet he still needs a plane to fly :rofl:

6. Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) not KH1 Kairi but KH2 Kairi just has a great personally and she really cares about sora... and she cute

7. Aqua (KH Birth By Sleep) i dn why but Aqua reminds me a bit of yuna... maybe it's because
she let's herself into darkness to save terra
is a bit like what yuna did in FFX

8. Noel Vermillion (Blazblue) she sooo sweet yet she owns in battle.... god yh she hot as well :kinky:

9. Ranga the Bloodedge (Blazblue) this is cloud... the way he should be..... he just rules

10. Reimi (Star Ocean - The Last Hope) she rules in battle.... the way she calls edge a pervert the whole time yet she loves him and she knows she wants to :kinky: i know i would :P she's a hottie :kinky:
My list isn't really picky about order until from about number 5 up until 1. Everything before is any order.

10) Drake (Uncharted) - I'm putting this guy low on my list because of how relatively new he is. But that doesn't mean he's not awesome. He's a fun character. He's resourceful and an experienced fighter. He's a thrill junkie and he's... a goofball. Even in the face of certain danger, he manages to make jokes. He's kinda like Spider-Man, except not annoying and without really gay powers. He's a character for the new generation of gaming and I gladly welcome him. :ryan:

9) Prince (PS2 Prince of Persia series) - This is one character that I really feels is well developed over the course of the series that he's in. In The Sands of Time, he's rather childish and paranoid, not to mention that he has something of a victim complex. But he's determined, which combined with his lack of experience at the time, justs adds to how impressive the feat is that he accomplishes. In Warrior Within, he's battle hardened. He's dealt with more than just sand creatures at this point. He's even killed men. Now, he has to stop the guardian of the timeline and prevent his fate, which is to be killed for disrupting the timeline. He succeeds through his determination. In the Two Thrones, he's much more confident, even border line arrogant. But he's also irresponsible. Though this is due to him being driven by his alter ego. Nevertheless, by the end of the game, he excepts his responsibilities as the new king and basically grows up.

8) Virgil (Devil May Cry 3) - This is probably going to be a short one since there's not much to say about his DMC 1 incarnation seeing as how he didn't talk. Anyway, he's a great character. Far better than Dante. I feel the problem with Dante is that the series seems to be rather indecisive with his character. At one point he hates his demon heritage, then he's proud of it, then goes back to hating it. I just feel he's rather poorly written. Now Virgil on the other hand. He's a very complete character. He sees power as the only true driving force in the universe. The power he covets the most is his father's. He feels that might controls all. That's it. That's all he wants is just power. And he'll do anything to get it. Even if that means having to kill his own twin brother (not that I'd personally miss him). He doesn't stand for weakness, even going to the point of killing his own henchmen for not being strong enough to kill his own daughter. He's fucking ruthless, and that's why he's on my list.

7) Fei Fong Wong (Xenogears) - A rather troubled young lad haunted by a troubled past that over the course of the game, he slowly (and unfortunately) begins to remember. And what a fucked up past it is. But he never develops a victim complex. He just goes. He understands that the world's at stake and it needs him. There's no time to grieve, though he has every right to. He destroys the village that took care of him and never blames anyone else. He understood that it was something inside of him. A relentless force that seeks to destroy. A part of him that took over whenever the experiments were being committed on him as a child. Over time he learns to control is, but he still feels the guilt of those actions, though they weren't his own. A character that has the ability to possibly destroy the world, but manages to form some type of restraint, however weak it may be. A troubled lad.

6) Auron (FFX) - Another driven character. Even after he's fucking killed, he works hard. A man that understands that there's work to be done and ass kickings to be dealt out and he's not going to let some chickenshit crap like death keep him from doin' them deeds and deliverin' those ass kickings. He fucked up. He didn't stop a terrible thing from happening when given the chance. Now he's gotta another one and he is NOT gonna let is slip by. A true man. A man's man.

5) Raziel (Soul Reaver) - Most people would be completely helpless to the idea that they're going to one day kill the "first" vampire, be killed by his future self, resurrected by a vampire, be thrown into an abyss, go back in time and kill his past self, and then be sucked into a blade to be forever trapped and continue this cycle for eternity. But he brushes it off. And eventually, prevents it. Or atleast postpones it. Over time, he eventually realizes that to restore the world, he has to give into the fate that he tried so hard to escape and become one with the Soul Reaver. A fucked up fate, but one that he accepts for the sake of the world.

4) Riku (Kingdom Hearts) - A teenage boy tempted by a force of evil. The power of *gasp* darkness. But he only does so because he's so sick and tired of being where he is. Tired of feeling trapped in the everyday norm of daily life (I know the feeling) so he turns to something he doesn't understand to make his dream become a reality. Of course, it does inevitably and royally bite him in the ass, at one point even losing his body. But he crawls his way out of the darkness to help the friend that he was manipulated into fighting, just as a way of saying "Hey! Sorry for being a douche." He eventually learns to overcome the darkness, but not before completely succumbing to it once more for the sake of his best friends reawakening.

3) Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) - I'm sure no one's surprised that I'm putting an MGS character on my list. Well guess what. There's gonna be another. But I always loved this dude. He's such a fucking nerd. But he's also a very reliable person, though a little naive. He falls in love with an assassin. When she has to die, it tears him up inside. But he knows she had to die. She stood in Snake's way of preventing nuclear domination of the world. Then, four years later, his sister dies. He has no time to grieve, so he does so as little as possible. Then the next woman that he becomes involved with basically kills herself. This guy's... Got bad luck. But he never dwells on it. He just represses it and lets it slowly eat away at him inside. He understands that for the sake of a better world, sacrifices have to be made.

2) Kain (Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain) - Twisted, selfish, and arrogant. My kinda guy. Of course, that's only in the first game. Over time, he becomes wise, collected, and powerful to an extreme scale. But that doesn't make him any less twisted. He takes high ranking officers of a vampire slaying organization... And makes them fucking vampires. Tell me that's not just orgasmic. He's also a schemer. You don't really get a full understanding of what he's planning till close to the end of the series. Then it's a colossal mind fuck. But to him, he probably planned it during his morning tea... Er, blood pack. A being that thinks on a level that goes beyond any human. He sees not just in the moment, but ahead of everyone else. This is not a guy you want to meet in a game of Chess. Not to mention the short temper makes him a physical threat.

1) Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater) - I think most people would try and argue that there's not much difference between him and Solid Snake. Actually they're quite different. The main difference being in their driving forces. Snake wants a better world. Big Boss wants a world where soldiers are always needed, which involves there never being peace. Snake fights because he wants peace. Big Boss fights because he feels that's what he's meant to do. There's nothing else for him. This was probably brought on by the lessons of his mentor, The Boss, who taught him that the only purpose for a soldier is to finish the mission. Big Boss took this to heart making it his life's meaning, to fight. He's the ultimate soldier, putting pride and beliefs aside to ensure he completes his "mission". Even at one point having to kill his master. A woman who was basically a mother to him. But it's what he was told to do. He does eventually grow tired of being used and creates a nation where soldiers are more than just tools. Where soldiers are vital to the flow of the world. He gives the world what it needs. No matter what that is. Whether it needs him to be a hero, a villain, or for the sake of fighting a wannabe dictator who wishes to control information flow and take control of people's choices, he'll become the world's most notable terrorist. It doesn't matter. It's what needs to be done. In the end, he sees that the way he lived was probably not the best life. But he did what he thought was right and even though he feels he might've gone a little too far with certain things, he doesn't regret what he's done.

Well, that took forever.
1 Princess Garnet Final Fantasy 9. Garnet is my favourite, or well most liked video game character. There's nothing too special about her, she doesn't save the world like Aerith from FF7, or is half esper-half human like Terra from FF6. But she still manages to be a character that can give you a emotional impact. She shows you that you can still be strong, even if life tries to hit you down on several occasions.

2 Sheena Fujibayashi Tales of Symphonia. Sheena is a awesome character, because even though she's a little clumsy and a bit of a klutz, she's still a pretty strong character. And she's a ninja, how cooler can you get ? Also she's not all feeble, like, argh...Colette.

3 Lady/ Mary Devil May Cry She's cute, hot, a awesomely tough kick- butt female character, despite her rough past. And so underrated.

4 Chun-Li Street Fighter Series I liked her in Street Fighter 4 because she wears a cool Chinese like uniform. But then I liked her more when I found out that she was like a secret cop/ detective. Awesome.

5 Flynn Scifo- Tales of the Abyss. He's rather hot and cute, and he's like a royal sexy knight, which is kind of cool and romantic. Plus he's serious, but sweet.

6 Tifa Lockhart- Final Fantasy VII. Tifa is up on the list, because she's tough, sexy and strong.

7 Riku- Kingdom Hearts series. Riku seems like the calm, relaxed, and poplaur type. But really he's just misunderstood and took the wrong step in life. He may appear to be a horrible person, but deep inside his heart is just as good and kind as Sora's, perhaps maybe more.

8 Celes Chere- Final Fantasy VI. Celes is on the list, because like the other females above her, she's not the weak, feeble, damsel type, and she's a strong warrior in battle.
Though she can be a little cold sometimes.

9 Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic is here because his older games are so great, and even though he didn't have a strong personality back then, he still managed to be a a well-liked and decent character and hero. Maybe because he was badass to the max.

10 Chrono Chrono Trigger. I was disappointed with Chrono at first, thinking that he was going to be another Link, and I dislike Link alot. But Chrono's character despite being a mute, Square actually made you feel attached to him, and really likable.

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I could've sworn that I did this. Meh, well here are my top ten list of characters from Video Games. :andry:

10.)Dylan(Valkyrie Profile 2): As one of the main characters, Dylan appears to be one of the strongest-looking characters, and out of the wonderful list of characters, he is among one of the most awesomest(not a word, but idgaf :3). His sworn duty to protect Alicia is what brought me to him, but in the end it was his entire character as a whole that made me love him more and more. Plus, he has a big sword, so there's that too. :andry:

9.) Ulf(Grandia 3): Powers of Dragon fuels this boy's drive to do good. Indeed anything that involves dragons, and coolness definitely grabs my attention. With Ulf, both of those things are at perfect balance. Also, I just love his entire character as a whole. From his weapon to how feirce his attacks are all the way to his love for his Pet Dragon.

8.) Thane(Mass Effect 2): Oh, everything about Thane speaks total badassary. An alien assassin who prays for his victims. Like how epic can you get. And just the way he speaks, makes him even cooler, not to mention his spiritual side to him To be honest, it's that, and how skilled he is with his gun that makes him automatic win for me.

7.) Altair(Assassins' Creed): The original Assassin. It doesn't get any better than that. His dedication to the brotherhood is what iconic video game characters should be like. So dedicated to one's lifestyle, and to have generations and generations of assassin's in the very near future. Yeah, pretty much that makes him an automatic add-on to my list of favoorite video game characters. And boy is he one of the best in my opinion.

6.) Saix(Kingdom Hearts II): Usually when people think of Kingdom hearts 2, they would automatically think Sora or even Xemnas, but what they don't get is that there are other epic characters;Saix is one of those. From the first moment he came into the story, I absolutely adored Siax, and that's not because of how hot he is(cause he is indeed hawt :3), but it's because of his longing for a heart. Especially at the end of his battle,
where he said "Kingdom Hearts, where is my heart
. If you ask me, that's what set him apart from the other characters in the organization. Hell! In the game itself.

5.) Garrus(Mass Effect 1 and 2): Honestly, Garrus has been one of my favorite characters in the Mass Effect series since the first time he came into the story. However, I will admit that he was a bit too goody-goody in the first game, but in ME2, i beleive that's when his epicness took it's main focus. With his heart filled with revenge, I believe that's what made him a real badass, and actually lived up to how awesome he is. I also adore his bond with Sheppard(both female and male). Anywhoo, that's why I like him so much.

4.) Larsa(Final Fantasy XII): One of the best guest party members if you ask me. Larsa had personality, he had passion, and that is exactly what Vayne lacked :hmph:. Honestly, when you think about it, Larsa had most character than any other character in the game, and that is exactly why I favor him over most of the characters in FF12. :ryan:

3.) Ezio(Assassin's Creed 2/Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood): Badass to the core. Ladies man turn assassin, Ezio totally grabbed my attention from the first moment of AC2, and from then on, he has been high at my list. I don' t think there has been any other character like him in the Action-Adventure genre in a long ass time. He balances his love for his family equally with his passion for the Brotherhood, and making sure it stayed the way it was, or even more stronger than before. I could list more and more, but I believe you get the point. I simply adore his entire character. :griin:

2.) Rikku(Final Fantasy X): Oh my god, first thing is first: Rikku is so freaking hawt. Along with her looks, I just love her entire character right down to the fucking core. Her love for Yuna had me moved, but her bond with Tidus swept me away. I honestly preferred that over him and Yuna, but that's just me. She is simply amazing from her ability to combine items, right down to her appearance in the game. If you ask me, that was the gamemaker for me. Plus, she even continued to protect Yuna even near-end game. Oh, and her scene in the Thunder Plains was epic. :ryan:

1.) Commander Sheppard(Mass Effect): Yeah, you knew this was coming. Right next to Kratos, Sheppard is probably the most badass lead character out there. Like, let's bring his blunt honesty about what he beleives in. Even when confronting the councel, he doesn't give a rats ass about their feelings, or even their egos. His leadership ability is unlike none that I've seen before him, and highly praised by both Alien, and humans is icing on the cake. In ME1, he was great, but strictly limited to the Councel yaddah yaddah. However, in ME2, I loved how he didn't have to give a fuck about anyone except for what he wanted to do, and with who he was with that was possible. Indeed, Sheppard is a real hero, and doesn't bring in that failness that most do bring to the table.
1. Cloud Strife (FFVII)
2. Laguna Loire (Dissidia 012)
3. Naruto Sage Mode (Naruto Storm 2)
4. Zack (Crisis Core)
5. Sephiroth (FFVII)
6. Eddy (tekken 3)
7. Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
8. Ryu (BOF IV)
9. Tidus (Dissidia)
10. Squall(FFVIII)
1) Cecil Harvey ( Final Fantasy IV) - Cecil is probably my favourite gaming character to date because I think that he, more so than most other FF protagonists, defines the story itself. The rest of the main cast can be somewhat bland in comparison, especially Rosa, who you would think would be more significant than she actually is. If anything though, this gives the story more room to focus on Cecil. He is imperfect at the start of the game, having raided Mysidia prior to the events of the game. For the first part of the game, he is exceptionally filled with grief, and this reflected in his actions. Once he triumphs at Mount Ordeals, however, he emerges as a new man, and subsequently allows his better qualities to shine through. His forgiving attitude towards Kain and Golbez show his loyalty and compassion, and I think he is therefore one of the most appealing characters in the series. Also, the part where he gets back up during the final battle on behalf of the cast left on the earth has always struck me as one of the most memorable moments in any RPG I've played.

2) Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX) - Zidane is one of the most memorable characters I've encountered in any game to date. He isn't the strongest, the smartest or even most courageous hero ever, but succeeds in coming across as a very humane character, both in his interactions with other characters, and with the player. He experiences crisis, moments of helplessness, yet through everything he still manages to be generally selfless and optimistic, making him a great leader. The irony in all of it is of course that he
is an artificial being created for the sole purpose of destroying life on Gaia
, and his defiance towards that cause make him even more remarkable in my eyes.

3) Sonic - It's funny to see how this character was in relevance to what it's become. I wouldn't say I mind the over-the-top-cheesy-hero approach in the 3D era games, if anything I remember thinking I thought the 'new' Sonic was really cool when I was playing through Sonic Adventure for the first time. Whilst I don't really keep too up to date with current Sonic games because of the direction Sonic Team has been taking over the last decade or so, I think Sonic should be among my top 3 characters just for the nostalgic value alone, it was my favourite franchise as a kid. Also, no matter what anyone says about Mario, Sonic 2 is the greatest platformer ever made.

4) Samus (Metroid) - I think one of the main reasons I like Samus so much as a character and Metroid so much as a series (particularly early on in the franchise) is that you get to see Samus evolve so much through the game. It feels like you're just dropped of in the middle of a hostile world without adequate means to cope. Samus works alone to confront this, and gradually becomes more capable over the course of the game. By the end, Samus seems very nearly unstoppable. I don't really feel this with other game protagonists, not to the same degree anyway. Samus' ability to adapt to any manner of harsh environment with next to no allies is admirable, and whilst I feel this aspect of the gameplay is increasingly under threat in more recent instalments, Samus is still very much one of my favourite gaming characters because of this.

5) Pikachu (Pokemon) - This character does not need to be justified.

6) Link (Legend of Zelda) - Link, by virtue of being a silent protagonist, can be seen as an odd choice for a favourite character. The only thing that can be said for his personality is that his goals are very clear, and he goes about them usually in a selfless manner. Perhaps it is this absence of a character that leaves room for a player to immerse themselves into the game, or makes it easier for them to identify with Link. Whichever way I look at it, I find something about the idea of a lone hero of time inspiring to some degree, and for that reason alone I think Link belongs on my top 10 list.

7) Arthas Menethil (Warcraft 3) - I've always liked this character because he represents the ultimate good guy who does whatever it takes for the greater good, including sacrificing his own humanity if need be. He's sort of a bit like Anakin Skywalker in this regard. Arthas crucially shows that even the best of heroes are corruptible, and how that in turn can lead to a complete reversal in priorities. Part of his appeal is the tragedy of the character, how he essentially starts with all the good qualities and opportunities he could ever need, and ends having only destroyed all of it.

8) Siegfried Schtauffen (Soul series) - Firstly, Siegfried/Nightmare are among the few characters in the Soul Calibur games that I consider myself 'good' at. That aside, however, Siegfried is especially interesting when looked at across the series as a whole, and it is very clear how he has transformed, having been both the main protagonist and antagonist. His story, especially in SC3, is comparable in some ways to Cecil's, in the sense it is an attempt to atone for sins.

9) Mario - He has next to no personality, even in the RPGs, but I spent a ridiculous amount of my childhood and teenage years jumping on goombas and fighting Bowser. How could he not be in my top 10?

10) Julius Vandole (Seiken Densetsu/Sword of Mana) - A perfect example of a framework RPG villain in my opinion. He acts as sort of a shady character throughout the game, and the player is left unsure as to how he should be perceived; as a right-hand man, or a more critical villain. As the story progresses, you come to realise the true importance of his role. During the final battle, I for one had a really strong sense of how desperately he clung onto power, and how little regard he had for everything else in comparison. A classic RPG villain.
Not sure if I can come up with a Top 10, but let's see what I can comeup with:

1. Dante (Devil May Cry 4)

I say Devil May Cry 4 specifically because Dante seems to have a different personality with every DMC title that comes out. In DMC, he was too corny, In DMC2, he was too boring, and in DMC3 Dante wasn't so bad, but there was somethin annoying about him. Devil May Cry 4 showed him as a more laid-back and sarcastic Dante with a way better sense of humor. Just the way I like it.

2. Nero (Devil May Cry 4)

The angsty guy with the heart of gold. At his worst, he's a little too emotional when it comes to Kyrie being kidnapped and stuff, but at his best, he's a noble character with a sharp tongue and a major attitude.

3. Axel (Kingdom Hearts 2)
Besides the fact that he's the guy who killed of Vexen in a Roy Mustang kind of fashion (which boosted my liking of him by 300% because Vexen was a twat, imo) Axel's always a cocky schemer who always has a witty remark somewhere in his dialogue. What makes him unique of all the other characters is how far he goes to help Roxas in whatever way he can, and in the end, he finds his heart, even though it was only for a little while before he died at the end (and even as he lays dying, the guy can still come up with a wise-crack or two, "I'll pass. My heart just would'nt be in it, y'know? Haven't got one".)

4. Squall (Final Fantasy 8/ Kingdom Hearts/ Dissidia)
In the beginning of Final Fantasy 8, you see him as an uncaring loner who doesn't care to make emotional ties to anyone and cares about nothing other than getting his missions done, but as the story goes on and we learn more about him, he's shown as someone who deep down has a strong character and will go to whatever lengths are necessary to help the people he cares for (of course, he'd never admit to any of this because he likes to hold his reputation for being a standoffish guy, which is something I also like about him).

5. Psymon Stark (SSX Series)

The man's a damn fearless psychopath. Just the kind of person you want to be when tearing down slopes and grinding some fresh cold powder. His tricks are outrageous and I always look forward to his trash-talk.

6. Jak (Jak & Daxter Series)
Bad-ass in just about any way, Jak started off as the brave quiet village kid to end up as an adrenaline-junkie city-boy hero with an attitude.

7. Darth Revan (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)

I can't say much for his personality because that depends completely on the player, but you spend the first half of the game learning about his back story from the other characters, you get a sense of how awesome this guy is, and then when you reach that certain point in the game, BAM!
You learn you've been playing as him the entire time.

8. Otsdarva (Armored Core: For Answer)
Okay, so he's arrogant, elitist, condescending, and he thinks he's hot s***, well the guy was ranked as Collared's #1 Lynx, so I think he's earned the right to be a little proud of himself.

9. Rocketbilly Redcadillac (Gungrave: Overdose)
He's the ghost of a dead rockstar who haunts an electric guitar that builds up electro-magnetic waves and blasts them as arcs of electricty. Need I say more? :sup:

10. Auron (Final Fantasy X/ Kingdom Hearts 2)

A grumpy old man, but he knows what his job, what he has to do, and DOES it (and he doesn't mind being a smart-mouth about it). Above all else, however: he takes s*** from NO ONE.
1. Squall Leonhart (FFVIII) - One of my first loves when I was a wee bitch. Now I still appreciate him for being such a deeply psychological character who isn't perfect by a long shot. He has issues and they make him more realistic than a lot of other characters out there. He's got a long way to go before he's fully his own man but you really can't argue with such boldness--charging a sorceress with nothing but a gunblade? I'm sorry, that's insanity right there.

2. Dante (DMC) - Combining humor and badass like that? What do you mean that's not awesome? Whether we're discussing the crazed, almost annoying brat of DMC3 or the more subdued snarker of DMC1 or the balls-out, immature bulldozer of DMC4, Dante's just fun all around who never makes you go through a tough action bit without something uplifting to say.

3. Keats (Folklore) - Probably the ACTUAL protagonist of the game, he did more to work through the story than Ellen and saved her ass several times. Couple that with a voice that makes me grin real hard and a cynicism that makes my inner bitch happy as a bee, and he's just awesome. Ramp that cynicism up to 11, Keats, you crazy, bespectacled, coat-totting smooth talker, you.

4. Ashley Riot (Vagrant Story) - Probably the patron saint of utterly broken characters. He strode into a whole city teeming with evil all on his own, with no backup or assistance and still kicked everyone's ass into oblivion and then socked Guildernstern in the jaw with impunity. That's what I call BIG BRASS BALLS.

5. Kefka (FFVI) - I still have nightmares about that evil cackle of his. Sephiroth can go suck an egg--THIS is the greatest villain FF has ever seen, hands down.

6. Rei Kurosawa (Fatal Frame III) - Lady, if you can hold it together like that when you're facing shit like you do, you've got nerves of titanium.

7. Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed) - Killing people sneakily from rooftops since the Renaissance. I don't know why I like Ezio so much. He's exactly the kind of character that should annoy me. But he doesn't. He's dealt with a whole load of INSANE things and machinations that no kid should've dealt with and pretty much dominated his era from the shadows. Plus he still has some snark in him no matter what. I have to admire that.

8. Harry Mason (Silent Hill) - He's THE MAN of the Silent Hill series, the monster-ass-kicking, names-taking dad of SH and proud owner of a pair of polished brass balls.

9. Okami Amaterasu (Okami) - WHITE PUPPY! KICKASS WHITE PUPPY! 8D

10. Leon S. Kennedy (RE2 and 4) - Better than Chris :p But more so, he's just that fun to play with.
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Alright, I put a lot of time putting these together in order.

1. Auron (Final Fantasy X)
2. Link (Legend Of Zelda)
3. Luigi (Mario Bros.)
4. Cloud (Final Fantasy 7)
5. Falco (Star Fox)
6. Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong)
7. King Boo (Mario Kart Double Dash)
8. Charizard (Pokemon)
9. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)
10. Pichu (Smash Bros.)