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  1. D

    The Perfect save file?

    Well what does it mean to have the perfect save file? Just wanna hear your opinion :-) And please state your currect stats in the game :-) Well suitable enough i can start out.. All of my Characters have max stats, which means 255 strengh, agility and so on.. all of my Aeons have max stats...
  2. D

    Did you even bother to take the challenge that is ruby

    He was a real SOB! I completed the whole game 6 times and the 7th i decided to go kick hiss ass... It was actually disapointing, just too easy :-(
  3. D

    Favourite FMV Sequence

    The last scene where Yuna tries to hug Tidus eventhough he is disappearing, so sad! :-(
  4. D

    Which gunblade do you like best?

    Hmm have to say the punishment at Lionheart :-)
  5. D

    Why doesn't Square ever confirm that Laguna is Squall's father?

    WTF!? LAguna is Squalls father? I have finishe dthe game like 20 times, and i NEVER noticed this, hmm wait, or maybe i did? :-S
  6. D

    where would you like to live in ff9

    hmm Esther, Balamb Garden, perhaps ALexandria :-)
  7. D

    What did you think about Zidane?

    The first time i saw him, i though WTF!? a monkey? :-S
  8. D

    The Most Annoying Thing About This Game For Me Is:

    The most annoying thing about the game, is the fact that you can´t enter cities on disc 4! WTF!!? It pissed so off that i throw my joypad on the floor causing it not to work properly! :-(