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  1. g3ostigma

    Two Word Game

  2. g3ostigma

    Most annoying anime character ever?

    I would have to say the Naruto from uh Naruto lol. Believe it! Man, thats the worst catch phrase ever. Oh, and also Yugioh because of his god sounding voice..its just to cheesy.
  3. g3ostigma

    The Stupid Things We Do

    The only thing that I could think of thats not to personal would have to be trying to hide my first piercing from my parents. lol It didn't work and my lip got a mean infection. It was gross and I had to get the piercing out. All that money wasted for nothing >_<
  4. g3ostigma

    Multiple Platforms Rock Band

    Has anyone else played this yet? I just got it and its pretty awesome. Playing the drums really feels like your playing the drum lol. The only thing that sucks is that i got a defective guitar and mic. Im waiting for the replacements to come in the mail. Has anyone else had problems??
  5. g3ostigma

    Drake's Fortune Uncharted

    I recently bought it and really enjoyed it. The characters are pretty funny and they have a certain charm to them. The graphics are pretty amazing and the attention to detail like the way your clothes get dirty is neat. The only thing I hated was the the water bike uh...sea do part of the game.
  6. g3ostigma

    Playstation Most wanted PS3 games?

    The games are finally coming...thank god for that. Here are my most wanted: MGS : 4 FFXIII, Versus KH 3 Little Big Planet RE 5 I doubt ill see any of these soon. MGS 4 is coming out in 08 but i doubt it. As for the others Im betting ill be able to play in 2010 or something. Square-Enix has...
  7. g3ostigma

    FF's Best WTF Moments

    It had to be the laugh that Tidus and Yuna did in FFX. It was to over the top and cheesy I couldn't help but laugh. The second would have to be the ending of the game.
  8. g3ostigma

    hi!! :D

    Hi um.. I suck at introductions but here goes haha. My name is Erik and I just turned 18 not so long ago. I enjoy the FF series although I do think Square-Enix is milking the franchise a bit much. Im pretty down to earth and get along with mostly anyone so talking to me wont be a problem I hope...