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  1. Gondor Reficul

    [V1] What are you currently playing?

    Legacy of Ys (Ys I) - Almost done with this story as far as I know, seeing as how I have the Silver equipment and have reached the level cap for the game (24), but the Tower of Dahm is giving me a bit of trouble. Dragon Quest VIII - 2nd attempt at getting through this game. Just beat the first...
  2. Gondor Reficul

    Hard Dungeons Vs Optional Bosses

    Optional Bosses. There are just some dungeons I cannot stand, but I almost always have a blast fighting optional bosses, even if I get completely annihilated by them. Personal favorite has to be Doomgaze from FFVI, seeing as how half the challenge is just finding him, and I love messing...
  3. Gondor Reficul

    Most Under-rated Final Fantasy title?

    Probably Final Fantasy IV. It's probably one of the best old school RPGs in existence, but I don't feel like it really gets the recognition it really deserves. It has an amazing story, and great character development, and it may have it's flaws, but it's still a great game.
  4. Gondor Reficul

    Facepalm Moments

    Fighting Gandrake in Musashi Samurai Legend. During the very end of the game where you fight him on the Antheon, I died around 10 times before I realized that I should probably try to use duplication. Not surprisingly, that's exactly what I had to do. Another tale. A long time ago, I was...
  5. Gondor Reficul

    First video game

    First game I ever played had to be Mortal Kombat when I was 5. Had a lot of fun playing as Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero, and sometimes there was the occasional Sonya in there, but mostly the ninjas. The game that got me addicted to gaming is a totally different story though.
  6. Gondor Reficul


    This is Gondor Reficul, an anime, RPG, and survival horror fan. I'm not a really big fan of the Final Fantasy series, but it's been the RPG series I've been aware of the longest. The newer FF games have really been an uninteresting bunch (except XIII, which is really getting me interested)...