[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I'm replaying Eternal Sonata for the PS3 ^^ I've decided I really need to power-level this time, as otherwise, things get very difficult, very quickly ._.

And so far, I'm doing just that! It's so much more fun to play the game now I know how to play it properly. It's quite the fun RPG, even if I don't have a bloody clue about the plot, as it makes no sense xD
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

I can't understand what the hell it's saying since it's in Japanese but it's a fantastic game, and the beginning cutscene for a DS is amazing. They've kept the original battle system which is great apart from the magic which is dependent on how many magic tiles you have equipped. Although since I can't read the item names on the tutorial on them, the whole tile thing is confusing. :wacky: The mission mode is nice and being able to play as any Organization XIV member. :monster:
Call of Duty: World at War.
It's all right, though it's not as good as CoD4. The singleplayer mode is quite easy, even on the Veteran setting, with particular parts being challenging rather than the whole game. I quite like the new multiplayer, but I still prefer the old one when it was co-op. Also having so many games set in WW2 just gets a little old.
Resident Evil Zero

This game has its ups and downs. I find it really annoying how there are no item boxes and I'm not completely sure if I am a fan of the whole 'using two characters at the same time' thing. But the game is still quite fun, the story is pretty interesting and the visuals are really good too (I was a tad surprised by the Game cube's capabilities). I've only just started the second disk so I think I still have a while to go.
Yeah you have a fair bit. The thing about Resi 0 is that... I dunno, there's very little replay value in it (like most Resident Evils), but I personally found it to be the resident evil that actually felt like a survival horror. You weren't tripping over ammo and if you were, you couldn't easily carry it and store it.

It was a very interesting and fresh feel to the game. And I learned to really fear the leech zombies. I want to play it again :(
Alright, now I've been hooked on Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII again for the last little while, I'm almost to 100 hours of play time on it...not all that much, I know, but that doesn't mean I don't love the game, I think it is a blast, I just miss Nanaki in the Final Fantasy VII games... :(

Zack Fair is very likeable in Crisis Core though, he's a fun main character. ^_^ Crap, I faced Minerva, and her Judgment Arrow move killed me completely, even with Raise status! How the heck do I survive that? Is it like Emerald Weapon's Aire Tam Storm: If it is used, you're doomed? DX
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (Locked & Loaded for you Europeans.)

More like re-playing it. After beating the story once some time ago, I had noticed the game - and my PS2 itself - was beginning to collect dust. As an avid fan of Ratchet & Clank, I decided to play it for a wave of nostalgia. Still one of the funnest games in my opinion.

Currently on Planet Boldan being angered by the enemies.
The Sims 3

It's pretty nifty, there's alot to take in though, and you have free roam of the whole town AND can control what you do in work, I can't decide whether its too much y et, but Im having fun so far...although I just had to do a money cheat becuas eI cant organise my Sims properly so they keep missing work....wellll gunna get them bothe fired:gonk:
Super Paper Mario.

It wasn't exactly what I expected before I bought the game. I thought it was going to be one of the Mario RPGs, like Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Instead, it's more like a normal Mario platformer with a slight twist: being able to flip from 2D to 3D. The 2D portions of the game are much like the levels of classic Mario games. The gameplay is simple and fun, but almost too easy. At points where the 2D platforming would seem to get even the slightest bit challenging, you're able to flip the level to 3D and walk around just about any obsticle. The game's story is pretty simple, too. It follows the common motif of a chosen hero who must save the world from an ancient, evil power. I wasn't expecting anything too complicated from the story, to be honest, so I wasn't very disappointed with it.
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Quite a brilliant game, although that could be just down to the fact I'm very much planning to do law in University when I leave college. It just generally seems very interesting, although for obvious reasons the actualy court room procedures have been dumbed down for the average person to be able to play and understand. The story isn't that good but it's epic when you have to present a case. :ryan:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Quite a brilliant game, although that could be just down to the fact I'm very much planning to do law in University when I leave college. It just generally seems very interesting, although for obvious reasons the actualy court room procedures have been dumbed down for the average person to be able to play and understand. The story isn't that good but it's epic when you have to present a case. :ryan:

haha. You say that the Story isn't as good, but wait until the third and fourth trials. I found the first one in the series to be the weakest. I will never forget the twist in the final case in the second game (or even the second case in the second game), or the fantastic final case in the third and fourth games.

It's really always interesting, clever and such witty dialogue. I am a major fan of the series. You've a lot of fun ahead of you if you continue to play.
haha. You say that the Story isn't as good, but wait until the third and fourth trials. I found the first one in the series to be the weakest. I will never forget the twist in the final case in the second game (or even the second case in the second game), or the fantastic final case in the third and fourth games.

It's really always interesting, clever and such witty dialogue. I am a major fan of the series. You've a lot of fun ahead of you if you continue to play.

Awesome. :ryan:
The second trial got better once you managed to backfire Redd White's testimony at him, it's epic proving people wrong. :ryan:

Anyways, Resident Evil 5, it's good at the moment, the storyline is good and I like the fact you can go co-op in the main storyline so it helps a lot if you end up with a fairly experienced player. I still can't get over the fact you can't seem to walk and shoot at the same time >.>
currently playing FF8 because out of the FF games I've got its one of the ones that I haven't finished yet. I was stuck on a bit for a year and I'm finally past it, so I'm now just moving on with it
Sacred 2.
I just got it, and it's good so far. Quite a bit like Diablo 2, except that as a Driad you don't need to have stocks of arrows. The Combat arts etc are taking a bit of getting used to, I don't really know what I'm doing yet.
Resident Evil 4

I just finished it about 10 minutes ago. I found the game to be incredibly addictive, I loved the new style that was introduced in this game (the third person shooter thing) and the European village setting was pretty awesome. Though I thought that the game started to lose a bit of its style when
the setting shifted from the village to the castle and I found the final boss to be far too easy.
But as a whole, this game was awesome.
Legacy of Ys (Ys I) - Almost done with this story as far as I know, seeing as how I have the Silver equipment and have reached the level cap for the game (24), but the Tower of Dahm is giving me a bit of trouble.

Dragon Quest VIII - 2nd attempt at getting through this game. Just beat the first boss with my team at Lv 6, but I made the stupid mistake of not putting 4 herbs on each of my party members. Almost ran out of MP on the Hero. .-.
crimson gem saga for the psp.

its actually a pretty good game, almost done with it. im on the last chapter with just a couple more dungeon to go through. eventhough its pretty good, im getting a little tired of it and i just wanna finish it now. but thats how it is with most game for me, its good in the begining then near the ending i get tired and just wanna start a new game. but it has good character, and its quite funny with the way they did some of the things
Red Faction, causing mayham is so fun! Although I wish the stupid pedestrians would stop joining into the fight. They keep getting themselves killed and make my moral in the area drop -_- So annoying. I only want moral for the extra scrap, not for assistance! :grumpy:
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