[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (I saw someone earlier on this page say that too XD)
I love the game (although I would prefer to be Edgeworth...can't wait for his spinoff :D) but I'm having issues (I'm on the last case) because my thinking is sometimes a couple steps ahead of the game so I get penalized for presenting the wrong thing. It's still not enough to completely destroy my experience though (just a couple exclamation marks XD)
Persona 4.

It's such a ridiculously fun game. I love how, for an RPG, it's not all action all the time. The pacing of the game is something I enjoy. You can take it as quickly or as slowly as you want. Despite the stupidly long opening where you can't do ANYTHING, it's gotten really good. The storyline in particular is fascinating.

I'm also glad that it improves upon the little problems in Persona 3, such as being able to control all the party members in combat >_>
Samurai Legend: Musashi.

think I may have posted about this earlier, but I've gotten a little farther in the game and think that it's pretty OK for the money I paid for it. I'm completely appalled by the voiceovers, though...

Was expecting the main character to have Sora's voice or something since he looks like him... not this 1997 voiceover shit lol.

(yes, there is an earlier version of this game, though I believe it's story is quite different, but they both seem relatively similar, barring the fact this release is a Hack and Slasher as the earlier release was a side-scrolling RPG of super annoying proportions.)

World of Warcraft.

As always. Downloaded the PTR installer today and am planning on checking out things on the PTR in a few after this patch gets done downloading.
In preparation for Mass Effect 2, I am steaming through the first Mass Effect. My Shepard happens to be a woman- who I tried as hard as I could to make her resemble Ashley. Virmire's events are behind me- and inadvertantly, I left the planet with Ashley killed in the explosion. Damn you Saren, you Reaper-loving bastard! I can't wait to finally kick his ass on Sovereign.

Next up, I'll probably abandon the Paragon goal and go for Renegade instead for my next playthrough. The "run-and-gun" combat is a far cry from your conventional RPG and it seemed odd at first, but it's not too bad. I guess if you love Halo and RPGs, you'd love Mass Effect.
I am currently playing Star Ocean TLH. Im also playing Final Fantasy XII and X-2. Just stuck in both of em right now. Im also playing Infinite Undiscovery and the last remnant a little.
I am currently playing World of Warcraft, I recently tried the 14 day free trial on the Mountain Dew Horde Red Alliance Blue website and after the trial was up became a full fledged subscriber lol.

I only slightly knew about the game but the marketing company i work for started to do the campaign for the drinks listed above so I tried the trial since it's longer than the one offered by Blizzard.

I see myself playing this game for a while, I may take a little break for FF13 but after that back to WoW lol.
Re-playing The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time

Awesome game. My favorite Zelda, hands down. The final boss used to give me the heebee-geebee's when I was a kid. I can't even explain why... I just found him incredibly creepy. D;
Burnout Paradise :moose: I actually gotta say I'm vastly impressed by it, especially given it's a dated title now. Should've picked this up a long time ago xD It's lots of fun, and the soundtrack is pretty awesome to! A few little side goodys for those collectors like myself, but not any real hidden content :gonk: Regardless, it's pretty awesome, and I'm not afraid of crashing on this game, because the crash cams are pretty effin awesome!
At the moment I'm playing Final Fantasy VII, but I'm probably going to quit half through the game. I always do that, then after a few months I start on it again. I get bored pretty easily :/
Resistance 2
It's a brilliant game, especially online, it's easily up there with the best FPS's. I don't really have a game I particularly want to play at the moment, and I'm not buying any since there's 4 or 5 games I want at Xmas anyway. So I might as well get cracking with trying to platinum it, the 10,000 kills one's going to take ages though >_>
My imput

I am currently playing Shadow Hearts : From The New World. Truthfully I like Shadow Hearts : Covenant the best. The third one just dosen't live up to the earlier ones. Although I'm obsessed with it and have to get everything, nothings special.
i am currently playing FF: tatics a2 and replaying steambot chronicles.
i really want to finish tatics, i mean thats the kind of person i am. i want to to complete the game 100%. i love steambot chronicles. i love how we can control the storyline. and its a sandbox style game. and i love how we can play insturments (actually play the insturments).
I am currently playing Shadow Hearts : From The New World. Truthfully I like Shadow Hearts : Covenant the best. The third one just dosen't live up to the earlier ones. Although I'm obsessed with it and have to get everything, nothings special.

Agreed. It really just lacks the magic. Although they seem to have polished off the battle system as best as possible. But the characters are very very dull and lack any imagination. The humour from the previous games has effectively disappeared and that was a key part of the game (the older, darker sense of humour).

The characters and overall story was bland with the exception of Lady in my opinion.
I've finally gone back to my Shin Megami Tensei games. I was obsessing over my FF games for a while, but then it just stopped. Next thing I knew, I'm poppin' Persona 4 into my PS2. I missed that game a lot, but I guess I just got too caught up in trying to perfect my FFIII game. Now, though, Persona 4 (and all my other SMT games) has my full attention again. The storyline.......is just too great to ignore forever (love dark plots).
Fable II
Brilliant, brilliant game. At first I was a bit meh about the battle system they use since it's like Prince of Persia, you get brought back to life everytime you die, though it's mainly because you battle for skill/will/strength orbs which help you upgrade certain attributes so making it so you can't die was probably the correct decision, the story was a strong one apart from the ending (those who have played it will know why) though I don't think it's as strong as the story in Fable. I like the way it focuses a lot on other aspects such as property owning, relationships, making money etc.

The Last Remnant
I've really enjoyed the game so far, though I'm only just after the part where you defeat the first remnant, it seems to have a strong storyline and very good character development and voice acting, I really enjoy the battle system as it's new/fresh and doesn't get boring, it seems to me this is what FFXII was meant to be like. The graphics on the whole, when they load fully are fantastic, my only concern is the technical flaws because of SE not knowing how to use the Unreal Engine 3 properly when it comes to visual, sometimes it seems laggy, though that's only really when it loads the map up as the amazing bits of detail only show up 3/4 seconds after it loads.
I'd still highly recommened the game though, if you want to look at reviews I'd recommened GameTrailers as it shows the game for what it is and takes an even amount of time about each part of the game, storyline, characters, battle system, graphics etc unlike half the reviews which spend 90% of the review discussing the technical flaws of SE using the Unreal Engine 3 instead of the game as a whole, which is what they're meant to be doing.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
since my sister works at gamestop (plz stfu, i dont even want to cry about how this is possible) she can like check out games and shit so i can play them all the time for free I got her to pick up this game, and it's been a pretty good play so far.

Been moving along in a pretty moderate fashion though... But despite that, I've been playing it for about 3 days and have really enjoyed it so far. Just got done in arbiter's grounds, was a blast. I wish the boss battle would have lasted longer, though.

It was pretty disappointing, because it was just starting to get fun, which seems to be a reocurring letdown with this game. :\

Don't get me wrong, its fun to win... But it just seems stupid to me that it's so difficult to get past the first boss phase and almost die, proceed to the final phase and down the boss without so much as a scratch.

While the game is fun and the graphics are great, it's just starting to annoy me pretty bad.

I guess it's just really uncomfortable since the entire game reminds me of Ocarina of Time, in which you would get thrashed on the bosses second / next phase if you were doing epic fail on the first phase / previous phase. :\

Might be more fun on the Wii, but I can't really say since I'm playing it on the Gamecube.
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection - Playing through a lot of these games to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Sega Genesis.
Dragon Quest IV
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Super Mario World
Eternal Sonata

Needless to say, I have a bad habit of playing multiple games at once.

The Last Remnant

Assuming you're playing the 360 version and not the PC version, if you haven't yet, installing the game to the hard drive helps loads with some of the problems.
I WAS playing BoF3 and Ive not long since got adult Ryu, but SOMEone told me we were quitting and moving on to BoF4, so I didnt bother catching up, THEN he decided we WERE still playing and he just totally steamed ahead, so now he's beat it and Im miles behind

so NOW Im playing BoF4. Only just started and Im lost already. SIGH
Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS.

Animal Crossing is one of those games I like pulling out every now and then, fuss over it for a couple of weeks, and then abandon it to return at a later point. Every time I return to it though, I get surprised by how addictive it is.
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