[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Dissidia Final Fantasy
One character left and everyone will be on level 100.. plus I think it's 95% complete

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
I like the story
Metal Gear Solid 3

Although I've played MGS1 and MGS2 numerous times, I've only finished MGS3 once. This is mainly because I find the beginning of the game boring so I could never be stuffed getting anywhere with it. But despite that it really is an excellent game. So far I'm up to the part where he is imprisoned and I'm gonna try and get the zombie dream that my friend told me about as I've never seen it before.

The only problem with the game is that it lags on the PS3 during some parts. It's mostly fine but it has lagged a bit in a few cutscenes and the fight with the Fury was incredibly laggy.
Soul Calibur Broken Destiny on PSP. The character creation mode is the thing keeping me the most interested, and not the fights! So far, I created a girl that looks like Rinoa(ish) and a weird looking Golbez-like guy.

I'm also diving into Tactics A2. Yup, it can be VERY frustrating especially as battles crawl slower than a one-wheeled trolley going uphill stuck in mud. Upside though- 231 quests complete!

Brilliant game. Quite easily the most realistic football game to date, and judging by PES2010 demo, still more realistic than that. The virtual pro addition is great, although, because it's still in its beta stage, the photos won't look that realistic. The gameplay is amazing, especially in terms of shooting now. Overall it's just a fantastic game and improvement on FIFA'09.
Super Mario World for the SNES. Some friends and I are trying to make it through. Neither of us are very good at the game, so it's been a slow process.

Gotta love old-school side-scrollers! I don't mind playing these levels over and over until I get it right. Some of the castles are just plain annoying, though.
I'm currently playing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for the one-thousandth time. It's such a awesome game. Plus, i'm trying to unlock all the CG cutscenes and unlock the good ending.
I just started replaying FFIX. I think I like playing the beginning of this game more than any of the others in this series. I just got to the Ice Cavern. I hope that I won't have too many problems. The game's been bugging out on me a little.

I've gone back to it since I'm going on a trophy hunt again :wacky: I actually love this game so much, the originality and creativity of it is so fantastic, I'm not surprised it was rate so highly. I think online play is where it's at, playing peoples' custom made levels is immense.
Just started playing this new PS3 game called WET. Bloody game if you ask me, and it doesn't seem that interesting, even though I'm only at the beginning. Still, I paid good money for this, so I'll stick with it. Besides, it could get better as I progress.
well, i recently borrowed Saints row 2 from a friend on the PS3 and i played that non stop for like 2 weeks and then realised that it was just as short as the GTA games (storyline wise) and figured i could just cause un-necassary carnage for fun about a week and a half in.

once i had completed that and returned the game to him, i figured i might as well gain a few levels on my underplayed COD:WAW profile, and i have been playing that ever since, im only on the first levelof prestige, but it is still a good online multiplayer where i get to kill the crap outta stuff.
I am still on BlazBlue.
I'm trying to get better, I think I have just about mastered one character and I'm going to move to the next one. xD Its a little hard for me seeing how I can never get the timing all that well and the 2D fighter thing, yeah its a little odd for me; but oh well. ♥
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

A brilliant, brilliant game, and I'm less than 2 hours into it and for me it's easily contender for Game of The Year. Everything about the game is perfect. The graphics are second to none at this moment in time, and I would even struggle to find a next gen title that comes anywhere close to how good the storyline and character development is. Even the multiplayer is extremely good, it's not one of the mulitplayer games where everyone must win, you can easily sit there for however long and just relax and enjoy it.
Hm, currently, it'll be that online game Evony. Due to my examinations, I basically swore off playing DotA, or any other hand held games, or whatever games so long it's not online.... Which means Evony's my only source of entertainment. That, and role playing, random web surfing..

Evony's pretty generic. You simply play it like a Real Time Strategy game minus the need for swift movements and planning. As the game works in Real Time, literally, you do have the luxury of time to decide on your next move, since at later stages, some of the buildings can take a few days to build. Yet, this is not all to the fun you can gain from the game.

Join an Alliance, and be active in their activities. That is where the fun begins. Evony's a game of war, and battles. It's probably going to be boring if you simply focused only on building up those few buildings back in your own base. So, why not launch an attack or two? You could do that, and declare war on other alliances as well.

.. That aside, I suppose there's almost nothing else that is really interesting. I'm pretty much the peaceful person in there, who rarely attacks and only defends. Been lucky all the way, in the sense that no one bothered to attack me :P

Nevertheless, I suppose this game's possibly more renowned for it's provocative advertising. Don't worry, that's just an advertising scheme. Though, amusingly, many have joined the game because of that. Quite clever thinking on their part.
Playing Okami for the second time. Easily one of my favorite games ever. It's so beautiful, and it's so much fun as well. I love the sidequests, the the story, the Japanese mythology, it's all just as wonderful the 2nd time through too <33

Everyone should play it ^^
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords.

Zelda is my all time favorite franchise and yeah, I own just about every game I can get my hands on. Four Swords is the only multi player Zelda game, which makes it pretty epic, specially if you don't have anyone else to play with at the time, you can just control all four Links on yer own.
Pretty Epic game. ♥
I just bought Scribblenauts for a rather low price. Surprisingly for a much hyped, ambitious game, I'm not disappointed! The system of being able to make virtually every noun you can ever think of spawn up on the screen is the most awe-inspiring thing I have ever seen! On my first go at messing around, I had to write in the words "priest" and "sword" just to see how hilarious it would be.

Currently playing Virtua Fighter 5, trying to get some achievements on it to get my gamerscore up. X_x

And to get the hang of playing a one on one fighting game on the Xbox 360, seeing as I'll be getting Tekken 6 for it for Christmas. :P

Having a good bit of fun with it, I think some of El Blaze's moves are inspired by the King character's from Tekken, just overall faster probably...so I use him a lot.
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tilll on my road to 50 on Halo 3. That damn 47 has not changed for a full year now its damn hard to get a 50 on Halo 3. Yeah Im a 42 on living dead now but I dont think ill get 50 on it as living dead was only a halloween special and today is the last day of it :sad2: No matter what I wont give up.
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