[V1] What are you currently playing?

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basically am playing what is in my sig although gears of war 2 is looking temptaing to play as is kingdom hearts 2 and FFVII crisis core might have to replay them soon
I finished .hack//g.u. vol 2: Reminisce weeks ago and I'm playing .hack//g.u. vol 3: Redemption right now. I've been playing this game for a week now. After finishing volume 1, I got more excited about this game. The story, battle system (which SLIGHTLY reminds me of FFXII) and the game play interests me. It's just like playing a real MMORPG.
uhmm... FFXII, KH2 (again), NFS Carbon (again), Mass Effect (3rd time), Gears of War 2 (Insane mode), NHL 09, and I think thats about it. I pick up my old FF games from time to time.
Hmmm lets see. Im currently Playing Halo 3, Star Ocean TLH, Infinite undiscovery, TLR and others. I want Lost Odyssey so bad because it looks like a great game. Also platinum so I can play with a certain someone on the forum.
im currently playing wizardry 8 on my pc. ive been playing this game for like several months now and still not really close to finishing it, i think
I'm playing Civilization 4 online against my friends back home. I relocated to Australia a couple of months ago, and online gaming is an excellent way to stay in touch. When not playing that, I am trying to complete Fable 2.
Phoenix Wright: Justice For All.

At first I was shocked at how similar it was to Ace Attorney, but now I'm actually relieved. I think I'm enjoying it just as much as I enjoyed AA. I'm only on Case 2, though, so I haven't had time to get frustrated with it yet. The only thing that's annoyed me is that the new courtroom tunes aren't quite as catchy as the old ones, but hey, they might grow on me.
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Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

Epic pokemon game is epic. I find it more addictive than that of the normal pokemon games >.>
The storyline is great and has nice varied range of missions and quests, the pokemon chosen imo are great and overall the game is just brilliant, especially having to befriend pokemon. :awesome:
Hm. Facebook's Vampire Wars and Mafia Wars? And maybe a little bit of DotA (Defense of the Ancients)...?

Vampire Wars and Mafia Wars because I'm bored... And since I do some Facebooking from time to time, I didn't mind going in. And DotA because I find it fun? Though I'm always playing with the AIs instead of the public players out there.
erm well im playing GTA 4 im trying to complete the game with no cheats lol sp yh i keep i completed it and roman my cousin got shot in the game because i chose to agree with a deal. but i have to say i think rockstar have came a long way from san andreas with this GTA 4 :)
Recently been playing GTA: Vice City on the PSP. After having completed the game with cheats, am attempting it without cheats. Just completed it though, surprisingly easier than expected, perhaps because I've already ran through it?
I am currently playing Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean Iv, Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, Final Fantasy X-2 and pokemon platinum. I also tried out tactics the war of the lions and I guess so far so good. I want to pass these games. Also DOC FF VII im at AranchNero. I think im close to the last boss.
Let's see, i've been playing a bunch of games, Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Colonel, Tactics Ogre, Warcraft 3/Frozen Throne.
A list of the games you are playing is not really acceptable. You should be putting more effort into your posts, such as where you are in the game, if you are enjoying it so far, and why.
im playing ncaa football 2009 now. its actually a good game to play when you have to study for classes because i don't actually play any game, i just do dynatsy mode and simulate all game, just trying to get my team to win teh championship. and with the super long loading time, theres a lot of time to study. anyway, so far haven't had any luck winning the championship or even coming close to it yet
Persona 4. It's a truly excellent game. I just recruited the last recruitable character to the team.

There's seriously so much in the game. It's well worth the money. Everyone should play it.
I'm playing FFVI at the moment. It's a fun FF to dip in and out of, and since I have the GBA version, it means I can take it on long car journeys and stuff, it's the best FF to have on the move, in my opinion.

Also dipping in and out of Pokémon Platinum. I'd play it more, but I really can't be bothered to train my team up equally x_x I'll probably play it more once I finish my exams.
Killzone 2, I haven't really played on the main storyline much, just enough to get me through the first level and get the trophy for it, but it's epic now that I know I can change the controls to my other FPSs, the storyline feels as if it's really going to go somewhere and the beginning scene is epic. The multiplayer is unreal too! Although, I could be saying that since I came 1st out of the 32 people in that round in only my 2nd play online...which was directly after the 1st xlolx. But yeah, completely glad I picked this little gem up. :)
Im playing Arc The Lad, kinda a fun game but very bland in what you can do, but im a fan of Arc the lad 2 and 3 so im playing the first so i can convert my data to 2 and then beat it so i can convert that ones data to 3 so i can some really beastly characters when i play through 3 again
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The Last Remnant, PC version Very addicting and i love the combat system

KH Re: CoM
Card battle system is fail but fun for awhile and way more challenging then its hack and slash counter part, mostly playing for story line though
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