[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. I'm really enjoying this game, I've recently remembered just how much I love survival horror games. I think I'm about halfway through,
I'm playing as Claire and I've just arrived in Antarctica.
I've found the story fairly interesting (more so than some other RE games I've played anyway). So yeah I'm having a lot of fun with this one :monster:
Chrono Trigger for the DS. I loved the game before, I love it now even more that I can transport it with me anywhere!
Currently I am playing combination of Dissidia and Guitar Hero:World Tour.

But Mostly I play my Imported Dissidia

I absolutely love this game, as far as FPS go, it certainly is different. I love the wide variety of stuff you can do such as hacking which is a challenge for certain things, and also the fact that not everything is obvious such as having to melt the ice. Plus, it's not easy and obvious which provides a challenge, which is all I ask. :)
I'm playing a few at a moment, dipping in and out of them as and when I feel like it -

Dragon Quest IV : Chapters of The Chosen - DS

It's a nice little game, and I breezed through the first 4 chapters, and I'm on the 5th chapter now, and it's nice to see all the characters finally meet up, and I have a feeling that the 5th chapter contains the bulk of the storyline really, with the first 4 just being unique ways to introduce all the characters.

Chrono Trigger - DS

Great game. The battle system is amazingly fun, and the game is an excellent time killer. Definitely one to play for all RPG fans =D

Enchanted Arms - PS3

It's an okay RPG so far, not fantastic, but not crap either. It's fun to play, and I love how epic the battle music is even for random battles. I hope it picks up, it has a lot of potential.

Final Fantasy X - PS2

An old classic, and a firm favourite of mine. I never get bored of playing this game, and I just adore it, always fun to play and always the perfect way to spend a quiet/lazy afternoon ^^
I'm playing a few switching them on and off
Final fantasy X-12
Final fantasy v11
and Chrono cross :wacky:
just so busy >_<
Final Fantasy VIII.

I just started it and am about to start playing it pretty hardcore. Mostly because I just found out that Andrew has started his game three days ago and he is already at Utlimecia's castle. By the way I love Crono Cross, I havent played that game in years. I should probaly pick it up after I get done with VIII.
Right not I am playing Call of duty 2 online lol thats all i have been doing for the past 2 weeks.Ill maybe start on FFVIII again like on sunday since Im getting bored of kicking ass online.
Shining force 2

Its an old school rpg game that ive played through a bazillion times, yet it never gets old. The battle system is excellent as is the storyline. Id reccomend anybody on here give them a try as i garuntee u will be hooked.
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7, Dynasty Warriors 6, Warriors Orochi, Samurai Warrirors: State of War and Dynasty Warriors (PSP game).
I think I may be killing my koei addiction with Final Fantasy (LOL).
Currently I play "Valkyrie Profile 2" for Playstation 2. 2 days ago I started the game with 1 star difficult. I am really excited to fight against the final boss. I really like the emotions, the suspense and the music, which are in this fight. :D
And what I want to post as well: I really enjoy the battle-system of VP2. :D So amazing. :)

MFG Majin_Clodan
FIFA09, the new trophy patch has come out (about a week ago or so but still) so it's time to go platinum since I'm a trophy whore :awesome: they really aren't that difficult to get looking at some of them, all you do is stick the mode on Ametuer and there ye go :awesome:
^ That's pretty smart. I'm playing the same game too since qualifiers are back on the program schedule. I'm taking the crappies team in the English system to the top. I already bought Baraja from Valencia as a League 1 Port Vale team. xD
Shelled out some serious dough for him too, but it's all good. He's faster than all the other players in League 1 anyway.

Other than that, I just finished Fable II. Couldn't be arsed to finish all the quests, 'cause they all involved buying real estate (like Fairfax castle; like I'm gonna wait that long to get my real estate money to generate me that much income) and archaeologist stuff since I picked the Sacrifice card at the end.
I'm currently playing Unreal Tournament 3, HAWX and CoD: WaW. Mostly UT3, though. I'm slowly trying to work my way through its trophies and some of them are taking ages :( I can see myself playing this game for ages. Plus on the PS3, there's the option to add in user-creator mods. Which is a plus. But it can often be quite repetative :(
I am currently playing the addiction known as World of Warcraft. And trust me,believe what they say it is crazy addictive, I played it for a week strait and I wasnt sick of it at all. But I think I am going to quit for a little bit, maybe get back to my FFVIII game.:neomon:
I can't say I'm playing anything atm, since my PS2 died on me. D'= so I started playing PoP: The New Generation on PS3. :gasp: I don't like it much but I think I'll play it to complete it. -__-
I am still playing Jeanne d'Arc for PSP. I beat the game last week by defeating the final boss, Gilvaroth under 4 turns with all my characters above level 60. Since I am allow to continue playing after the final battle, I am going back to finish leveling up all my characters, bind all skills together, and get all the armlets that I am missing.
Currently playing NBA Street Homecourt trying to get the last couple of Achievements before I pack the game away for good. I only need 5 more, but 2 of them are online achievements, and hardly anyone plays this game online anymore. :/
Pokémon Pearl :monster:

I'm getting really impatient over Platinum, to the point where I'm just gonna go out and buy an imported version anyway, so Pearl is a good distraction for now. The storyline isn't all that fantastic, but the battle system never gets old. It's a great game to idle away the hours.
Keep swapping between FF VIII (disk 3, not much left to do) and Rugby challenge 2006, because it was £2!!!! because the ps2 is a redundant console now! cheap games at least! :neomon:
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