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  1. DalJaxon

    Missing, Underwater Materia, Can I Get a Second?

    Did that, done that, he didn't offer me another. He just asked me for the other two. I followed advice at another forum, used a program called "Jenova," which is an editor for FF7 pc version save files, and put the underwater materia back into my saved file. Thanks, Daljaxon
  2. DalJaxon

    Missing, Underwater Materia, Can I Get a Second?

    :O As in the title, I am now missing my underwater materia, is there a chance I can get another? I did get the materia by exchanging the Guidebook at Kalm. Now it is not showing up on my materia list. I don't know if it was deleted or if this is a glitch.:mad: I made sure that when I deleted...
  3. DalJaxon

    Why is there so much hate?

    It could be also that most of the people that has such a high dis-like for FF VII are also young and did not grow up in the "No Game Zone." I watched Video games start with Atari, which was OK, but I did not much care for the blip on the screen, especially when Dragon Lair was on one of the...
  4. DalJaxon

    Best way to get a hold of PS1 game?

    I hear it is pretty hard to find, but frequent your local game stores. Check for it in the used games section and you might get lucky, unless you are in a hurry and want to get it from ebay. Make a special effort to go to game stores in other towns that you might be passing through. daljaxon
  5. DalJaxon

    You Know You're Obsessed with FFVII When:

    51. When, in the heat of passion with your wife, you call her Tifa!!! 52. When your 2-year old gets your attention, wants to sit in your lap and asks, "Daddy, can I play Final Fantasy 7?", then "Fight, fight , fight." (Hmmm, where did he learn that from?) 53. And when your 2-year old thinks...
  6. DalJaxon

    Help Needed, Problem At End Of Disc 1

    An Update To Those Interested... I decided to play more on disc one and build up all characters stats. I maxed out all Limit Breaks as far as I could on disc one. After doing this, not only was I able to get through a date scene problem I had earlier, but I had no problems at the end of the...
  7. DalJaxon

    Help with FFVII on PC

    Actually there is a few problems, but you can work around or fix most of them. There is people out there who has made character sets that replace the blocky original characters, which makes that game playing a whole new experience. I played the psx version many years ago, but now I am playing...
  8. DalJaxon

    Help Needed, Problem At End Of Disc 1

    I have it thank you. That is what I converted my PC version save file to. Then using ePSXe emulator for playing PSX games on the computer, I played through the scene I could not get past. After getting to the second disc. I converted the save file from the ePSXe emulator into a save file for the...
  9. DalJaxon

    Help Needed, Problem At End Of Disc 1

    Hi all, I've done an extensive search on the web and could not find the answer to my specific problem. So I started to look for a work-around. On this page... ...I found "FF7 Save Converter 1.2.2." With this I was able to take my save...
  10. DalJaxon

    Help Needed, Problem At End Of Disc 1

    :mad: Hi, I am on disc 1 still, Sephiroth has ran a sword through Aeris, and I am at the scene that Cloud carries Aeris lifeless body to the waters. Fade to black and the scene stays black. The music is playing in the background. I waited, maybe not long enough, but the blacked out screen...