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  1. Fixxxer

    FFVII and Marxism

    I've always been fascinated by the symbolism of FFVII. As most people here will know, FFVII is steeped in Norse mythology, a decent read of that can be found here. Clearly the writers of FFVII were highly intelligent people to weave tales of Scottish/Irish mythology, Nordics, Germanic, Latin...
  2. Fixxxer


    All of them as well. But completed the game many times without KOTR. Alexander was a pain as well!
  3. Fixxxer

    Final Fantasy music composer Nobou Uematsu

    Sending A Dream Into The Universe. Cid's slow acoustic guitar music when he's explaining the story of the first failed rocket mission. Judgement Day is also awesome, that's the music when you're in the crater at the end fighting to get to Sephiroth.
  4. Fixxxer

    How long did it take you to get back to the game after... (MAJOR SPOILERS)

    I was naive enough to think she'll be brought back at a later point in the game, so I played on.
  5. Fixxxer

    Help FF7 PC game

    A way of getting round the above posts is to download PSXFIN and use that emulator to play the PS disk in your PC. If you're looking to mod it, then it's pretty difficult and I'll save you a lot of time by saying to not try it!
  6. Fixxxer

    Sephiroth.... To easy?

    When I played the game I was 11 years old. I wasn't smart enough to find KOTRT and barely leveled up (to the now-expected level) and I struggled badly to defeat him. Naturally, it was much more simpler as I got older, the internet advanced with knowledge and it spread to my gaming tactics.
  7. Fixxxer

    Was AVALANCHE's eco terrorism justified?

    But unless people rebel, then the status quo will continue. Midgar wasn't a democracy, a lot of non-democratic theories are based on the issue of violent revolution to start a rebellion with (Marxism, Communism etc). Unless a violent revolution happened, Shinra would have been allowed to...