Sephiroth.... To easy?


Ghost of Christmas Past
Mar 31, 2009
United States
Okay so i know when you fight Sephiroth at the end of the game the first form was kinda hard. But im talking about the time after that when it is just Sephiroth vs. Cloud. I thought that this was WAY to easy... i mean right as soon as the Limit Break bar built up, i just used Omnislash once with Ultima weapon equiped and i killed him. Did anybody else have a tougher time with this?
It's been awhile since I've played but I think I know which part you're talking about. That wasn't really a fight, at least not one that you could lose. It was more for show I think. The limit bar fills up on its own so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a real fight. I never actually waited to see if Sephiroth would attack though. :gasp:
I didn't either, i thought he was going to do amazingly dreadful move that would kill me, so as soon as it filled up i unleashed it.
That's the way the battles goes, it's almost automatic, I think Sephiroth can kill you if you don't do anything, but otherwise I think you're fine.

So, as Freddie said, I think it's more for show, and to show you Omnislash for those of you who hadn't got it. :monster:
Lol just thought of this, since Omnislash is 1000 hits, what if for that specific battle, it actually showed all 1000 hits, it would last like, 3 or 4 hours.
Yeah like everybody said it is more a show battle than anything. As for the real battle that can be somewhat easy. If you have KOTRT you can almost easily win, I know because my second play through Sephy wasn't as hard as he was the first time through. I didn't get KOTRT the first play through mostly because I didnt know about it.
It was to show on a mental note that Cloud at least, at that time, was no longer a pawn of Sephiroth. The fight was not intended to be a losing fight, because even if you don't attack, and Sephiroth strikes first, he simply cannot kill you.

Not only that, but you'll auto-counter him and kill him off anyway. So it was really more of a mental battle of the mind, then an actual psychical 1 vs 1 battle.
the fight against the final Sephiroth [the one that seems to be topless] is designed to be easy, even if you wait for him to attack, he does't deal much damage and you counter killing him, i think that this part of the game was only thrown in to show those gamers who didn't get it during game-play Omni-slash.
Was kinda thankful that he easy because after two kind of tough battles was worried that this Sephiroth was going to be even more deadly and whip Cloud or was going to be very difficult and make the game almost impossible to get passed. Like this boss was going to be a annoying stick/ block in the road that would stop you from seeing the Ending too fast/ too quickly.

But it wasn't and it was just a huge air of relief !!

** Calms down/ Takes a huge glass of water **
I honestly don't think that could actually be considered a fight. Sephiroth probably could kill you if you stood there and did nothing, but after facing his last two forms, I don't think it's worth the risk trying to find out. 'Course if he doesn't do much damage, then you could let him hit you once to make the fight slightly more realistic.
I allowed him to attack once, and killed him on a counter attack, it's just a battle for show as said. I wanted to see if I'd die, and I was gutted when I countered and killed him in one go...I was like aw...I wanted to omnislash him to death ¬.¬

I have to admit though, when I first completed the game, and then there was a solo battle I SHAT myself. I was abit dissapointed he went down so easily...but more relived that I didnt get my arse handed to me and have to go through the final battles again :gonk:

So yer, just a fight for show, I mean, you get to see the omni slash even if you didn't pick it up at the Gold Saucer so......
When I played the game I was 11 years old. I wasn't smart enough to find KOTRT and barely leveled up (to the now-expected level) and I struggled badly to defeat him.

Naturally, it was much more simpler as I got older, the internet advanced with knowledge and it spread to my gaming tactics.
Okay so i know when you fight Sephiroth at the end of the game the first form was kinda hard. But im talking about the time after that when it is just Sephiroth vs. Cloud. I thought that this was WAY to easy... i mean right as soon as the Limit Break bar built up, i just used Omnislash once with Ultima weapon equiped and i killed him. Did anybody else have a tougher time with this?

bear this in mind people
It was too easy.I did ONE omnislash and murdered his safer sephiroth seemed to end so fast i could not even see what happened.They should have gave him more HP and sped him up a little
I got the impression that it was supposed to be more of a cutscene than an actual battle, what with the close up shots and all just before the fight.

At the same time, making it slightly more interactive by making it seem like a real battle makes the player feel more like "Yay! I beat the @#$% out of the final boss myself!". :P
I, myself, believe that Sephiroth is way to easy. I mean, come on. He has this hardcore story in the game, to be really tough and all. He should of been the toughest foe in the entire game, even tougher to beat than Ruby and Emerald. But no, he's a toy. I must admit that the first time I fought him it took me some time. But now I kill him in 1 minute or less.
People really need to pay attention to the first post, I'l just start deleting without warning soon

It is referring to the very last battle where Cloud faces Sephiroth alone
Okay... so what if you didn't use omnislash, what if you equipped like Braver? Would it still kill him in one hit?
It still gives you omnislash, first time I completed it, I didn't even AQUIRE omnislash and it was still the Limit Option

And I killed him on a counter attack after letting him hit me, so I think Braver would kill him too :wacky:
Gah, thats crap, that should have been the only battle that you needed omnislash for, but noooo. Gay SE, had to like give him 1hp...... I think it would be great to see Brave kill him.