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  1. Burninbluber

    Did you find FF1 hard?

    ff1 is the hardest by far, ive beat ffvii, ffviii, ffix and ffiv and i STILL cant beat the first 1 and thats the first one i played. im even almost done iii still cant beat ff1:gonk: i REALY WANT 2 :wtf: o ya its the hardest
  2. Burninbluber

    What do you mean gone?

    in ffiv i was training cecil and yang so much, and i was so mad when yang left, but then i thought again and thought, well at least i have cecil. im gonna stop here, if u beat ffiv u no y
  3. Burninbluber

    Crystal Chronical series for other consoles?

    :randompoke:ffcc is a nintendo exclusive series, it probably wont be coming 2 ps3, psp or 360. but if it does, then it will when cc ends (if it doesnt end soon enough some might be in a collection).
  4. Burninbluber

    Wait what!!?

    holy crap! those ffvii haters should realy give the game a chance, i used 2 despise ffvii. but then i gave it a chance 4 pc and i loved it! if u tried it, then u must have a pretty good reson 4 being a hater
  5. Burninbluber

    Zack Fair VS Vivi Orunitia

    they r just about the best charicters in the ff univeres, but if were in a fight, who would win?
  6. Burninbluber

    Worst Final Fantasy Game?

    ffii my personal opinoin is that ii is the worst cause i could never realy get into it like all the others and..... i always get killed (not counting the opining battle). it just always bores me
  7. Burninbluber

    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    just a min ago i was playing FFIII (DS) and yesterday i was playing FFVII (PC) (best ff game eva, they should remake it 4 ds!)