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  1. microcake

    Worst Final Fantasy Game?

    My throw went over to XIII and II. I absolutely hated how you strengthened your characters in II, I felt like it just promoted mindless repetitive grinding with the same moves in order to get anywhere. (In my case, it didn't go anywhere after 20 minutes of play as I promptly stopped playing.)...
  2. microcake


    Despite years and years of sitting close to the TV, reading in poor light, reading A LOT in general, constant handheld systems placed closely to my face, and just poor attempts to take care of my vision is absolutely perfect. Ironically, I think glasses are incredibly fashionable...
  3. microcake

    excuse me;

    Such lovely and friendly folk! (Note how I am now far too lazy to bother with customized texts in posts. le sigh.) @Sneaky; Oh no!!! I have to be particularly wary now, since I have boundarybubblebursting issues, and am most likely to invade one's space...especially CassinoChips since I'm now...
  4. microcake

    SOTW 143 Voting Thread

    I preferred number two. It fit well with the theme, and I feel like the artist took more of a risk by using a non-human subject even if it's a little more literal than the first. (I personally believe working with a non-human subject is much more challenging than using a pretty girl.) Colors...
  5. microcake

    excuse me;

    Hullo. I'm a sunny disposition'd girl from the sunny side of California who happens to enjoy most things dorky/nerdy + more. -- In particular I have a special love for videogames (I work at Gamestop, after all!) -- I also really love all sorts of reading materials. Science fiction, magical...