
My eyesight was very good as I was growing up, but then my vision turned to 20-225 three years ago due to astigmatism. It's very frustrating. D: I use eyeglasses that's graded on the right side only. I wear them only at home, or sometimes when I'm ridiculously late for class.

I just put on one contact lens. I have to say it's really convenient like that. :wacky: I would buy the 4 pair-set from the store and just ask them to grade them all 225. It saves money and it's less hassle than having to put on two. I just pop it in and go. :wacky:
My eyesight was very good as I was growing up, but then my vision turned to 20-225 three years ago due to astigmatism. It's very frustrating. D: I use eyeglasses that's graded on the right side only. I wear them only at home, or sometimes when I'm ridiculously late for class.

I just put on one contact lens. I have to say it's really convenient like that. :wacky: I would buy the 4 pair-set from the store and just ask them to grade them all 225. It saves money and it's less hassle than having to put on two. I just pop it in and go. :wacky:

Oh goodness, that's extremely convenient. Especially if you're trying to save money, haha. But wow, I've never known anybody who had vision problems with only one eye. (・o・) That's interesting.

Yeah, I was one of those stereotypical bookworms, so after reading too close with horrid lighting for years, my eyes finally succumbed to the torture I put them through. Anyways, I'm a circle lens lover, so that's what I normally use when I go out with friends. When I'm in classes, though, it's glasses. (・w・)
Despite years and years of sitting close to the TV, reading in poor light, reading A LOT in general, constant handheld systems placed closely to my face, and just poor attempts to take care of my vision is absolutely perfect. Ironically, I think glasses are incredibly fashionable and a lovely addition to your face. I so wish I could wear a pair without having them be clear lensed.
I guess, a lot of people I tend to see wearing glasses are geeky/nerdy/smart sort of people and so it sort of creates stereotype for me.

People who I see wearing glasses are probably into computers, video games, read a lot of books etc.

Of course it isn't always like that, but that's what I think when I see people wearing glasses.
Depends on the style of glasses. Thick frames, taped together, et cetera. Other than that, I've noticed more and more people around me are wearing them. Seeing as they do (no pun intended), I don't really think about it much at all. I'm meant to wear them too, however, I never do. This is because they pinch a nerve on my nose. I'm thinking of going for contacts instead. My fiance has told me I look sexy in glasses though. ./////.
I've been told I need to get glasses myself, but I've never gotten around to getting an eye test. I find them a little intimidating, I guess - and contact lenses just freak me out because I hate putting anything near my eyes.

I have no problem with other people wearing them, though. It's the person that matters - not what they're wearing/using.
People who I see wearing glasses are probably into computers, video games, read a lot of books etc.

That very well may be true. There are a lot of people around me that wear glasses, and they love video game and computers.

I hate the nerd stereotype that people assume about others who wear glasses. I wear them, and I am not a nerd. Yes, I love to read, play video games and I'm around a computer daily, but, that's just how I was raised.
Depends on the person and their overall appearance. Some people use glasses to their advantage and stylize them, matching it with their personality--whatever that may be. Some people just need glasses because they simply cannot see. Those people tend to be the "geeks" or what have you. In any case, it depends on the individual.
Personally, I find that women that wear glasses are pretty hot. It's like they kind of complement the face. Then again, I have a huge glasses fetish. :wacky:

Glasses are hot. :mokken:
Glasses don't honestly say much to me about a person :hmmm: I guess it's because I've been nearsighted enough to need them since I was eight, but I've been pretty much legally blind since then without corrective lenses, so I mostly just see them as a helpful tool, I guess :hmmm: I have some nice ones, but I don't wear them very often because they give me a headache :jtc: Contacts are a lot easier tbh.
Well I know I have posted already in this thread, but that was 2009. Now a days I'm always wearing my glasses, due to I have special lenses in which protect my eyes from light of the computer screen plus oncoming traffic at night on the road. I don't see any rings around lights anymore, but I do sometimes see the green tint from the glare reduction inner tint.

The only times I take them off now are to run, play soccer, or do anything in which requires physical activity. Only other time I really have touched my glasses are when I sleep. So yea, call me four eyes if you will, but damn my eyes need these. No more borderline migraines from being around a computer 10+ hours a day.
Personally, I find that women that wear glasses are pretty hot. It's like they kind of complement the face. Then again, I have a huge glasses fetish. :wacky:

Glasses are hot. :mokken:
Haha, this reply is win.

I agree, Glasses on the right people are so sexy!
Women that look like office workers are droolworthy, especially~
I wear contacts during the day and glasses at night. My vision has never been that great...but I deal with it. I love my contacts, and I swear by them. They are more comfortable to wear than glasses...and I would hate being at work and having my glasses fall down my nose all day. ... wearing them for 12 hour shifts when I start precepting at work is going to be interesting though, as I literally want to claw them out of my eyes after about 10 hours.

I have some cute glasses though. They were like $400.00 and they are black DKNY frames. ...I don't always mind wearing them, I'm just more used to my contacts.

...and I don't agree with the whole "glasses make you look smarter" thing. I don't reallly judge a book by its cover. I've known some people who wore glasses who weren't very adept so... I think glasses tend to look more agreeable on some people though.
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I wear my glasses for seeing the board at school, the TV and [will have to for] driving. As I've started to wear them more often by choice, my eyes are getting used to having them, so I actually need them more often. I don't like wearing them for going out to dinner or somewhere out where I won't necessarily need them, mainly because it usually isn't mandatory, but also because I just feel awkward. :hmmm:

I've been interested in getting contacts lately but I'm not so sure if I'd be able to keep up with taking them out every night and that's just asking for trouble. So I think I'll stick with my glasses for now. :busta:
Well I used to always rock contact lenses in the USA because my eyes are a rather attractive feature on me. yet living in china I have found that people wear glasses for style!!! I couldnt belive it, people who dont have eye problems are wearing glasses without lenses so often. Its a different concept in asia because a much larger percentage of people wear glasses.
I wear glasses sometimes, but i prefer wearing my contact lenses because the glasses make my eyes look tiny, and my contact lenses are tinted blue and make my eyes (grey) look kinda pretty.

My glasses are purple :D
Most people say it sucked whenever they had to start wearing glasses,but my reaction was


I always thought it was really cool to wear glasses when I was 7-10 years old;in fact,I did need glasses just for reading,but I decided to wear them all the time.:XD:A few years ago though,my vision started to get really,and I mean really shitty,but I was as jubilant as illustrated above.I just loved the though that I needed glasses,before when I wore them even when I didn't need to it made me feel like a poser.:shame:

It doesn't hurt that everyone says I look just like John Lennon with my glasses on.:awesome:
I think glasses are pretty cool! Considering I've been wearing them for over a year now, I've yet to be mocked or made fun of. If anything, I think people think I'm older now. :sad3:

I never think anything of people that wear glasses. They just... Have them. My friend was always afraid of putting them on because he thought everyone would make fun of him. Now he wears them all the time.

If anything, I'll say people look cooler with glasses ;)
I went to the Optometrist today because I was noticing things were looking a little blurry in the distance. I thought maybe it was just because i was tired and stressed from work.
Turns out I need glasses :ari: I would like to get some cool hipster ones, with the thick black frame. Though I am not sure if they'd suit me :hmmm: