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  1. Baron Van Wolfen

    Jenova - The real Villian of FFVII

    Jenova got controlled by Sephiroth after the Nibelheim incident. I repeat, everything that happened in FFVII was Sephiroth's doings. Where the story of FFVII begins. Sephiroth is the puppet master. This was a recurring theme in the compilation, Sephiroth's puppets n' all that.
  2. Baron Van Wolfen

    Strongest Beings of FFVII

    Ranking them by power and who would win in a fight, Sephiroth, Cloud and Zack are stronger than minerva, the WEAPONS, and Jenova(Sephiroth is stated to be above her afterall).
  3. Baron Van Wolfen

    Strongest Beings of FFVII

    Hmm....Interesting thread. Well I suppose that title goes to Sephiroth due to the fact he is state to be the strongest of FFVII verse. So we kinda have no option on that. But if i had to list it would be, in order of strongest to weakest: Top Tier: Sephiroth Cloud Zack Genesis Minerva/Jenova...
  4. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    ^^Indeed Also i didn't highlight the fair statement because i didn't think your view was fair. It was because of the pun you see. Zack Fair? C'mon you had to have meant it.
  5. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Man i wish i could jump/fly and cut skyscrapers like Seph does in AC. It would be so useful, and freeing.
  6. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Well as scrawny as I am I wouldn't even catch a fight with kid Cloud who fell of the nibel bridge just to walk up without any serious injury. He'd probably kick my ass.
  7. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Well yes, CC Zack utterly outclasses CC Cloud. Even though CC Cloud did fight the Ravens of AVALANCHE, Zack is probably the definition of the strongest BC SOLDIER. However at FFVII, people like Cloud and Sephiroth surpass SOLDIER. I mean It's not a coincidence that they both use black and...
  8. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    In all honesty, Zack at his peak is strong as Cloud mid FF7. AC/C Cloud, however would likely destroy him. CC Cloud isn't strong, there is no bearing to use him. He gets demolished.
  9. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth vs. Genesis Who is stronger?

    Sorry, i was defensive because of the Sephiroth hating gone in another thread. On topic, i don't know why you think Genesis got any stronger. He spent a few years in hibernation then woke up in DoC. Matter of the fact i see is he didn't get any better from CC to DoC. When Sephiroth has become...
  10. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth vs. Genesis Who is stronger?

    What are you talking about? Where is the proof that Genesis got stronger? It's a fact if he remained the same as CC Genesis he is a bug to AC Cloud or Sephiroth. Creators state it man.
  11. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth vs. Genesis Who is stronger?

    I believe he served the rival pedestal only on CC. Cloud fills that position later on when he becomes stronger. Hence why Cloud could match and rival him in AC, where he is in his strongest form.
  12. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth vs. Genesis Who is stronger?

    We can't make conclusions on a character we haven't seen fight yet......
  13. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth vs. Genesis Who is stronger?

    Genesis was said to have: "combat abilities that rank equal to Sephiroth's." In the CC era. Where Seph still had an edge on him despite them being closer. But there's no way to deny that Sephiroth's existence far surpassed that of Genesis post-crisis core. He did things far beyond the scope...
  14. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth vs. Genesis Who is stronger?

    As much as people can hate Sephiroth, there is no denying in this subject. A quick search of the canon material will reveal to you the true anwser. Nevertheless here it is: "It's stated in the official book Reunion Files the Sephiroth seen in Advent Children has "ascended to a new level of...
  15. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Well Cloud is genetically superior to Zack in the sense that the Sephiroth cells that he received were not contaminated. Also because the cells Cloud received were the exact same as the one Sephiroth did, meaning the most pure and concentrated. Hence why Cloud's the only one who could...
  16. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth Question

    The Sephiroth you first see is Jenova's body morphed to look like Seph. Being Controlled by Seph crystallized int the crater. The one that kills Aeris is also jenova cells, being controlled by Seph. Bizarro/Safer Sephiroth is Sephiroth's real body after absorbing some lifestream and the cells...
  17. Baron Van Wolfen

    Ideas for a GoW/Darksiders style Final Fantasy

    Isn't FFVersus13 already using the KH system? Does SE think turn based combat is dying? That's sad.
  18. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud's Love Triangle - The LTD of FFVII

    Here's a little quoty from cloud's profile: "In AC, the Buster Sword is stuck in the ground like a grave marker at the hill where Zack died, and Cloud thinks of Zack as he looks at it." - So yes i'm sure he must think of his besttest buddy...
  19. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud's Love Triangle - The LTD of FFVII

    Well he dos think somewhat of her after her death. But then he also thinks of Zack constantly. The thing is in AC all he needs from both of them, is forgiveness. He`s not lovesick because Zack(lulz) or Aerith died, he just want`s their forgiveness to move on with his familiy. Now I no longer...