Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

In Crisis Core, Cloud was only a rookie at the time, so I would say Zack was definitely the stronger of the two. Since his passing, Cloud has surpassed him. However, if you want my fair opinion I will have to stick with Zack. I think its only decent since he died and how can someone who passed get any stronger? :P So yeah. Judging from that certain time frame..
Would you rather compare a corpse to someone who lived on and gained strength or actually consider the time period to which he was alive and the level of strength shown at the time of events? :hmmm: I would consider mine a fair view. I'm guessing you would compare a corpse to a living being? Isn't that silly?
In all honesty, Zack at his peak is strong as Cloud mid FF7.

AC/C Cloud, however would likely destroy him.

CC Cloud isn't strong, there is no bearing to use him. He gets demolished.
You have a point. Cloud is stronger in FFVII. :hmmm:
Hence why I compared him in Crisis Core to when he was actually alive.
But I wont disagree that over time, he does gain more strength than Zack on staggering levels
Well yes, CC Zack utterly outclasses CC Cloud.

Even though CC Cloud did fight the Ravens of AVALANCHE, Zack is probably the definition of the strongest BC SOLDIER.

However at FFVII, people like Cloud and Sephiroth surpass SOLDIER.

I mean It's not a coincidence that they both use black and that Cloud has a modified SOLDIER attire, and that he discards it late for his own personal look. Or that Cloud's symbol is Fenrir, the god eater.
Well as scrawny as I am I wouldn't even catch a fight with kid Cloud who fell of the nibel bridge just to walk up without any serious injury.

He'd probably kick my ass.
I wish I was as strong as Zack or Cloud. :hmph:
I'm about as physically powerful as Yuna wacking monsters with her staff.
Man i wish i could jump/fly and cut skyscrapers like Seph does in AC.

It would be so useful, and freeing.
Sephiroths freerunning is the shit.

AC wasn't as good as I thought it would be but the fighting and graphics were mind blowing. The only time I really got excited is when Sephiroth showed up on screen with a kick ass entrance to an uber awesome exit.

Also i didn't highlight the fair statement because i didn't think your view was fair.

It was because of the pun you see.

Zack Fair?

C'mon you had to have meant it.
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I feel as if Zack would overpower Cloud because Zack had proper training from SOLDIER. Cloud definitely has gone through a lot in trying to stop Sephiroth, but I believe that does not compare to what Zack has gone through or sacrificed.

Cloud fought on par with AC Sephiroth for the duration of their fight(which the reunion files state was 12+ hours).

Do note that Zack was manhandled by CC Sephiroth.

Cloud is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outta Zack's league.

No one else could have fought Sephiroth in such an augmented state.

In that exact fight you're describing, Baron, Zack comes into Cloud's presence and convinces him not to give up. He's always been a sort of mentor to Cloud, and I seem to recall him not getting manhandled by Sephiroth in Crisis Core. He held his own pretty well, and if you want to talk manhandled, check out what happened to Cloud in the battle you referenced. He's pretty beaten and bruised. Plus, Zack didn't have near the motivation to fight Sephiroth. Cloud is fighting for all of humanity, while Zack was fighting a friend, a mentor, a hero, and he wasn't sure why. He could have held back, for all you know.

Zack is better or on par with Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis.

It took literally the entire Shinra army to take him down.

At worst, Zack and Cloud are even.

Zack's a show-off that tend of think too highly of himself, IMO.

Cloud just wants to get the job done and move on.

If you want to go by ability, Cloud still stumps Zack imo. Cloud has more focus/concentration, as Zack just jumps around and can't stand still...

In that exact fight you're describing, Baron, Zack comes into Cloud's presence and convinces him not to give up. He's always been a sort of mentor to Cloud, and I seem to recall him not getting manhandled by Sephiroth in Crisis Core. He held his own pretty well, and if you want to talk manhandled, check out what happened to Cloud in the battle you referenced. He's pretty beaten and bruised. Plus, Zack didn't have near the motivation to fight Sephiroth. Cloud is fighting for all of humanity, while Zack was fighting a friend, a mentor, a hero, and he wasn't sure why. He could have held back, for all you know.

Zack is better or on par with Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis.

It took literally the entire Shinra army to take him down.

At worst, Zack and Cloud are even.

How does getting Cloud's pysche up to fight Sephiroth again by reminding him of who he is make him stronger than Cloud?

Here is Zack getting manhandled by the Weakest Form of Sephiroth:

13:23 onwards.

You can clearly see a difference between this fight and the AC fight. Cloud was fighting him equally for the time they fought, Zack was getting destroyed, and he lost in minutes.

Look what the creators opinion on the Zack fight was:

"Battling Zack, a colleague with whom he was close. He brushes off Zack’s attacks with such power that one wouldn't think they were the same rank in SOLDIER." -

Creators portray Zack as completely outclassed by the weakest form of Sephiroth.


They portrayed Cloud as an equal to the most powerfull transcended form of Sephiroth for the duration of their battle(which was 12+ hours).

"He was to fulfill the volition inherited from "Mother" to "To rule the Planet", and fought against his fated rival Cloud."

"Cloud answers Sephiroth's proposal with his own perseverance. Cloud regards what is right, as Sephiroth holds Cloud in place, both standing in each other's way as fated rivals."



"Sephiroth's existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above him." - Kitase on Advent Children Sephiroth

"It's stated in the official book Reunion Files the Sephiroth seen in Advent Children has "ascended to a new level of existence" and is much stronger than before."


"Producer Kitase decided that they couldn’t make any other character stronger than Sephiroth in the world of FFVII."



"Only the places where Sephiroth cut through were burning because those points were where all his power gathered before being scattered." -

Producing fire by cutting buildings and light by clashing swords is a measure of power in FFVII. A measure only given to Cloud and Sephiroth in AC.

They did things for the Cloud/Sephiroth fight that they didn't do for anyone else. Why? Because Cloud and Seph are superior to them.

Zack is waaaaaaaaaaaay outta his league here.

The only being in FFVII who would defeat AC Cloud is AC Sephiroth.
Lol you bring Last Order into it. You do know that they uncanonized Last Order, right?

And you also are aware that for Advent Children, they original wanted to keep it realistic like the game, but eventually said "F it" and decided to make it look cool with flips and buildings crumbling and stuff like that. If they had put Zack into the movie, he would have been able to do the same shit. (Look at Tifa, who can flip and stay in midair and do all sorts of awesome stuff.)
This is a wholly unfair debate because Zack never got a chance to advance past CC FFVII while Cloud has had all of CC, all of FFVII AND FFVIIAC to augment his abilities. If they were both along side each other during the events of the games/film, then I'm fairly certain Zack would retain the edge he's had over Cloud from the beginning.

@Baron: I'd like to note that The Last Order: FFVII is not canon (As in not considered a valid piece of the Compilation of FFVII) so you're whole point up there is moot. If you examine the two, the content in the film is altered from what actually happened in the game.

Source for the above: Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario. Square Enix. p. 226
Lol you bring Last Order into it. You do know that they uncanonized Last Order, right?

And you also are aware that for Advent Children, they original wanted to keep it realistic like the game, but eventually said "F it" and decided to make it look cool with flips and buildings crumbling and stuff like that. If they had put Zack into the movie, he would have been able to do the same shit. (Look at Tifa, who can flip and stay in midair and do all sorts of awesome stuff.)

LO is not un-canon. Even so, Zack gets his ass handed to him in CC as well. And in the primary canon(VII), he loses to Sephiroth in seconds.

That text was taken in the official ultimania, portraying how they thought of the Zack fight and how they though of the Cloud fight.

They thought Zack was outclassed by the weakest form of Sephiroth. You can clearly see this in the fight

They portrayed Cloud as equal to the strongest form of Sephiroth, and as his rival. You can clearly see this in the fight.

That has NOTHING to do with Cloud fighting the strongest form of Sephiroth much better than Zack being easily defeated by the weakest.

And the light and fire they added was on purpose. The official text says they used that as a measure of power.

The text clearly says AC Sephiroth is the strongest being in FFVII, and that AC fought him equally for 12+ hours before getting fatigued. They describe Cloud as that form's rival, while describing Zack as outclassed by the weakest form of Sephiroth.

Again, Zack is out of his league here.

The only being who would defeat AC Cloud, is AC Sephiroth.


LO is canon. Can i get the statement saying It's not please?

It's mentioned in all official sources as a watch, and even commented on by the creators in the Ultimania.

It has entries It'self in the ultimania. It's canon.
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