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  1. Baron Van Wolfen

    Can Cetra Ancients do what Sephiroth does?

    I really couldn't care what the fans reasons were man, i merely used the wiki to as evidence to reinforce the point i was making about inconsistancies. They might have handpicked the guy, but they didnt supervise all of his work, and obviously it came out as inconsistant, contradicting some...
  2. Baron Van Wolfen

    Can Cetra Ancients do what Sephiroth does?

    Really man:gasp:????? I mean it's got a really big number of inconcistancies. And it hasnt been mentioned in official sources since after it's realease. I mean just look at the wiki it's self: "Because many points in the novella are...
  3. Baron Van Wolfen

    Can Cetra Ancients do what Sephiroth does?

    I wouldnt compare sephiroth's creation of his remnants to aerith always appearing to cloud on a white background, with flowers. Sephs remnants were much more prevalent in the physicall world, they dont even actually have a body they are just manifestations of seph's will. Remnant of...
  4. Baron Van Wolfen

    Can Cetra Ancients do what Sephiroth does?

    Like i said the children think she`s there, she can telepath through the lifestream, interact through the lifestream. She`s a vision, in the children`s brain and in cloud`s, or another theory is as Dragon Mage said she`s a spirit. The lifestream affects all if she wants to appear some random...
  5. Baron Van Wolfen

    Can Cetra Ancients do what Sephiroth does?

    Maybe because she dosent actually touch them:ohshit:?? The Mind is very naive, an image of aerith touching someone to them, dosent mean shes actually there. She didnt materialize in front of cloud inside a megaflar, nor do i think she passed energy to him somehow(there is never an allusion to...
  6. Baron Van Wolfen

    Which Final Fantasy Game Has the Best Storyline?

    Gotta be FFVII for me. Because of how the characters evolved and how we passed from mercenaries to stopping planetary threats, all the while with good jokes from uncle Cid XD. Also the nice plot twists and how it evolved from just the game into the compilation and so on.
  7. Baron Van Wolfen

    Best Final Fantasy Game?

    Hmmm, for some reason i always felt an attachment to VII. I thought the game did what every earlier FF had and did it well, possibly even better. The gameplay was fantastic, the music epic, the characters had deep stories with alot of self development(i especially liked the idea of the multi...
  8. Baron Van Wolfen

    Can Cetra Ancients do what Sephiroth does?

    IMO what cloud saw where visions of aerith inside his head, as everyone has a current in them like the lifetream as stated by vincent, and aerith traverses lifestreams i think it`s safe to assume she appeared in visions to cloud(and the chilsren in the church). I also belive that was the reson...
  9. Baron Van Wolfen

    Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

    You guys have to decide if you want this thread to be based on storyline feats and showings or gameplay mechanics:randompoke:. Because if your going by feats and showings than i say easily: Cloud via massive speedblitz, next Terra via esper form, then Light via odin. On gameplay I instantly...
  10. Baron Van Wolfen

    THE Final Fantasy

    Man this is priceless! I enjoy the fact no one likes Vaan:giggle:.
  11. Baron Van Wolfen

    Favorite Summon?

    The Bahamut Zero one always #1 for me. Who wouldnt want to control a gigantic six winged dragon that orbits the planet and can shoot nukes out of its mouth! The gilgamesh Summoning in 8 was especially kickass. And the ifrit one in CC looked pretty dang intimidating. odin and KOTR are staple...
  12. Baron Van Wolfen

    Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

    Going by feats and story showings i would estimate: 1) Cloud - It's Cloud easily, regardless of what anyone thinks or says of him in consequence of underestimating his abilities or just pure hate for the character. He simply has the best feats and combat showings. Were talking about high tier...
  13. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth VS Weiss

    Hells yea. Yuffie would be proud of seph's uber ninja skillz! But on a more serious note: "Sephiroth's existence and will is extremely powerful. There is nothing stronger, nothing above him." - Kitase, on Advent Children Sephiroth so.........seph FTW??????
  14. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Ok after reading this entire thread and reviewing zack and cloud's own singular fights i think i can come to an accurate assumption on who would win. First thing is to determine what cloud would be fightning. Even if CC cloud had massive amounts of hidden strenght he would lose in a straight...