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  1. Aurona

    Do you think FF13 will better than FF12?

    The character designs in FFXII were a little lacking somehow. I'm not sure how, but they just lacked "that spark" that Tetsuya Nomura puts into his characters. I like Nomura's designs best, and since he seems to be the one doing FFXIII's character designs, I think I'll enjoy FFXIII more. And...
  2. Aurona

    Worth a Replay?

    I will admit that FFVIII lacks a backstory, which is unusual for a Final Fantasy title, but the truth is, it doesn't need one. The game's storyline stays entirely within the present day (except for the Laguna dream sequences), and it's because of the complexity of what happens in the present...
  3. Aurona

    Worth a Replay?

    Yup, to reiterate what everyone else just said, you should really play it again. The game came out when I was 8 years old and I played it when I was 9 (never got around to finishing, though, despite the several game files I went through), and it's only now that I'm mature enough to fully...
  4. Aurona

    Ffviii Movie

    Yeah, that battle between the Gardens was really sweet. Too bad the CG would freeze my screen all the time because my 2nd Disc is scratched. x_x I agree with Tielknight, though: the CG all played out like a movie, all right. There's no way you'd be able to squash all of FFVIII into just one...
  5. Aurona


    Uh huh. Well, I'm new, though, so... hi! ^-^