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  1. Izanagi

    [IC] ciphra Fabula, a Final Fantasy prequel series

    Can there be a Samurai sort of character then?
  2. Izanagi

    [IC] ciphra Fabula, a Final Fantasy prequel series

    I'm curious to see how this is done as well, do we go with canonical characters? Or can we make our own that matches with the worlds of FF?
  3. Izanagi

    [V2] Worst Final Fantasy Game?

    I'm torn between voting for XIII, XIII-2 and XIV. I mean A Real Reborn can be an interesting view, but I wish I had the means to vote for FFXIII and its series as a whole.
  4. Izanagi

    Hello from me! :D

    Your dad is awesome to be playing ff hahaha! X and Kingdom Hearts was memorable for me
  5. Izanagi

    Anime Last Anime You Watched

    Log Horizon and Sword Art Online. Im seeing which is alot more fun between the two. Both share strengths and flaws aye.
  6. Izanagi

    [S/D] Tale of the Forgotten

    I had this idea for an arab/asian-like bandit or royal brat who leaves his kingdom to seek fame and glory as well as see the world beyond the kingdom of his orign. But I need to go more into detail with the story to fit in accordingly.
  7. Izanagi

    [S/D] Tale of the Forgotten

    Can I make a Mongolian/Sultan-like character?
  8. Izanagi

    [S/D] Tale of the Forgotten

    Is it like around the eras of the West? Like cowboys and shit?
  9. Izanagi

    [S/D] Tale of the Forgotten

    Is this within the realm of modern age? Or is it in ancient times?
  10. Izanagi

    Amazing character from the series Sword Art Online aye.

    Amazing character from the series Sword Art Online aye.
  11. Izanagi

    Toxica was with the madame for 150 years and went missing for 50 to which I have yet to find a...

    Toxica was with the madame for 150 years and went missing for 50 to which I have yet to find a reason for. X)
  12. Izanagi

    Candy Canes For All 2013!

    Vicron, if this is Albert, then hell yes I would. He's a bud. Me Gustith, just to get her lazy ass off and reignite Destrillians. Yaoi Master Gavin, because I adore him enough to give candy. Along with his adorable RP characters. Infamous Squee, because he is rather interesting and our...
  13. Izanagi

    What cheered you up today?

    These never get old: Brothers? or Cousins? Please Xie Liang, Put down that spear!! One way of describing poor Loki's predicament.. Interesting selection of choices, Hawkeye. Basic premise of the movie really. I thought Asgardians were more mature than this. Iron Man...
  14. Izanagi

    He's an interdimensional Warlord. He controls almost all the ORPG's reality gateways, timelines...

    He's an interdimensional Warlord. He controls almost all the ORPG's reality gateways, timelines and alternate realities and can pluck out say Scarlet from any timeline in SFR as he wishes. Still though, for someone so OP, I dont know how to make a plot centered around him.
  15. Izanagi

    Hiya! One query, I'm kinda writer's blocked for an RP concept I have in mind. It's sort of like...

    Hiya! One query, I'm kinda writer's blocked for an RP concept I have in mind. It's sort of like a crossover from all of FFF's ORPG characters by one new character. Yet I am lacking ideas on how or what will justify the possibility of crossing em over. :(
  16. Izanagi

    [Interest Check/Discussion] Project Destrillians

    Are we proceeding with anything here??? Me Gustith
  17. Izanagi

    For Your Consideration

    My old collection of drawings aye. All mostly from Project Destrillians or Scattered Shadows. I may include more as time goes. I'm not a colourist sadly, though I'd be willing to tag team with anyone who can. x___x ;; - Vir and Nixie ( Scattered Shadows )...
  18. Izanagi

    I am not sure how to expand upon that, as I originally had in mind to set this new guy as the...

    I am not sure how to expand upon that, as I originally had in mind to set this new guy as the big bad with our own ready made characters as protagonist stopping him from destroying reality. How to make it good is still on a working process.
  19. Izanagi

    I have this idea of a completely different, new character who pulls out random people from...

    I have this idea of a completely different, new character who pulls out random people from different realities to be his bodyguard while political tensions rises from his own reality and his ability to break the forbidden practice of plucking people from other universes. He pulls approximately...
  20. Izanagi

    Proceed, shen.

    Proceed, shen.