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  1. Valvalis

    Hey Kevin! :) How have you been? Haven't talked to you for a while :gonk:

    Hey Kevin! :) How have you been? Haven't talked to you for a while :gonk:
  2. Valvalis

    *peek* How are you? :awesome:

    *peek* How are you? :awesome:
  3. Valvalis


    The gambit system did make certain aspects a little too easy imo, but I'm always glad to have them during the really difficult fights, such as in Ridorana's basement. I'm level 83 and am still getting my butt kicked in there all the time even with tons of buffs :ness:
  4. Valvalis

    Final Fantasy Hair - Who has the best hair? And what do you think about it?

    I've always had a thing for Setzer's hair, tbh :hmmm: I like how the color is a bit unusual for a 27-year-old, and just how long and unkempt it is, it really fits his wild personality I think.
  5. Valvalis

    [RP]Skies of Elleard

    (OOC: Sorry for the long wait, all the male characters will probably have to shave huge beards off themselves after waiting so long now :gonk: Hope this is good enough, have been out of the swing of things for a while)...
  6. Valvalis

    [OOC] In This Life

    Yeah tipsy you can go ahead, I have to do skies first that's been like a month now :/ (sry on phone atm)
  7. Valvalis

    FFF: the RP

    (OOC: Going to intro her second ability here, I hadn't thought about it much but I figure this would be an ok time for it to happen. Basically will be invisibility for 20min, and has been brought out by her stress, I'll try to update the bio with her details when I get a chance)...
  8. Valvalis

    Miley Cyrus sings Smells Like Teen Spirit

    Tbh I don't think anyone could do it like the original, except for maybe Seether because their sound is often a bit similar to Nirvana. I've heard Tori Amos cover this song, and I pretty much hero worship her music and I still didn't care for it much. I'm not surprised though about this new MC...
  9. Valvalis

    Wedding drama

    Congrats, I really hope everything works out for you :) I'm really sorry you're having to deal with all this drama though :sad3: I don't think it's unusual to have this kind of stuff happen when planning a wedding though, and none of it is your fault at all. When we were planning mine, we...
  10. Valvalis

    Oh ok cool, that makes it easier then. I just put one in EA and I don't have anymore time today...

    Oh ok cool, that makes it easier then. I just put one in EA and I don't have anymore time today but I'll try to get it going ASAP, and I'll also try to make it something that fits in with the flow of what you PM'd me about where the story is going to go, just so I'm not totally going out on a...
  11. Valvalis

    *Eureka Academy:Second Semester*

    (OOC: Sorry for not quoting all the dialogue, I tried at first but I'm really confused :ness: So I hope this will do and that it doesn't totally suck eggs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  12. Valvalis

    [S/D] Eureka Academy: Second Semester

    I'll have a post up asap, I know it's taking me a while sorry :ness: And Oli, for a heads up, if it ever seems like Bartholomew is irritated by Headmaster Akabea at all then I don't mean any offense by it--OOC I like him, and personally think he's a cool character :D But it's just that it seems...
  13. Valvalis

    Harry Potter Series, use spoiler tags please

    HOLY. FREAKING. SHIT. That looks amazing :yay: I hadn't seen this before, thanks so much for posting it! (And omg, the part where :gonk: epic!) This looks so good, I really can't wait to go out and see this fifty times :jess: Definitely going to catch the midnight showing again if at all...
  14. Valvalis


    Well I think hypocrisy is a natural tendency in humans to be self-serving, we want to be able to do whatever we want, but if someone else does the same thing and it conflicts with us somehow, then it's suddenly not okay for them to do it. I mean if you eat a whole pie because you want it...
  15. Valvalis

    Do you miss Airships?

    I definitely love the ability to fly airships in FF so I was disappointed when they took that away. I love steampunk machines and have always thought it was cool to fly them manually, it gives you more of a connection with the characters who are flying them as well.
  16. Valvalis

    Help So...about Quina.

    I've used Quina on and off, he/she isn't one of the characters I never use actually :hmmm: I've found Twister to be quite useful at times, it's hard to find good wind spells in FF games often and this one is pretty handy.
  17. Valvalis

    Argh, I'm so stumped about an event for FFFRP ._. Is it ok if it's something that interrupts...

    Argh, I'm so stumped about an event for FFFRP ._. Is it ok if it's something that interrupts the running of our train somehow? Or should I just allow us to stay on the train as planned so we get to the city faster?
  18. Valvalis

    Usama Bin Laden DEAD!

    I have to agree with this, the details are far too sketchy. If he is honestly dead, there's no way in hell it just happened yesterday or even this week. I would say at least a month ago, if not longer--something that would make this big of a news impact would never just be flung out into the...
  19. Valvalis

    [S-U/D] Skies of Elleard

    Yeah, I'm sorry, if anyone wants to post before me they can, I'll try to get caught up with all my RPs this week but I won't be able to do it today I know :sad3:
  20. Valvalis

    Joey! :yay: (Crap, I'm horrible at getting back to these fast enough, I'm sorry :sad3:) How...

    Joey! :yay: (Crap, I'm horrible at getting back to these fast enough, I'm sorry :sad3:) How was your spring break?