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  1. Jacqui

    Favorite Playable Character

    At the moment, it's definitely Lulu. Bloody strong magic, and when you've got her ultimate weapon she's amazing. Yeah, Yuna can cast stronger black magic with her ultimate weapon, but Lulu does it with style...
  2. Jacqui

    Favorite Hunt/Side-Mission

    Yiazmat was a nightmare for me, I never managed to defeat it. I think it was more sick to death of being blown up by traps because even when you're wearing the bangle, you still get forced into them all.
  3. Jacqui

    Help Mist charges

    I hit R2 once, see what appears, and if nothing appears, hit it quickly again. You need to do this as soon as they've stopped rotating. I usually get between 7 and 15 hits this way, and occasionally higher (I got a 28 hit once)
  4. Jacqui

    Does anyone here like FFX enough to play it again?

    I've replayed it a couple of times, but I've never got a perfect game with everything obtained- I've never been able to do the chocobo training or the butterfly catching...or Blitzball. Unfortunately I'm having to start all over again because my memory card decided to be unformatted all of a...
  5. Jacqui

    Favorite Hunt/Side-Mission

    I never managed to steal anything from Gilgamesh, but I loved Iit because of the music. I liked Carrot because the first time it took me AGES. I wasn't a very high level, went into it way too early
  6. Jacqui

    'Sayings' that get on your nerves

    "you looked bored"- I work in a supermarket and people say this to me a lot if I have an empty till and they come with their trolley. Yeah, I looked bored. I was just having 5 minutes thinking about that sexy guy who works on the shop floor. Far from bored thanks. (and I was lying about the sexy...
  7. Jacqui

    [V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

    I'm playing XII. I think I've levelled up a bit in this playthrough, I've just been to Giruvegan and I didn't get killed once- never happened before
  8. Jacqui

    Does anybody else HATE the Great Crystal?

    I've just got out of the Crystal, and I've realised that I remember my way out of the place, but I've never found Ultima. Or maybe I did once- I forget. Anyway, the thing that annoys me the most about the place is that noise for every step you take, it gives me a headache
  9. Jacqui

    Quotes that made you think....

    Ah, a chance to quote from my Bible AKA Advanced Banter: The QI Book of Quotations Here we go I don't mind that I'm fat. You still get the same money. Marlon Brando No one wants advice, only corroboration. John Steinbeck There is another man within me, who is angry with me. C.S. Lewis...
  10. Jacqui

    FFX-2 Worst final fantasy ever

    I understand a lot of the dislike for FFX-2, it was, as I said, pure cheesefest, from the second you put the disc in and pressed start (well, the second time for me, I had to take my first copy back to the shop because it had been damaged during manufacture- there were flaws in the silver layer)...
  11. Jacqui

    Help Is there a way of skipping scenes?

    I think it's one of those talky cutscenes- it's a while since I've played past this part, but I seem to remember Dagger/Garnet telling Zidane a lot of things. I guess it's a trip to the game shop in Rhyl for me, they've got a disc fixing service. Thanks anyway :)
  12. Jacqui

    best music in game?

    I absolutely adore The City That Never Sleeps, it cheers me up whenever I hear it. I think I had it as my ringtone as a while- with Vallo Alla Flamenco as my wake-up alarm. There are some really good pieces in this game
  13. Jacqui

    Help Is there a way of skipping scenes?

    Just as an aside, all of those scratch repair things tell you to use rubbing alcohol- something I don't have. Is there anything else I can clean it with Also, is there any way I can completely skip the Dagger in the tower scene? I doubt there is, but it's always worth asking
  14. Jacqui

    FFX-2 Worst final fantasy ever

    Out of the FF games I have played, I think it's my least favourite, but I wouldn't describe it as "worst", the word "worst" implies that I hated it, which I didn't, I really liked it. It's just that there are FF games I have liked more. So yeah, least favourite, but not worst.
  15. Jacqui

    Why we wont have a 'good' final fantasy game anymore

    I'm not sure that "the majority" of Final Fantasy fans hated XII. Yes, there are people who dislike it, but it still sold well, there's a thriving thread on it here and many other sites. Also, not everybody played the FF series in order- I played X-2 before X and X-2 made me want to play X (that...
  16. Jacqui

    Favorite GF's to use in world/boss battles

    Out of the ones I've managed to get for myself, I like Shiva, Diablos and Alexander. I love Ice attacks, I seem to favour them over the others, and I love the summoning sequences for Diablos and Alexander
  17. Jacqui

    Favorite Hunt/Side-Mission

    I also liked Belito because the first time I stumbled across it by accident- forgot there was a hunt in the Sandsea- I think I was looking for A Tingling Toast because I'd left that for ages. You only get Belito once you've defeated the Trickster, don't you? Another one I liked is Who's The...
  18. Jacqui

    Does anybody else HATE the Great Crystal?

    I never did find Ultima- I'm playing through again and I'm meant to be heading towards Giruvegan, but I'm putting it off. It just takes forever to get through the place, and the fact that you have no real map for it is quite distracting.
  19. Jacqui

    [FFXII] Where would you like to live?

    I would love to live in Eruyt village, it's so pretty and well designed. It's really peaceful looking. Just as long as I don't have to sport the half-naked bunnygirl look, I'd be happy
  20. Jacqui

    Help [FFX-2] Haste Effect

    I don't think I had any problems with haste- if one person is under haste and the others aren't, you can see the difference, especially if they have the same dressphere on