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  1. Fair_Game

    Never Ending Rp

    (OOC : Augie I love your character!) The remarkable ease at forcing his target (Zotok) off balance took Solber by completely by surprize. His right foot skid across the gravel and wobbled to a stop. Shit! he chastised himself, Maybe I overdid the entrance... well at least I didn't f... Before...
  2. Fair_Game

    Never Ending Rp ~Sign up~

    Ya, minor spoiler... Solber's family do the bidding of a Dark lord. I saw that your character was a prince and kinda made up a reason for Sol needing to get rid of you... can't see him succeeding but I figured it would give the story a bit of fun yeah? Plus Sylar looks like he could use...
  3. Fair_Game

    Never Ending Rp ~Sign up~

    oho, I may have to go back and reword what I wrote, Solber's target was Zotok! I meant for him to be defending Sylar! If anyone gets time could they help me figure out what I should have done to be more clear...maybe if I used names it would have helped?
  4. Fair_Game

    Username Change Thread

    Oh cool thank you so much, is there a fee involved with that or is that just a free service you guys give out? Promise not to abuse it (as this is the name I usually go by)
  5. Fair_Game

    Username Change Thread

    Woah you guys are pretty nice about the whole name change it possible for me to get mine changed to : Fair_Game ? Much thanks in advance
  6. Fair_Game

    I have witnessed the end of humanity...

    Woah, thats really harsh! My fiance's kid brother is in a couple of artsy classes...and my fiance herself wouldn't be the artist she is today without her art class. Thats really lame, damn you Charlie Crist!
  7. Fair_Game

    Never Ending Rp

    'Removal of one loose end dead set on unravelling the commonwealth', was all the scruffy parchment had read. And he would have chucked the whole idea right back at the masked informant had he not been warned about the rural towns customs. A deep flourishing bow and a note of coin into the...
  8. Fair_Game

    Never Ending Rp ~Sign up~

    Cool thanks, and yeah I'd have to convince my partner here that Firefox isn't scary first...shrugs... I'll probably post up something tomorrow...writing that bio tuckered me out. Gnight!
  9. Fair_Game

    Never Ending Rp ~Sign up~

    Cool well here's my character profile that I want to try! ORPG and/or RPB Name: Solber Antilienious, goes by Sol Title: Novice Dark Knight Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 13 Appearance: - Hair: Sol's wavy and unkempt, blonde hair spills over a crimson headband that ties in a short knot...
  10. Fair_Game

    Do you have a significant other?

    Yo friend, I'd take it according to you I got lucky! My Fiance is a bigger FF fan than I am! I know how you feel about the whole religion kinda brainwashing you against romance but its still possible. Give love a chance ya ya ya! EDIT : As for DL they're pretty easy to get, seriously it just...
  11. Fair_Game

    Ow!My Hearteries Art

    Edit : uh nevermind I feel really stupid posting up her stuff like that. If an admin wants to get rid of this topic thats swell with me.
  12. Fair_Game

    Playstation Patapon - Feb 26th!

    After very little research I've come to the conclusion that this site needs a Patapon thread. Haven't you heard, oh fellow PSPers, Patapon is the exact game the PSP needed to get out of its slump! Seriously if you haven't heard anything about it go check it out at and...
  13. Fair_Game

    Crisis Core IGN: We have english FFVII:CC vids!

    Yeah I heard em too, and I was really disappointed. Mod edit: Please put more effort into your post. :D
  14. Fair_Game

    Barvolde Academy: Paranormal club

    Here, Yo! Name: Matthew Allen Xenpelar 'Max' Age: 15 Gender: Male Grade: 10th Appearance: Mother nature seems to have given Max a breeze through puberty and left him smooth and fairly hairless. Not being one to rock the boat, he decided to follow the trend and keeps his dark, brown hair in a...
  15. Fair_Game

    Bio approval: Waiting List

    Hey, first bio up, let me know what I need to fix!
  16. Fair_Game

    Fair_Game - Bios

    ORPG and RPB Name: Gungnir Title: The Greasy Palm Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 33 Appearance: - Hair: Splotchy and dirt encrusted, muddy brown and usually covered by several layers of gauze from a head injury that didn't heal right. A few sparce hairs jut out from between the wraps. -...
  17. Fair_Game

    Crisis Core The full fight between Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis.

    The Battle system isn't weird at all! You press L and R to change your selection (attack, skill, spell, item) and O to accept the item... The only thing that takes any getting used to is the fact that you can make another selection while performing the action. So if you press O to attack and O...
  18. Fair_Game

    Crisis Core F.A.Q.'s

    Except that most of the characters in CC weren't in AC (Zack kinda was but didn't say anything...). The thing that really gets to me is that Cloud in CC looks and acts young, (his facial expressions etc.) but if I hear the AC clouds voice come out in the end scene I'll start a whirling dervish...
  19. Fair_Game

    Crisis Core The full fight between Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis.

    By the way does anyone know how Sephiroth became hero? but I can't read japanese so I don't know if it ever said the real reason.
  20. Fair_Game

    I'm invisible inside my car

    Naw she's not on any forums. She writes the FFVII Yaoi fanfic entitled Blonde Ambition. Thanks for the welcome gang!