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  1. Fair_Game

    Role-Playing Tournament 2008 Discussion

    Excellent, glad to hear its underway. I saw the rules and am VERY glad to see a Judging system will be in effect. I would like to suggest the use of my Post Count rule to make the tournament as concise as possible. I recommend using a 7 posts per combatant per battle, in this way we will get a...
  2. Fair_Game

    Help Thread

    Sounds very interesting. I believe what your supposed to do is propose it in The Practitioners > The Break Room. I have a topic for experiments in RPB. I would be interested in hearing more about it! But...
  3. Fair_Game

    NPC Service

    Cool glad you like it. I think your idea is pretty damn good to go, and it should be set in place asap. As for the Monster bit, it just needs a onceing over by the mods. I hope it helps and sees some use!
  4. Fair_Game

    Role-Playing Tournament 2008 Discussion

    Hope you don't mind me joining up. I've been meaning to work out some of the kinks in my RP style and a little round robin with the FFF finest would do me some good. Any ideas on when this is taking off?
  5. Fair_Game

    Effective Diablos Strategy

    Seriously, use blind. It makes it so he misses almost every time. The only other attack he has is demi which can't kill you. You can beat him as soon as you get him.
  6. Fair_Game

    Bio approval: Waiting List

    New RPB character- Belselk Ebenhardt
  7. Fair_Game

    Arena battle at dusk!

    [3/7] The armor reverberated with a crisp 'clang' as the trident met its mark. Three dimples appeared as Nathan pulled back his weapon, and slung it into a defensive position, leading with his right arm for protection. Skoal righted himself then let out a yawn, it was almost as if he was bored...
  8. Fair_Game

    Fair_Game - Bios

    Belselk Ebenhardt RPB Name : Belselk Ebenhardt Race/Bloodline : Human/Berserker of Eselgleese Age : 16 Vital Statistics : Weight - 113 lbs Height - 5'4" inches Build - Active Youth with highly combative upbringing Appearance : Belselk Ebenhardt's looks come off distinctively animal. His...
  9. Fair_Game

    Arena battle at dusk!

    [2/7] The sound of steel punctuated the dreamy warrior's speech with an uncharacteristically sharp point. A violent snap lashed out but strangely it targeted the only guarded area on Nathan's body. In response to which, the sturdy arm guard resounded with a wry, dull thud. The thin point of the...
  10. Fair_Game

    Arena battle at dusk!

    [OOC : Character Participating - Nathan Heimdall (see link for Approved Bio information) Note : This challenge is for anyone interested in a quick match. This Match serves two distinct purposes, one for...
  11. Fair_Game

    NPC Service

    Here is my attempt at a Monster Bio, I borrowed several parts from Throttle's New Bio template so please understand that credit goes to him for his work, I in no way am accepting credit for this : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Monster Name : (This should...
  12. Fair_Game

    Rep Power????

    Reputation System I really like the new addition of the Reputation system but I have a few questions about it : I tried to rep someone for posting a really good post but I received a message saying I need to spread the rep before I rep'ed them a second time. Can someone elaborate? Curunir...
  13. Fair_Game

    Usable Rp Characters

    I'm sure this is already in affect but I just wanted to clarify. Can someone use an RP character that was approved into the Battle-Hardened section? For instance, say I'd like to practice RP with Nathan Heimdall, can I start a topic in the sparring arena that allows me to try him out in a...
  14. Fair_Game

    NPC Service

    I don't know if its been mentioned before but I would like to offer a suggestion for your NPC service : How about Monster NPC's. The RP section could hold a contest to inspire activity with members that would include a 'most creative monster' contest. Anyone would be able to enter at any time...
  15. Fair_Game

    Fair_Game - Bios

    You know, I just finished reading the other bio's and I said to myself : Damn I totally put a status effect in as one of my skills. I'm glad you like the ideas though! The skill has been changed and now reads : [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. Fair_Game

    Do you believe in God?

    I find it hard to believe that you've never thought you heard/saw/felt/tasted/smelled something that was not there. Its such a common experience that its become trite in literature, movies, t.v. The number of experiences where the senses fail is so severe that its accepted as commonplace. Your...
  17. Fair_Game

    Do you believe in God?

    Had to respond to this part, and I may have said this before but. Are you saying that you don't believe in God because your 'five senses' haven't offered you proof of it? If this is the case then I have to ask, have your senses ever failed you? Ever thought you heard something but didn't? Saw...
  18. Fair_Game

    Bio approval: Waiting List

    New character : Nathan Heimdall
  19. Fair_Game

    Fair_Game - Bios

    Nathan Heimdall This character is intended for RPB even as weak as he is, however I would like to say that I've never RPed with a character like this and may wish to make changes as I get more acquainted with him, or find things that work or don't work. Perhaps that makes him better suited for...
  20. Fair_Game

    Experimental RPB Discussion

    I'm glad for the support of moderators Throttle! I'm really happy to be working on experimentation. - Post limit Redux : I misspoke when I said 'Rule', and I agree, it as a condition is wonderful. I was implying more that it may become something acceptable in the Legends section. A tournament...