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  1. ducaduca

    Square Enix The Last Remnant

    this is proerly #5 on the list of games i want it looks so good lol :)
  2. ducaduca

    Which FF Skill system do you guys like

    i would have to say the sphere grid because you can take great control of your character and use it to the limit.
  3. ducaduca

    Pick your FF XIII villian type.

    yes i would like a new character but i would also like the new evil person to be different not like the others i would like the game to end at a cliffhanger too so we will have to wait for the next version to coe out lol =P
  4. ducaduca

    Sephiroth has to be replaced!?

    when this comes out i will 190% buy it and play for 24 hours a day lol and love it. yeh i too want a new bad person or maybe a bad group of people like the shinra.
  5. ducaduca

    Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

    i dont think it would be good but if there was another FF to be made with Tidus Auron and Yuna continuing their journey.
  6. ducaduca

    Where would you like to live?

    besaid because its nice and good weather :)also its basic, i ike basic lol
  7. ducaduca

    My Yojimbo is too powerful...

    lol i loved yojimbo but on my second play i never used him i only used auron tidus and yuna lol never summoned an aeon
  8. ducaduca

    Which is it?

    its either lol