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  1. C

    Stupidest Weapon

    i think you all forgot about quina and her god dam FORK!! I mean i know you have a deep, and i mean deep love for food but really. I haven't been stabbed with a fork yet, but im assuming it wouldnt deal 3000 dmg to me. but thats just me
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    Excalibur II: Is it worth it?

    its not worth it, the weapon, but i think the bragging rights would be worth it. I think if i tried i would probably get caught up in the story again and not wanna skip anything....
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    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    yeah your turn to make a riddle
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    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    I am part of a characters past, in which i am regretted but not ignored. The incident displaced close members of my family. I knew it would happen, but I was talked into it this is why i wanted revenge against him. Cloud and the group find me retained. Who am I?
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    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    my guess would be Masamune couldnt think of anything else
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    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    wait actually my guess is redXIII
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    Final Fantasy VII Riddles

    cait sith? i dont think so
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    Favorite TV Show

    lost and bleach. both are equally awesome. it wouold be hard to decide between the two but i would pick lost.
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    What was the last DVD you bought?

    anchorman it may be the funniest movie i have ever seen got it for a good 9 dollars at future shop. definately worth the buy
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    Help GP

    ok thanks alot everyone. Turns out i was just over checking i have like 500 gp haha.
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    Help GP

    im going to get cloud omnislash in the third disk i was just wondering what would be a good number of GP to go into the battle place thanks in advance
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    How Many M&M's in the Jar?

    750 final answeer
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    XBox XBox Scratched My Disc

    ive had the same thing happen to me and i think it might have something to do with your xbox sitting verticle. Mine was standing verticle and it scratched two lines into thedisk: one closer to the inside and a larger one to the outside of the disk. Maybe call xbox support and tell them about...
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    XBox What new 360 game are you excited for?

    another game came up, borderlands It looks really interesting and fun. There really hasn't been a game like it before its a RPG mixed with a FPS. There is an uncountable amount of weapons and something that really caught my eye was that there is a skill tree for each of the four characters...
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    XBox Castle Crashers

    ive played castle crashers and for a while it was really fun but i think it gets old a little too quickly. Me and my friends all bought it on XLA and after a while kinda lost interest.
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    Anime Bleach

    i am on episode 69 and im loving it :) It has ba fight scenes, good characters and a great story. It has to be my favorite anime but i really haven't watched very many animes before.
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    XBox What new 360 game are you excited for?

    Tell me what new game you are exited for for the xbox 360 and why. mine would be assassins creed 2. New guns and weapons, i hope this will help with the first ones problem, repetition
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    Best Final Fantasy Game?

    IX is my favorite so far. The music was amazing (favorite song your not alone:)), the characters were great and all had cool different personalities and pretty much everything else was awesome.
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    XBox Operation Darkness

    Operation darkness (from what i know cause i only played into the 2nd chap) is alot like final fantasy tactics. It is all turn based and all your attacks are based on hit percentage. I really liked it and i plan on getting it. I havent played Valkryria chronicals but all in all it seems like a...