Search results

  1. M

    Favourite Quickening

    Balthiers are the best visually and audio wise. All the others seem to have less thought put into them? Fran and Vaan would be joint second though.
  2. M


    I have to agree with the posts that I have seen that quickenings are a great lifesaver. Far better than any summons. The only moan I'd have about them is the time you get to gather enough mist to get more hits out of them. The graphics are pretty crap too on some of them. If the designers would...
  3. M

    FFXII - Worth Getting?

    Yes! For value for money and detail in the game I'd say it's one of the best games you can get on the PS2!
  4. M

    Are the Summons useful?

    Hi there I'm new so be gentle! Fristly it's nice to be able to talk about the game with other people, most people I know don't or won't play it! Anyhow back to the topic. I have rarely used (up to now) any of my summons. Ok, once mainly Gigas to open the door thats it. I've completed the game...
  5. M

    FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

    It's got to be one of the best Visually as well as giving you a lot more freedom. I've played FF10-2 and it was obviously a platform onto this game testing out the different battle technique. The only gripe I have with it is in game play when for example your in Ridorana and trying to pick up...
  6. M

    [FFXII] Where would you like to live?

    Probably Rabanastre, good mix of people/humanoids/creatures! Other than that Other than that Sochen cave palace, a whole "world" to yourself and no salesman will come knocking!
  7. M

    Who's the Worst?

    Penelo has got to be the worst, she seems more or less errelevent to the game??\ As for Tidus he is quite annoying. I couldn't stand the fact that you HAD to sit and watch/make a brew whilst all those silly laughing scenes were carrying on. I'm glad that in FF12 you can skip most of the scenes!
  8. M


    Hi all just a quick hello, as requested, glad that there's a forum for us lot. Don't know why I didn't search for one years ago! :)