FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

I find it fun, but that's no surprise. Great lover of hunts, great exploration - game suits me down to the ground. Marks too, great fun also.
yeah there were plenty of aspects that made this game great. lots of sidequests and a really thought out and involved storyline. but the gameplay was a bit boring. i felt like a lot of the time, the game just sorta played itself. you were just there to watch.
It's really the similar discussions, so I'm going to merge the two threads.

-Threads Merged-
I didn't really like FFXII. Sure the graphics are truly amazing and the voice-overs are great, but overall not one of my favs. I didn't like the plot or the characters except for Fran.
It would depend entirely on what mood I'm in. But when I am in the mood for it, I thoroughly enjoy the game. Though it doesn't seem like a traditional FF, it is a very good game in its own way, graphics are breathtaking, gameplay is good, and though I found the characters slightly boring, I did enjoy the storyline.
I liked the hunts for the animals it was fun but the original storyline was boring.I liked the town of dalamasca but ugh vann and penelo are retarded in my opinion.
I loved it. It wasn't boring to me, in fact it was rather interesting. I really fell in love with some certain characters. ;D But I ended up hating a few snooty -cough- princesses here and there. =P

I really like all the extras you could do, and I became easily addicted.
I wouldn't say i loved it but it was a pretty good game i enjoyed it but not as much as i enjoyed playing on X, It just didn't capture me like the others it just seemed to have a certain pappyness about it but the hunts, espers, marks and rare game kept me going for a while.
I appreciate the effort to do something different but a ff without an amazing storyline just doesn't work. Compare Vaan to Cloud, Squall, Zidane and Tidus. Vaan is the least engaging by a country mile.
Yes I did beat the game and I enjoyed it but... it had big problems with it.

The characters didn't really develop through the game. Yeah something may of happened here and there but nothing huge.

Another HUGE problem is that there was no love story. How is Square-Enix going to make 7,8,9,10, and 10-2 games with a love story and not make 12 with one?

The whole politics thing kinda threw me for a loop. It was slightly confusing. And it seemed as if it were targeting an older audience.

I will admit that I did enjoy the graphic and SOME aspects of the game play. But as far as the story goes.... CRAP!!!
Er, games don't need a love story dear. They can have aspects, but can both function well enough without them.

VII's love story was a joke.

XII showed, obviously disagreements will come about here, that a story can work well without having some love absorbed plot.
honestly....,i love FF12 because many new feature that never had in FF series before,very cool,but in other side i sad ,why square enix make a new system battle that i honestly dont like...real time battle.....
but again square enix help us with gambit system....cool:se7:
It's got to be one of the best Visually as well as giving you a lot more freedom. I've played FF10-2 and it was obviously a platform onto this game testing out the different battle technique. The only gripe I have with it is in game play when for example your in Ridorana and trying to pick up the black orbs during battle it makes it quite difficult to comcentrate and press X when the group are to busy healing themselves.
I absolutely loved this game, seriously. There were a couple of things that I didn't like however, like how Vaan's abs looked o_O in the CG scenes he looks fine, but in the in-game clips he looks like someone painted it on him or something.

Anyways, aside from that this game has a lot of great points to it, just like it has a few bad points. All in all though it's a top in my favorites list for sure.
I loved it...

I liked how Vaan didn't really have that much to do with the plot, because I wasn't stuck with a main character I hated. Had Basch ended up being the main character, I probably wouldn't have liked the game nearly as much. Plus, I thought it was kind of cool to feel like you were just a random person swept up into a huge adventure...

I am primarily(and by primarily, I mean totally) a femslasher. So, as a byproduct, I want to kick myself every time I'm subjected to some stupid sap ass love story, and thoroughly appreciate the lack of one in FFXII. On that same note, the total femslashability of the game made me love it even more. Granted, there is a definite lack of f/f fanfiction, but with an entire race of sexy, skimpily clad bunny women, the possibilities are endless.

I liked the battle system, perhaps a bit too much, because now every time I play an older FF, random battles scare the crap out of me. I only used gambits twice in the game, once to auto level, and during the final battle, so I never experienced any of the flaws, and never felt like it made the game too easy. Espers sucked. I only summoned twice, once to see what it was like, and then during the part it was necessary. Mist abilities were really great earlier in the game, but became useless once I got to about level 40 or so.

I guess I wish there were more to the plot, but, honestly, I was more interested in the whole sky pirate part than the...uh, plot, but whatever.
I have to be honest here. When I first played Final Fantasy XII i found it difficult to get into. But as I progressed in the game, i found it grew on me and now I absolutely love it. Yes, the game has its flaws and its tedious moments but the story is fantastic and the character's are great. Balthier is my favourite :P
What I liked: I think this was the best combat system yet, it was refreshing to be able to see that type of 3D combat. I loved the AI, until it became to easy to use. Leaving your PS2 for 10 minutes to eat and coming back to see you won the fight, that just is way to much. Loved the FMVs, very nice to see more improvements. I loved the side quests, very fun to be able to do all those side quests which I actually had to use my brain on a few times. Graphics were amazing as usual, great going Devs! I loved that they made the magic useful again, even if physical attacks were generally stronger than magical attacks, they did a good job with utilizing restorative magic.

What I hated: The story line, no offense but it was lacking all the way around. I think they threw in characters that they made you hate. Meaning they were annoying to no end. Penelo? (no offense to a girl out there, but in the past girls like this could only be a friend to me, nothing more [you might call me a pig for this], and if they were to naive like this I would treat them like they acted)

They tried to throw in some female empowerment with Ashe but honestly how far can you go. She was more masculine than any FF character I've ever seen. I understand that she had the responsibility of an entire nation, but I felt like I was watching a young boy take hold of power.

Bad guys? Lacked heck of a lot of luster. The main "villian" should be one of the hardest fights in the game, yet he was one of those fights where you could set your AI up, go eat a sandwich and come back and he's dead.

Summons? Espers? What Espers? What summons? Who honestly used them beyond the fights where they are required to use. I admit they were cool looking, but their abilities lacked way to much, and the manual combat could way supersede the summons.

Even games like FFIII had more story line even if they didn't have FMVs. I miss the old way of story line developement. Also how many times do we have to see a story about a kingdom? I understand that's the thing that the FF series were founded on, but even FFVII did a heck of a lot better job at breaking off from the norm.

I guess I'm just getting older and seeing the lack of content that these japanese rpgs have. I just hope they pick up the ball again with the story line in FF13 or ff13 versus.
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ff xii is just a work of art and am still trying to pass it.
When I was actually playing XII I found it hard to get into story-wise, and I didn't feel any particular attachment to any of the characters. I really enjoyed doing the hunts though.

Now that I've finished it, I have taken a step back and looked at it and I've found that I appreciate it a lot more than I did while I was playing it. So yes I love it.
I'm FF through and through but this game was a big let down in all aspects
from my pov but I just can;t stay mad at the dudes over at Sqaur enix lovely bunch chaps who just slipped up once is all y'all!