FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

i like it. i like the story. i like the characters. i like the new license board concept. the mini games and side quests are decent.

the only thing i DIDN'T like is the fact that, to get better weapons, you have to sell loot. to get that certain loot, you'd have to battle 30 of the same characters to get a chain so they would fianlly drop the item. just a big huge pain in the ass!
I love it :D mostly for Balthier and Fran but it's a pretty decent game, these days people don't really focus on the story and characters much because of the newer technology so they concentrate more on graphics and battle systems.

I don't actually mind Vaan, even though I reckon Balthier should have been the main character, he IS the leading man after all :P but thats just my opinion.
Gotta say FFXII is a good game. i liked how the creators incorporated the ability to use different weapons rather then having one character b stuck with one type of weapon 4ever =S. didn't like tho the fact that in order to get the best weapons u had to do such ridiculously time consuming annoying chains on rare monster. God it took 4ever to get the sunflower!!!
I feel like such a dirty whore for saying this, but for a while now I've had an urge to start a new file...and I have to say, I'm loving it.

I'm only 10 hours into it, I just got out of the Barheim Passage and made my way to Rabanastre, and I'm really enjoying things. Also I've had a MUCH easier time handling fights too. My first file it took me a while to get the hang of gambits and I was wasting LP so for about the first 1/4 of the game it was really hard, but now I'm breezing through everything.
^I'm at the same point as you right now, really.

I really love this game because of the eradication of the whole battle screen thing, and the fact that you can change party leaders at will, which is absolutely awesome. I know those are pretty simple things to love about the game, but they were things that tended to get on my nerves with the previous installments of Final Fantasy. I also have to say that I love it because of Ashe, but that'd be me being a total fangirl, wouldn't it?

Anyway; I thought I'd be pissed because I spent almost 100 hours playing the game, got up to Giruvegan (yeah I know, took me forever, but I tended to leave the game on while I went out and such..bad habit), then I had the urge to start a new file, and when I saved it -- I accidentally overwrote my main file. I was pissed at first, but after I started playing it again I didn't care anymore. I just love the game that much.

Now if it was FFVII or FFVIII I would have been livid.
^_^ i would have to say that I like what they did in this game. >> It certainly was way better than that sphere grid in FF 10 even though i did like that game because of the story line. What i liked was you could just grind and grind and collect license points to purchase those much needed licences and then you could use that magic spell, etc etc. The one thing I liked the most was the quickens which helped me defeat many a boss.
I neither love nor hate it...

- Basch; I admit I found that character very interesting, especially the end with Gabranth
- gameplay; gambits were great. You could do everything while fighting - they did all by themselves. I really enjoyed that. :3
- music; I think I only like the end because of the song played there (Kiss me Goodbye <3)
- story; although some say that the story wasn't that great... in the end, I really liked it ^^ I didn't see why I was doing everything (for Vaan to get near Penelo? for Ashe to get her kingdom back? for Basch to show he was no traitor? for Balthier to keep his imagination alive that he is the hero of everything?) but in the end I did see it: Just destroy Vayne and everything's over! .... wait a moment, that sounds pretty negative. What I should say is: I liked how political it sometimes was

- characters' emotions; where were they? Did they slip past me? I didn't see many emotions. I'm used to that because of Auron of FFX, but compared to Tidus and Yuna, there was NOTHING of emotions. Sometimes I didn't understand them. Even when they told about really serious matters. (Think about Balthiers past... What he said was shocking, but it didn't really matter...)
- Perhaps now the right moment has come to say it again: WHY DID I PLAY THE GAME??? T_T" I really don't know.

All in all, as you can see, I like the game. But love? No. Not till I find out why I was playing it.
i dont really hate or love it sure the gameplay blew all the other games so far out of the water but there wasnt enough emotion.the storyline was okish and the boss fights were awesome especially chaos and ultima but there were a LOT of things missing from the game itself.after i finnished it i stopped playing it as often and i only play it when i get bored.
Great game, one of my favourite in the series. It kind of takes a long time to get used to the whole battle system and gambits and stuff like that but its worth it when you do. The storyline i think was okay, i would have to say its one of the weaker storylines in the entire series. Luckily the charecters make up for that, i think they really drive the player into the world without the player actually realising it.

First post, yay!
Loved it. However I hated that bloody Vaan and the main story. The character's personal stories however, (Fran, Balthier and Basch) were really nice. And I love the new battle system (although sometimes I do miss the cheesy victory dances and such).

Anyway I think what made me adore it so much was Balthier though, I just love him so bloody much.
I hate it. Mostly because of the battle system. It just didn't do it for me. Not only is it not FF (they should have called it something different) but it is much harder to plan and have strategy. The previous FF games were great in that you could seriously plan, tactize (is that even a word? It is now...) and such. I hate the license board as well.

Also, I find the characters are not as in-depth as previous games, namely FFX. I just don't believe the characters.
It is a good game.
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I hate everything about the game besides Vayne, Dr. Cid, The Judges, The Occurians, equipment system, license board, and battle system.

Can't say much for the OST, though. Haven't found anything memorable so far.
Loved it 'cause at first they gave me a real cool looking character, hated it 'cause after they gave me a filthy thief to play. aaarrgh. Can't decide as you can see :)
I'll admit that, at times, this game can be very frustrating and repetative, but it introduced a new style of fighting and for the most part wasn't to the point where I wanted to sell it back. It's just that this game is soooooooooo loooooong in terms of gameplay and you may find yourself, like I did, taking a month to 2-month long break.
Overall, though
i loved it and hated it i loved it because as far as battle goes i could easily avoid battle i did'nt want to fight in unlike those random encounters and i hated because when i did get in battle it was hard for me to think of a strategy to kill the enemy
I am really enjoying the game so far (I am at the Stiltshrine of Miridian and going in to get the Sword of Kings).

The battle system is unique for FF and I like the Licence Board system. The Espers and Quickenings make boss battles less of a chore and the Hunts add more depth into the game.

Those were the pros, and now for the cons:

The character design was bad in my opinion, especially the main character, who looks like he should belong in a gay bar rather than be the main protagonist for an FF game. Baltheir is the exception and is the pinicale of what I acheive to become: Well spoken, good looking and always cool headed.

The music gets to me too sometimes, it is classic RPG... but not classic FF if you know what I mean, FF VII's music was amazing, and the battles and boss battle music made you really pumped up every time, even if you were doing mundane tasks such as grinding or gil hoarding. I was dissapointed by the lack of flair in FF XII's music, sure some background music can be nice, like the Paramore Rift (spelling?) but the boss battle music needs to be worked on, and because of the removal of random battles, the Victory Fanfare is hardly ever played, only after you deafeat certain monsters in a scripted part of the game.

All in all I like it, but I can't say I am in a constant state of awe when playing.
Fun or Borin

H ey i was just wanderin did any body think this game was fun or borin cause i like it alot but it seems a lil bit of both to me personallly ya knw
Just want to point out there is a love it or hate it thread which in part covers this but hey a post is a post.

Me I enjoy FFXII but it is all a matter of taste since this game is about politics and diplomacy and the rising of a Queen on her adventure rather than the normal save the world stuff FF is known for.