FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

FFXII was a great renovation to the whole FF battle system. You could literally go thru a battle without touching a button. Well, maybe not but near that anyway. But sometimes it didn't feel like a FF.
imo that isnt actually a positive, it makes strategy redundant, because setting gambits isnt strategy, its simple.
It takes a lot of the fun out of the game, it made FFXII a bit boring at times
I thought the new battle system was a step in the right direction, but still needs alot of work done to it for it to be worth a great new system. Like you said, it felt boring, and it alienated the player. Hopefully they further explore the free flowing battle system.
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Me I think ff12 is an awsome game and one of my fav bits is well anything involving airships and summonings.
I actually love this game! It was my dad who first started it, although he bought it for myself. He kept telling me that it was a good game, how I wished I had listened earlier! ;]
It was the battle system that put me off firstly, but now that I've hijacked my dad's save file, I'm really enjoying it. I've yet to start it myself. I'm quite happy looking for marks & the likes. Overall, yeah, I really enjoy this game :]
I love FF12, that I do.
One of the best FF's in my book and probably highly underrated Final Fantasy games by its very own fans!

I like the new faster, active battle system they have placed in here.
Maybe that is because I like MMOs or stuff, but I think it was a step in the right direction to use such a battle system.

Honestly, turn based stuff is really starting to grind my nerves a bit...

FF12 has it shares of problems in the gameplay, yes, but I think it's damn good!
I agree, whilst it had its share of faults, they were mostly negligable and it is a great game, almost encyclopoediacally deep, I preferred the field system to the turn base, you still had to use gambits right when it came to the harder parts in the game and there were plenty of puzzles and siqe quests to keep you occupied, all this I'd rate this the best FF I've played but then again I've only played this, FFX, FFX-2 and Dirge of Cerberus.
Going to have to say... I didn't like... I didn't hate it... But I didn't like it. I felt no emotional connections to the characters unfortunately, the battle system was a step in the right direction apart from the fact I like to actually play the game during combat... Not watch the combat. People tell me "Turn off the gambits and play then" but that defeats the purpose of the new battle system. I believe it could have been way better, but just my thoughts on the game.
I like it, I played for 30 hours in a few days, before I stopped. Now I'm playing X, and soon I'll start XII again. :D
LOVE IT. The battle system was fresh and entertaining, the story was interesting, and characters were mostly lovable. I was obsessed with the License Board and collecting Espers for Ashe. I only wish the plot part of the game had been a little longer.
Love it, I love the refreshing battle-style, licenseboard. And I love the deep political storyline wich is different but good. Altough I am just ehaded for the Henne Mines to find Marj. I am just sure that there will be some plot-twists
let down by ffxii

having played and beaten every final fantasy game including ffxii i have to say i was disappointed with most of the game. i found the espers to be useless at best, never used 65% of the weapons or armor cuz i didnt need to, most spells early on are only somewhat useful you're better off hacking your way through the enemies, balthiere is the only interesting character and the only well voiced one at that, it just felt like the game was one big sidequest. the license board was so-so as was the gambit system but ill attribute my feelings on those to the fact that im so used to classical rpg style play. all in all i feel let down by this game and hope that ffxiii and its offshoots are better.

p.s. final fantasy xi rocks WoW blows!
75drk 37war 37drg 20blm
75rng 37nin 25pld 20mnk
75sam 37thf 20whm
i think the story was a bit dull but the battle system was really good

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I loved it because of the battle system, it was something new, beating the crap out of the old Runescape style attack and wait to die thing.. Also Seeing Frans ass occasionally cheered me up.
I love it, did have one big disappointment though; no familiar summons, they were all new, and unheard of, I really wanted to summon Bahamut into some real time battling, but, I've yet to be able to do that, hope I can in FFXIII.
Not completely unheard of, especially if you've played FFTA.

Famfrit, Adrammalech, Mateus, from TA

Cuchulainn from something else, not sure..
Woah, I have seen so many views on this one in most places. As for me, I never liked this for several reasons. First we had the License board. Sure, it seemed nice and all at first, even though it was really small. What I did not like however, was the fact all the characters was like blank pages, ready to be filled in with your own likings. We saw a little bit of it in FFX, although they still managed to maintain the individual feelings to the characters, as you had more options to customize them as you liked. Besides, all of them already had a "roll" to begin with. Rikku, thief, Auron, Warrior, Lulu, black mage, etc.

Here they had different weapons, yes, but that was all.

Another things I disliked was the constant running the whole time. Passing long fields back and forth the whole time really made it more of a pain than before. I suppose that the Gambit System was supposed to put up a bit for that, but I never liked it. It seemed like an excuse for being lazy? Sure, the battles could get monotonous, but if I was tired because of that I would just shut off my PS2, get my drift?

The characters, hm, could it get less personal? I am not after som tradtional cheesy love story between the characters. That is not my point. What I mean is that they show no emotions whatsoever. Some might blame the lack of character devolopment on the fact that they might have been fully developt when you started. Sure, fair point, but thats not what Im looking for when I want to play a RPG. Although I can understand that some people like the characters, but they were not to my liking, sorry.

The story was not interesting enough to keep me interested in the game. I can suppose those who thought it was a nice change, a new twist, so to speak. But politics has never made me interested and never will.

But as I said, I fully respect those who like it, and praised it. I guess I never found it appealing enough to begin with.
I love FFXII. The story is great and just the ending alone is worth playing for. It has interesting characters (for the most part) and well written dialogue.
I hate it actually -_- , The characters are just dull, the storyline is kind of crap, and I didn't like the battle system because the only thing I did was watching the Scenes and it's all because of the gambits which I picked to cover every little possibility of losing and so I ended up moving my character only the game wasn't much of a challenge, I liked one thing however and it was the scenes.