FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

its nice to see the majority loves it because i loved every bit of it even though i mastered the license thing less than half way through the game i need to play it again though i beat everything there is to do and I'm only lvl 78

but i loved it i wished it was longer and had something to make me want to lvl up to max lvl
The storyline was not as good as i hoped it would be, the only main characters i liked were Ashe and Balthier, but I also really liked the Archadian empire because fighting some of those judges and the main antogonist was sweet and could be hard once in awhile.
Well in ffxii I am at archades but up to now it it a very amazing final fantasy in the series. Yep I love it even though I did not finish it yet lol.
I love this game. To me it's the best final fantasy game ever made. This game has very good graphics, for ps2 anyway. And the game play is also amazing. The storyline was set up good, but the only thing I have against it is that it is too short.
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thought this game was great, spent ages on it, up to 64 hours, completed the main story but not yet got through all of the Marks, still a lot to do, although some aspects were still a let down for me, wasn't really a fan of the licence system, one of the best systems for me is definately the one used in FFIX with the equip the weapon/armour to gain the skill, and I would like to see that come back to the games some time soon.

Played nearly all of the FF series of games over the different consoles, and this is one of my favourites. The graphics are great, the story is slightly vague in regards to some of the characters, but I'm still happy with what I saw in the main

The 122333 challenge is also something I'm considering as well, but after spending so long just trying to get through the game (the game spent a month in my PS2), I think that I would like to complete a couple of other games before returning for this.
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I rented it once, played it till I got to the second boss. and I loved it:)
now I am going to buy it and beat the whole game:P
Square Enix was thinking outside the box with this game and it worked out very nicely. I love the fact that random battles are gone
I personally love it. Might be the ideal Final Fantasy imo.
A HUGE STORY, a huge world, nice characters (although they have ..cough..odd similarities to the ones of FFX :P ), an I - N - C-E-D-I-B-L-E Battle System.
Seriously the Battle system is like a Revolution to the FF series.
One would now say "Hey, it's like FFXI's!"...and i would say:not.
FFXI is an MMORPG FFXII is Single player! :P

I have played it for 80 hours stuck on Fenrir (man i hate those colored transporters >_<) abandoned the game almost half a year ago.
But hell i have to get my PS2 running again and finish it!!
For the sake of my Selfsatisfaction :P
Final Fantasy XII is still an FF, SE made them for a long time and I respect every game. This Final Fantasy contains a lot of different weapons, interesting abilities and skills, new types of characters. They have tried something new but imo it's not very good. I think it was the story and undeveloped characters that ruined the game.
No offense meant to you, Alice, I'm just going to state why I think differently on the 'ruining' story/undeveloped characters.

There is a story here, and the characters are developed. The only thing is, the story does not focus on the maturing of your band of adventurers. This rather alienates it from other FFs, and if you love those parts of a game this is probably not for you.

The story does not have a 'main' main character, and does not showcase characters' growth. Rather, one has to read subtleties revealed in sometimes-not-so-well-paced cutscenes. The story is there, but it can be easy to get lost sometimes between dungeon crawling, when there's very few reminders of what you're supposed to do. The story is also not what most would consider 'epic' and 'exciting', because instead of displaying MC's 'Maturing' or a supposedly 'badass' villain, it features God-defying and a character with no shirt but a mini-vest.

It just really depends if you're patient with a story; if you're looking for something action-packed, it's probably not for you since the characters have political forces working against them, forcing laying low. Even then, it might not be your cup of tea, as it does twist around politics up until the God-defying.
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I voted loved it. What I really liked about this game was the battle system, as much as I like normal ATB systems. This just refreshed what has been to me an overused but very good system. I also liked the license board also, mostly because I also liked the sphere grid.:)
And may I add on the not having a set main character as such - look at FFVI, one of the much loved FF's still to this day. There was no set main character throughout, your party could have been made up of anybody for the most part.
loved it but its such a huge game that it get a bit daunting after a while so its best 2 play it in small doses
I don't love it nor hate it. Somewhere in between you may say.

I adore the several new additions in the game. The new battle system is refreshing change. I personally kind of like the gambit system cause being lazy, it saves some time with all the inputs of commands. I absolutely love the story too, the depth of the political turmoil and also the war subject.

Then there're those things which I'm not really a fan of. The graphics has improved a lot but somehow I'd sometimes get 'lost' in the elaborate details of it all. I don't know, probably a lack of emotional connection. I thought Vaan was a strange choice for the main lead. The music too, was just okay IMO.
I definitely hate it. I didn't complete it, either. Actually, I can't stand the new battle system (gambits don't provide the necessary enjoyment in battle) and the story seemed to me much less interesting than I expected. Besides, I didn't empathize with the characters...
I ADORE this game! At first, I was a bit skeptical--I had major issues with the battle system within the first minutes of the game. I had considered selling my copy, but decided against it once I really thought about it.

I actually realized how much I loved the game shortly after my first hunt. I really liked the character designs, and the settings. I couldn't help but notice how different it was from the previous FF titles I played. The graphics seemed softer, almost. I really enjoyed it.

Around the time that Balthier and Fran were introduced, I had become pretty damn comfortable with the battle system, and the thought of having two more characters to experiment with was pretty awesome. And the fact that Balthier and Fran both used long-ranged weapons only made it better.

Throughout the course of the game, I feel in love with the sheer openness of the universe. I also appreciated the fact that I could completely avoid battles if I didn't want to fight.

What I DIDN'T like was the license board. By the end of the game, I had acquired every license....buuuuuuut...I just hated the whole deal. I also was annoyed over the whole loot system. I was used to getting my Gil from the battles I fought and won. I never got good loot from me fell foes...I pimped Gilgamesh for all his Genji armor, though~!

I also really liked the complexity of the political situation in Ivalice.

Great game~!
Actually, I can't stand the new battle system (gambits don't provide the necessary enjoyment in battle)
I'm sorry, but what?

Your traditional turnbased is still very well alive and there in FFXII, the gambit system was just an added bonus to facilitate things. If you didn't dig it you could've just turned it off, honestly that's all there is to it.
I loved most of FFXII but three things bothered me about it.

1) The License Board made me contemplate murder
2) Vaan, the main character, gets shoved to the side real quick
3) The absurdly over-powered marks appearing far before you can beat them

Other than those things, I loved the game. I just wish Dr. Cid got more screen time...
I loved it. I didn't think I would ever get close to liking a Final Fantasy game as much as FFVII, but I got pretty close with FFXII. For PS2, the graphics were GREAT. Spot-on. The characters were interesting and the storyline wasn't too bad. I liked the new battle system. I still like the classic of FFVII better, but the battle system was pretty neat and comprehendable. I did use a Strategy Guide for this one, but not often. It was pretty easy to understand and I really loved it. I would give FFVII a 9.5 out of 10, taking off .5 for the lack of good graphics, but I would give this game a 9 out of 10. I think everything about this game is nearly perfect, but I think the Storyline lacks a bit. FFVII was much better with the storyline. I think FFVII's storyline saved it from the graphics, and FFXII's Graphics saved it from the storyline.