[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

the necrohol of nabudis cause theres a great shop there an the monsters are really good for solo-training on.
I think I'd like to live in Bhujerba.

The idea of a sky city appeals to me...but I think I'd best avoid looking down. :gasp:
Balfonhiem for me, it's just ideal, sky pirates, a buzzing community and a sky port everything about just appelas to me and i think it'll be the best place to live in.

I think i wanna be a sky pirate, but not like Vann, far far cooler and far better looking haha :p
to be honest i would probably live in Jahara land of the gariff, because there is soo much training and they are soo disciplined i think that is just the best way of life
hmmmmm... probably the eruyt village...... :P ..... cause its very nice place and the bunnys are everywhere.... and next one would be Arcadia it reminds me of star wars citys but more peaceful.
eruyt village without a doubt, its basically the playboy mansion of ivalice and being the only male in an all female village would be awesome
Probably Rabanastre, good mix of people/humanoids/creatures! Other than that Other than that Sochen cave palace, a whole "world" to yourself and no salesman will come knocking!
As simple as it may seem, probably Dalmasca's streets. I'd love to be a merchant, passionate about his hobbies and collections, selling his rare finds to the curious citizens of a bustling town.

i'd like to make a very lucrative profit of course on my sales, and travel to the Phon Coast in the winter to relax in beach resort and fight Marked Hunts in my free time.
I suppose i would prefer to live in Balfonheim because of the fact that they put freedom above all else.

Either that or get an airship and fly wherever i want and hunt marks to keep me sane and not bored
Bhujerba for sure! I'd love to be suspended on a floating island with feathering crystals. <3 Oh, what a lovely thrill.
Eruyt Village or Bhujerba. Eruyt Village was mysterious and surrounded by all those beautiful trees. It seems to be such a calming and introverted place. And then there's the Viera.. I like Bhujerba, of course, because it is a sky-city. I've always dreamed of living in the clouds.

If I were a monster, I'd be from The Feywood or Giruvegan.
id live in Bherjuba bahdra (^w^) because of the wonderful view of the sky but id travel alot to other areas since theres not much to explore besides the sky
Honestly there are so many wonderful places in FFXII, I wouldn't mind living in most of them. But I would have to say i'd want to live in Rabanastre the most. I just love the style of the city and the way it looks, plus the feel it gives off it's pretty cool too.

It was hard picking between places since I enjoyed the sight of Bhujerba, but Rabanastre won my heart of course. =P
I would perhaps like to live on Giruvegan, so I could explore the Crystal to learn its secrets, that or Bhujerba, as it seems like a very nice and quiet place to live, and live in a island on the sky sounds like a pretty cool idea.

eruyt village without a doubt, its basically the playboy mansion of ivalice and being the only male in an all female village would be awesome
Yeah, I would say Rabanastre as well, It's a lively town full of people and such, would be an awesome place to live.