[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

oh yes in Giruvegan in the great crystal, now that would be an exciting place to live, fighting all those monsters, building yourself a crystal house, and from time to time going to drink a morning coffee with Ultima. lol
I'd love to live in Bhujerba, but I'd be too afraid of it falling into the ocean when the magicite runs out, so I think I'll go to Rabanastre instead. Big city, good people, great tavern, and no risk of suddenly falling into the ocean. Only thing I'd dislike are the sandstorms...
Kingdom of Nabradia, I like to be of service to the royal family and the empire or work at the Nalbina Fortress. Or, most likely Archades as a officer for the Archadian Empire. :elmo:
Rabanastre, It is right in the center of Dalmasca, and it seems like an easy life there.

But hey that is just one Final Fantasy Fanatic's opinion.
Balfonheim. I think you could really have a nice veiw there, it being near the sea. And it seems like a relaxful place.
id like to live in the Giza plains, in the rains.
1 because i like the rain and 2 its a simple life...

But what if the Gil Snapper gets loose? xD

I'd love to live in Bhujerba, but I'd be too afraid of it falling into the ocean when the magicite runs out, so I think I'll go to Rabanastre instead. Big city, good people, great tavern, and no risk of suddenly falling into the ocean. Only thing I'd dislike are the sandstorms...

Bhujerba would be incredible, I'd probably spend alot of time at the Skygrounds just looking at the view. Heights bother me a little, but there's really no better way to get over heights than by living on a floating island. Not to mention there's really no risk of falling over the edge, they built the walls high enough. And I always liked how there was grating in the walkways you could look through...I'd probably spend alot of time just throwing pebbles through it.

I think I'd have a summer home in Balfonheim though, it's by the sea so it wouldn't be as hot as a city in the middle of the desert...plus I could totally be a pirate :monster:
I'd build a log cabin in Ozmone Plains. No questions. The mysteries of my mind are an enigma. I think.

Actually, Scratch that last thought. I'd live on top of the Pharos. THAT would be a good view. The only bad thing I could think of is an esper like Hashmal coming and raiding my room. Or a Mom Bomb. That would be bad.
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The Necrohol of Nabudis for me, all the dark atmosphere and history, would be sweet to live in. Surviving there would allow one to wield almost any magic, armour or weapon. Plus there's the added bonus of it being the resting place of chaos. Failing that the Euryt Village would be my second choice.
Eruyt Village of course, great scenery and only females. Altho the females are all having rabbitears, kinda like a playboy mansion in the woods.
yeah i'd love to live there, a stunning place with amazing music and half naked women lol!!
but seriously its a beautiful place!!

I love the view of archades form old archedes as you cross the bridge, its just stunning, and the music playing lends to the atmosphere of hopelessness in old archadia!!! id live there if not the eruyt village!!!!
i'd live in the ridorana catoract...talk about a great view! I think it would be neat to climb the lighthouse as well.
I'd go live in Balfonheim. The view over there is great, and I bet you get a lot of wind, which I consider a good thing. Also, the people seem friendly enough, in a pirate kind of way, but I'll just have to get used to it.
Chrono66, please don't double post, use the edit button, thankyou

Graye & j_mosley671 please put more effort in your posts, tell us why you would like to live in these areas, thank you ^^
-Thinks- I'd like to live in Eruyt Village with all the awesome Viera ^-^

Orrr.. ARCADIA IN HOUSE BUNANSA! With all the hotties of Balthier's family! :mark: Woo! He'd ahve to drop in every now and then. That's when I'd strike >.>

Yes, I love Balthier :L :L