[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

I dont think theres one person who dosen't like Eryut village, incrediblely beautiful music, i just wish there was more to the village.

For Cities i would have to say Bhujerba, i just love the aura of that place.

Field areas Salika wood and Phon Coast.

Dungeon, DEFINATELY the Great Crystal. Beautiful music and it brings back so many fond memories of me being frustrated fighting Omega and getting lost even when i had a map (Thank Gamefaqs), but when i was done i felt so acomplished. All of those hours of sweat,blood and tears.

Those would be my favorite places.
I really liked the Eryut Village, I enjoyed the solitude from the normal busy locations.

I also liked the Gariff village at night time during the cut scene where
Ashe and Vaan talk, and Ashe see's Rasler
Giza Plains during the raining season, easily. Funny story is that I never cared for the Giza Plains during the dry season, my whole opinion of it changed completely. The rain there really makes it looks like a very nice area graphically. I also think the music suits the raining season more than the dry season. Honorable mentions also go to Paramina Rift and Phon Coast
It had to be Rabanastre for me.

Loved the bustling atmosphere and the cheerful people there. It felt like the kind of city you'd find in a typical Final Fantasy game, so that's why it'd definitely be my favourite place.
I liked the Eryut village, I also remembered going to the Zerterian Cavern (i do not know how to spell it, aha.) when i was a lower level, The monsters and blobs of slime would gang on my helpless low-level characters leaving me starring at the Game Over screen. That was a daunting place for me until i was good enough to go in their and KICK SOME ASS! :highfive:

yay rabenastre. i love big cities!

Mod Edit: Please try and put a bit more effort into your posts please. Give a few reasons why you would want to live in this city. Thanks. :)
I know this is probably going to sound weird and its not exactly a place to live but I would totally love to live in the Ogir-YesaSandsea
or at least around there, so I could spend most of my time there if I lived in that world. The Sandsea is so cool!!!! I could stare at it for hours.

also I really like the Cerobi Steppe, so I wouldnt mind living in the Balfonheim Port so I could go there all the time
a bored mod must have edited a post.

We really don't see enough of Archades to judge it as a suitable place to live.

Probably Rabinestre. The scenery is very nice.The town well detailed...
I do wish we could have entered more homes and had more interaction with the residents.
Compare that to what was done with FFXIII ..rotfl.

I think a casino where you could have played games..like the ones in New Vegas or Gold Saucer would have been an improvement.
Lots of the towns and places in XII look so cool... but if I had to choose, I'd pick Bhujerba. It's in the SKY. I love the feeling of being in the sky, and the whole look of the place is great. All I have to do is not fall of the edge :P
Mine would have to be Rabanastre. I love big places and since it was one of the biggest places, that works quite well.

Bhujerba, though, was one of the best designed FF settlements in the series. It was just beautiful.
Rabanastre boooo :grumpy:

Bhujerba would be cool and it's an obvious choice but the city's just too busy for me. I'd live in Eruyt Village with the Viera. :kinky:
My choice of location can depend on my mood.

Bhujerba would be my first choice of course. Its rich Italian-Turkish architecture is definitely a wondrous sight to behold, as are the numerous crystal pillars that dominate the skyline. The Marquis's household doesn't look too bad either on a nice day. Normally I'd have a problem with altitude and vertigo at a location that high up, but I suppose inhabitants would quickly get used to this. Moogles are commonplace in this city and I suppose it would be an absolute pleasure to befriend them. And in contrast to Rabanastre, I imagine the city's climate to be rather cool and temperate. That suits me just fine.

But, not everyone wants to be surrounded by the hustle and bustle of a packed city every day. I certainly wouldn't want to. If I'm in the mood for peace and quiet - and get away from it all - I would be in Eruyt Village. You can't get any more tranquil than that, with the company of the peaceful Viera and the calm woods around you. Eruyt is not only beautiful in a different way to Bhujerba, but also a relaxing place to get things off your chest.
^ I lol'd.

Anywho, I think my choice would lie with Rabanastre, to be honest. Albeit being very large, the fact that there was so much to it enthralls me. Plus I spent so much time there when I started the game, because I absolutely loved the look of everything that came into view. But the one that goes hand in hand with this has to be Archades, because it felt so nostalgic to me, and actually somewhat reminds me of my home city, to an extent. Plus, being at the center of Empire would be such an awe inspiring feeling.
My first choice would be to live in Bhujerba, since the idea of a city floating in the sky seems really cool to me, although I would have to get over my fear of heights to live there. If my life in Bhujerba won't work out, I'll settle in either Arcades or Rabanastre. I don't think I could last very long in Arcades because it seems to have a lot of snobby people.
So, all in all, I think I would end up in Rabanastre. :D