[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

where i would live in ivalice

i would live in jahara beause it would be a simple life and the garif have bad ass masks
I would love to live in Eruyt village, it's so pretty and well designed. It's really peaceful looking. Just as long as I don't have to sport the half-naked bunnygirl look, I'd be happy
I would live in Rabanstre, the upper city, but spend most of my time in Lotown. Probably killing rats with Vaan :)
I really really like Archades' architecture, how it bustles with air cabs and airships and the fact that they have an extremely mighty military force, but there are huge and pronounced social differences to the point of limitating physical space to people with determined social status. They are stuck-up and obnoxious. Although this is our reality right now, it is somehow magnified in Archades, and I wouldn't like to live in such a place where I can't come and go to my liking. So I'd stick with Balfonheim, a place where people value freedom above anything else.
Bhujerba or the peaceful Eryut village. Bhujerba because it would be so cool to live in a sky city. I really liked the way it looked as well. Eryut looks like the place that is so quiet where nothing bad ever happens. The Viera seem very peaceful. Archades looks like it would be violent at times, but it is absolutely stunning. I would love to go on those sky carts. The only thing that would be bad is the Archadian empire. Bhujerba and Eryut would be best. I would Just walk around and see how it feels like to be in the sky when not aboard a ship. Oh and I am totally not going down those mines. :olivia:
Within the Empire of course they are wining the war. So yeah Emperial City of Archades, looks nice to.
Definitely Bhujerba! A city in the clouds?! With insane minerals underneath? Cool!

Just make sure that you have a parachute in your pocket at all times, you might fall sooner or later hahaha :D
Seeing how 97% of the locations in XII suck (thats just my me) and the only locations I like is the one forest area and the phon coast, I have to go with the phon coast. So you can consider me in a small hut like place their, right by the river.
(^ The locations suck? *sobs* )

I would live in Feywood for sure, I just love the area a lot. Plus living in a forest/thingy like that would be cool. Another would be Giza Plains, always loved how that area changed so much and how great it was, or Jahara. Jahara is one of my favorites places; wide, pretty and many places to build a tent or something, plus the natives are cool. :P
I'd probably live in Rabanastre but because of my need for spontaneity I'd have to lead a nomadic life and travel form place to place; I'd have to settle in Bhujerba for a bit, take in the sights, and then move on to Jahara, and then the Giza Plains, etc. Yeah I'd be like Balthier, my ass would be in a piloted airship traveling the skies looking for adventure. But my main home would be in Rabanastre, it's so culturally diverse and the architecture was beautiful.
I think i would live in any of the ruins... idk why but ive been fascinated by ancient and falling apart places... i think its the thrill... but the place i would want to live the most is the Nechrol of Nabudis... it seems like there is a lot to explore that you cant in the game cause its submerged or the only way trough is a small hole
I would live

I would live either in Balfonheim or Rabanastre. Because I really like the people there. They are friendly and helpful. I would live near the sandsea so I could do hunts :-D I would also join clan centurio. I would also traverse the world.
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