[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

-Thinks- I'd like to live in Eruyt Village with all the awesome Viera ^-^

Orrr.. ARCADIA IN HOUSE BUNANSA! With all the hotties of Balthier's family! :mark: Woo! He'd ahve to drop in every now and then. That's when I'd strike >.>

Yes, I love Balthier :L :L

I lol'd.

Anyway I would live in Rabanastre or however you spell it because it has really pretty cutscenes and it seems like thats the place where everything goes on and i wanna be there for those types of events plus i bet they have good food. :3
I would probably like to live in Rabanatre or Archades and vacation in Phon Coast. Both those towns seem quite beautiful thought Archades is a wee-bit stuck-up. As for my choice of vacationing.. Yay beaches!~

I would hate to live in Jahara. Those men in masks are scary.
I'd like to live in the Necrohol of Nabudis, mainly because I doubt many would want to go there, can get damn scary. Plus it's a dark/evil place, I could start an evil empire/legion... >.>
I would probably live in Bhujerba. I like the look of it, and I'm all for living in a sky city! I just think it would be cool, and pretty to look all around me and see the clouds, assuming I won't get lightheaded from being up so high! Or I'd live in Balfonheim Port, I'd be happy with either!
I would love to live in Archades. It just seems like the city is so high-tech and years ahead of any other. Another reason is because I love the way it looks and the buildings that they have.
My second choice would have to be Bhujerba, need I say more. It looks like it would be a fun city to live in, and plus I've never lived in the sky before.
Hmm...I must admit, it'd be a hard decision.
I'd love to live in Archades, though. It's so lively and big. Not to mention I love the architecture there. Although, I'm pretty sure I'd just en up in Old Archades.
But I'd love to live at the South bank Village. It's such a pretty place, and very peaceful most of the time.
I'd love to live in Archades, it looks spectacular. It's so high-tech and and all those flying vehicles are cool.
My second choice would be in Rabanastre. I'd love to hang out on the bridge where you can see the castle (as a background) in the distant.
This is weird, but for me I'd probaly would want to live in the Eruyt Village. I like the quiet atmosphere it has. But the viera would probaly run me out of the village!XD
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Favorite Location

Alright, as I say at the beginning of every thread, I didn't see one like this, so if there is, please close it or move it.

What was your absolute and overall favorite Location in the entire game and why?

For me I'd have to say that I really enjoyed Eruyt Village, the music piece that was composed for that location was soft and gentle. It made me curious and yet, in a way sort of at home while there. The design of the village was pretty as well, while there wasn't a whole lot to it, it's still nice all the same. It goes well with the forest scene, making it natural and fitting for it's place. The main reason however of why I like this location the most is because while it may be simple and lacking all the flashyness of other locations, it's not overly done, it's simple, natural, relaxing in a way.
I agree--the Eruyt Village is my favorite too :D The theme song is actually one of my favorite pieces in all of FF, it's just amazing, and it would be a beautiful place to live. I liked the Salikawood too, it was also kind of peaceful and pleasant; the Paramina Rift, for the same reason; and the Giruvegan Crystal and the Sochen Cave Palace because they both had really cool, epic atmospheres. There are a lot of nice places in this game, it actually makes leveling up a lot more fun than it would be otherwise. :)
I loved the Salikawood because of the music and because of all the bunnies to send flying. The Paramina Rift was up there as well; the soundtrack was very emotional and captured the feel of ice and snow perfectly.
I loved Giruvegan. It just seemed so great and the design was well done. It seemed like it may have been a great place to be. It seemed as though it did not belong in that world, which added to its greatness. It was nice to go there and just admire the scenery.
Giruvegan was a great place... I'll give you that. The Great Crystal was beautiful, but I kept getting lost in the damn thing. The southern part of the Feywood was good, with the shrines and the whole "deception leads to truth" thing.
Giruvegan, The Feywood and Salikawood were among one of my favorites as well, they weren't my top favorite, but they were something to remember that is for sure. I think the music overall in every location was well played, more so in those areas however.
My usual "testing grounds" are the Ozmone Plains, for some unknown reason.
The Ridorana Cataract is also a small but very nice place.
And I always enjoy blasting poor, innocent Chocobos with Scathe in the Salikawood.

As for the least favourite, aside from the obvious choice of The Great Crystal, it has to be Pharos Subterra. I hate that place. But I obviously hate The Great Crystal more.
Bhujerba. I absolutely loved it. For one, the idea of a floating city is awesome. :jess: I also really liked the design. It sort of reminded me of those pictures I see of Tuscany in magazines and online. And I love Tuscany and Italian architecture. It had that sort of feel to it so I enjoyed wandering about the city. And Marquis Ondore was awesome. :mokken:
I agree with you Kratos, Bhujerba did have the italian vibe it too made me feel like I was in Italy or Tuscany, and that was awesome seeing as I'm Italian heritage XD anyways it was a pretty awesome place, of course the concept of a floating city alone is pretty awesome, the amazing design just added to it.
I really liked Archadia, haven't played in a while ;]. It was really urban and industrial like New York. They were a lot of people walking around. It felt just like home.
Favourite place huh? Hmmmm A couple of places stick out for me, The Panima Rift was serene and beautiful, but I also liked the Giza Plains in rainy season. Reminded me of being lugged around the country side when I was little, wrapped in a cagoule and wellies.

The Phon coast reminded me of Besaid in X too much, and there's always loads of desert to choose from in most FF's. But then same for snow and ice!

Giza plains in rainy season it is! :D
I have two favorite locations.

Eryut Village. Like was said, the music composed for this area was just so beautiful and fitting for the scenery. The Viera are my favorite race out of Ivalice, and Fran my favorite character. Even though the village wasn't that big, I find myself keep wanting to go back for something as simple as being there.

The Salikawood. I guess I just like woods. The music was very fitting, the enemies easily defeated, and the scenery and layout wonderful. I loved training here, and I actually think that I spent most of my training time at this location.
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