[FFXII] Where would you like to live?

If I could live anywhere in FFXII it would be Balfonheim Port. Well, I like pirates and consider myself to be a pirate. Plus that's where Reddas lives and he is a pretty kool guy.
Bhujerba preferably , because i really think it would be beautiful to live in the sky. If not there, then i would definetly have to say somewhere like either rabanastre, or balfonheim because i could just spend my time at the clan house in rabanastre, or spend my time killing marks around the country with easy access to most of them from Balfonheim.
Fuggin' Eruyt!

Aside from the obvious sexy bunny-women, being able to actually listen to a god would be incredible.
I would love to live in Eryut. It's a really peacefulplace, and all the Viera being one with nature is something I think we should strive to acheive.
I think that the Jahara would be an okay place to live, sure they're weird but it looks quite sunny there. Nice little spot, wild chocobos outside and a great big mine to explore nearby. Perfect! :D
I think the place i'd least want to be would be Giza Plains, either extremely dry or extrmely wet and covered with fiends.
i think the Salikawood would be a nice place to live,although those malboro would be a pain.Also Phon coast would be pretty sweet to have a swim everyday and go hunting with the hunting clan.
I would live in Rabanastre or Luca. I like the town atmosphere but Zanarkand would suck cause it's way too big :-\

Archadia is a huge city and I'm a city guy. Also you can make some dough for throwin' at the Viera's...

Wouldn't mind living in Balfonheim. It has a nice pub and friendly people (I've yet to find an NPC there who isn't snappy or up themselves xD), as well as a rather nice view. Additionally, it has the whole "then men are doing the physical labour!" aura and I quite like that idea, for some reason.

The idea of a sky city is pwnsome, and I thought the Marquis Ondore was pretty cool character. I'd be frightened of falling though..
I would have to say the Phon Coast or Eruyt. The phon coast for the nice beach and eruyt for the sexy bunnies lol.
Rabanastre would be a nice place to be in. Capital City= Bustling, no doubt interesting.
Hrmm...I would like the Salikawood/Eruyt Village. It's calm, very beautiful and quiet. Down side is that there is not too much to do. =p.

I also like Archades (sp?). It was busy and full of energy. Niceee place for buisness and new people.
Rabanastre hands down i mean the atmosphere seems so rich and the people are lively and it doesn't seem like there would be a dull moment.
Rabanastre, definitely. Just not Lowtown. Especially walking around the town everyday, sweet.
I'm curious about Rozzaria.

But Archades would be awesome to live in, with the architecture and cabs shuttling about; theatre, too!
I would like to live in Bhujerba because its cool how its up high in the sky. Though it would suck if you walked off the edge :wacky:.
Rabanastre is another good place because it's really crowed and i like busy places.
Bhujerba would be amazing, imagine living in the sky. If you ever got tired of life you know what to do. But id choose rabanastre, its busy and is one of the main cities so there are probadly some good bars there.