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  1. AmyMo

    Help FFXIII: [Potential Spoilers] Boss at the end of the tower..Chp 11

    Frustrating This boss kicked the crap out of me last night. After three tries I'd gotten him to about a hair's breadth of his demise and he cast that horrendous Plague attack. I was out of TP by that point and could do nothing but watch them all die. I turned it off immediately and went to bed...
  2. AmyMo

    FFXII Help with Hashmal

    That's actually very helpful because at least I know that I really can't leave until I beat him. That will save me some frustration. :)
  3. AmyMo

    FFXII Help with Hashmal

    So I've made it to Hashmal and he is kicking my butt. I get him down to barely nothing but his end game attacks wipe me out. The strategy guide says to use Float to avoid his area attacks, but sadly, I don't have it. My characters are all 40 or above. Disease attacks are killing me. I throw a...
  4. AmyMo

    Teleport Stones

    Yes, it was right after Golomore Jungle. And I set one foot into the next area last night and got my butt handed to me by four level 30 beasts, including some little fox on fire who took Penelo and her bangs out in like two hits. Time to go level up. I was actually thinking Golomore Jungle...
  5. AmyMo


    I love Quickenings. They are a part of all of my boss battles since I first discovered them and have saved my butt a few times when I've gotten in over my head with multiple mobs at once. They do use all the MP but I ended up running out of it all the time anyway trying to keep everyone cured...
  6. AmyMo

    Teleport Stones

    Thanks for all the feedback folks! I had actually completely forgotten about the aerodome. Doh! I finally remembered it after reviewing maps. I was actually trying to get to the StillShrine of Mirim. I teleported out to do some Side Quests and then realized I was out of Teleport Stones and...
  7. AmyMo

    Teleport Stones

    Okay, that makes sense. My Clan Rank is too low to buy them in Muthra! I'm not even sure I have traveled to Balfonheim yet. I'm roughly halfway through the storyline and that location doesn't sound familiar. I think perhaps I need to do some additional Hunts and get my CP up. Thanks very much!
  8. AmyMo

    Teleport Stones

    The Muthra Bazaar is supposed to have them but for some reason all he's offering me are some kind of greens. Have I not sold something to them that would open the rest of the items wares maybe?
  9. AmyMo

    Teleport Stones

    Does anybody know the best place to hunt for Teleport Stones? I'm stuck in Rabinastr, where I thought the Strategy Guide said the Muthra Bazaar merchant sold them but all he has to offer me are some greens! Are there any monsters around the Easter/Wester/Giza Plains who tend to drop them...