
Indeed, but a good combination to use would be as follows - Vaan, as the secondary Masamune wielder. Penelo, as the primary Masamune wielder. She ought to have Berserk, Bravery, Faith, Haste, and Critical health. If you add the combo percentages up with those conditions, you should have a 95% chance of dealing an extra hit. Ashe should be the healer and buffer. Equip her with Staff of the Magi, Circlet, (the best robe), and Sage's Ring. Keep casting Decoy and reverse on Vaan, as he'll be the tank. Penelo must not take any damage, otherwise you'll have to recast your buffing spells.
Nothing wrong with using quickenings, if they're in the game, then use them .. people can "diss" them all they want, they're very helpful in the end though. Although I only use them near the end of boss fights, when they're almost dead because I use a lot of magick, with ALL of my party usually, so if I just start the battle of with a barrage of quickenings and it destroys my mana, and I've got very little ether, either it's gonna take forever for me to beat him, depending on the boss or hunt(like the first time through with the gil snapper, i didnt even think of using silence or blind the first time, and i just used all my quickenings, and it only did about 1/5 of his health away, got really unlucky with that particular chain) and I was out of mp, so I had to run from the turtle, around the track of beasts for a little bit, till everyone had a fair amount of mana back, the snapper had regained a bit of the health i had taken from him. in the end I used about 40 hi-potions, not including the ones Larsa were using, along with taking away other mp from using cura.
Quickenings are useful and I do find it cool how you're supposed to chain them up but really, chaining them is hard. To get a decent Torrent you're supposed to have more then 8-11 or them and that is hard mah friends
I do use them to finish bosses or Marks when ever I need to but then again I never really do because when I go to fight somehting I'm always like 6-8 lvls ahead just in case they pull off something bastardly.
Actually, no. Black Hole isn't worth it. If you acquire both Masamunes, and give them to two of your characters, whilst buffing them with Berserk, Haste and Bravery, you should be dealing six hit combos (on average). Without the critical health combo increase, you should be hitting for 8000+, assuming you're at least Lv 70. If you do the math, that's 48,000 damage with each character on average. That's more than enough to kill regular enemies, and deal more damage over time compared to Quickenings. (that is if you managed a black hole...which is unlikely)

Black Hole kind of is worth it, but only on high level foes.

Looking at the formula now for the Concurrence' damage.

It works simply: (Concurrence's Power) x (Target's level)

So considering Black Hole has a power of 253, that multiplied, by say for an example, a level 60 foe, your talking 15180 on it's own. Add that to the damage dealt by the quickenings (you need 4 of each rank right?) You're talking a serious amount of damage dealt if your characters strength stat is high. So if your fighting the Level 99 Red Chocobo, Black Hole will be doing 25047 on it's own/

The Quickening damage formula is as follows:

Damage = (Number between 1 and the power of the quickening) x (Number between 1 and the Character's strength)

If a Character has a strength of 50, and uses a rank 2 quickening (power = 140), the damage inflicted will be a value between 1 (1x1) and 7000(50x140)

So from that side, the quickenings combined with the Black Hole concurrence can potentially deal a hell of alot of damage, down side being, it's most effective against higher level foes, which you'll probably need to keep your MP for. So in terms of using it to finish a battle quickly it can help if you time it right.

I will agree with you about the Masamune's because you don't need to use up all your mana stores when attacking away with them, so from that side of things, I would rathar high combo rates any day of the week, compared to dealing a one time heavy amount of damage and losing all my MP. Plus with the Masamune's you get 1 or 2 of your character's hitting for serious damage constantly.
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XII Killed Limit Breaks/Overdrives

At least they did in imo by replacing them with the crappy Quickenings.

Seriously I dunno why SE had to replace the good Limit Breaks and/or Overdrives from the old FF games with this garbage for FFXII.

Gimme the old fashioned Limit Breaks and Overdrives over the Quickenings anytime. XP

I honestly do not like the way you have to shuffle to keep the Quickening chain going in this game. Plus giving you around five seconds is just too mean, especially if your not quick or don't have good reflexes.

Also another thing I despise about Quickenings is that they drain all your precious MP too, MP that is badly for healing purposes - especially in long boss fights against opponents say like Omega, Yizzie and the Hell Wyrm.

So what are your guys thoughts on Quickenings, you like them or hate them?

I personally despise them with passion.
We already have a thread on quickenings ^^

Threads Merged ~
I use quickening against the bosses, but I must say that i`m not good at it... *red*
I think my longest quickening chain was 12... he he.
I have to agree with the posts that I have seen that quickenings are a great lifesaver. Far better than any summons. The only moan I'd have about them is the time you get to gather enough mist to get more hits out of them. The graphics are pretty crap too on some of them. If the designers would have put more graphical effort into the quickenings rather than the Summon graphics which are, lets face it, useless, then the game would have been enhanced for me.
Quickenings > Summons... still pretty bad though. If you were able to string together a large number of quickenings and get your MP back for your characters before it ended, you could actually wrack up a lot of damage. Even so, I found it easier to just to set up your gambits well. If I arranged my gambits correctly before a boss battle, I could literally leave the room and come back after the boss was defeated.

I remember watching BustaMo fighting Tiamat. He frantically ran around the room, characters dying, trying to use quickenings where he could, and hoping Larsa would save his party members. It was an intense fight and he used a lot of quickenings. I had fought that battle about 2 days before with lower level characters, had my gambits set up correctly, and I remember sitting across the room posting on here as the battle played out.
My only problem with Quickenings is, it leaves you with NO MP at the end of their usage. You can go into a battle, pull out a Quickening as a last resort, it deals moderate damage, but then when you get back to battle after using it, you are left with no MP and healing becomes a real pain in the ass unless you use items (which I'm not a big fan of).
I love the quickenings actually. I like The fact that it drains the MP from the party, makes it more realistic because its somewhat a magic spell. The shuffling part made it fun, you get up to about 12 and be like ZOMFG come on, gimme another one! FUCK I MISSED IT!!! Made it more fun lol.
I like The fact that it drains the MP from the party, makes it more realistic because its somewhat a magic spell.

That's the thing though... I don't see limit breaks as something that should be a "magic spell". In all the other games, when you built up your "rage" you could unleash it on your enemy with one huge kickass attack. When you reach your limit, you break and unleash a massive attack.

It started way back with FFVI as a "desperation attack" and hasn't left the series since. Hell, even Final Fantasy XI had a version of limit breaks that worked. It pisses me off that they messed it up in FFXII. It's worse than how they fucked up cactuars.
i find them useful
but yet they take alot of mp

Mod Edit: Please say why you find them useful. Thank you.
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i found them useful at first, but after i got the Gabranth figure in the Sky Pirates Den for doing all those concurances (i.e, Torrent, Black Hole, Whiteout etc) i just decided to go with brute force, as you do =D
They are certainly useful, especially when chained together. It's very luck-based with the slots, which can get frustrating. There's nothing worse than getting ready to destroy a boss with them...only to only manage to get like, three hits, and then have no MP >_<
Quickenings are just so amazing my highest chain was 13 or 14 I think. Quickenings are powerful and is a kind of easy way to win boss battles. Well there better than espers.
I didn't like how the quickening system worked, I was horrible at it, the most i achieved was 8 but It was useful at times, but it pretty much drained all your useful magic, and as you progressed in the game they became less useful imo.
I love Quickenings. They are a part of all of my boss battles since I first discovered them and have saved my butt a few times when I've gotten in over my head with multiple mobs at once. They do use all the MP but I ended up running out of it all the time anyway trying to keep everyone cured and spell-free so Quickenings at least burn the MP to beat the boss, not bandage my fighters.

That being said, I probably haven't invested in enough dark magics to be really successful with magic attacks yet either. :(
Quickenings get very useful to me when fighting bosses. I get my most powerful characters and go to a 16-chain attack. Usually those characters are Ashe, Basch and Fran.
What else can I say quickenings just make the game easier and they just kick so much ass. My Ashe is level 32 and all the quickenings I got a 13 chain and killed bergan in 2 hits lol.