Search results

  1. K

    Hardest Ultimate Weapon to Obtain?

    ugh don't remind me, Lulu's was just plan evil and i suck at bliztball so....yea, never got em >.<
  2. K

    Heya peoples

    Hopefully, the RPG sounds like fun ^^
  3. K

    Heya peoples

    Hey how's it going? I am new to this forum happen to find this place while looking for stuff on FF classes (who knew). Anyway, this place seems cools, so I am gonna stick around here a while ^^
  4. K

    Best Unique Mage

    Red Mages and Time Mages are my faves. Red Mage cause its a balance of everything thing, sword and magic though it would be nice if it had access to the higher stuff, but oh wells. Time Mages are great cause I am a big fan of time and space manipulation. Now if the FF series could make an...
  5. K

    Tonberry Army

    HAHA Agreed! Do you know how much Karma would fly from that?! hehe I'd use teh army to take over Japan XD
  6. K

    What FF game are you currently playing

    Currently replaying FFTA 1 and 2 at the same time (yea, tell me how that works lol ) Currently at the beginning for both.
  7. K

    Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

    Yunalesca definatlly. Got my butt handed to me by her so many times...>.<
  8. K

    yuffie, rikku or selphie

    Rikku hands down with Yuffie coming up in second! ^^ Mod Edit Put more effort in your post please, say why you prefer Rikku