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  1. Strawberry


    I always liked Quistis more than Rinoa. She was more intelligent and reserved and I felt really bad for her that her feelings weren't returned. I thought she was really kind though, knowing that Rinoa was the one for Squall and being so nice about it. And even apologizing to Rinoa later. XP I...
  2. Strawberry

    Aerith or Aeris

    I agree that Aeris is not correct, but I don't think it's wrong to type or call her that, since that's what a lot of people are used to. ^^; I call her Aeris for that reason, but I wouldn't claim it's the right translation. =P
  3. Strawberry

    Gabranth in Dissidia

    Yay I love Gabranth! I'm glad they chose him. ^^
  4. Strawberry

    Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

    I love Aeris the most out of the three, she's always been my favorite. Probably because she's the most 'girly' of the bunch, lol. I think it's cute how she flirts, and has that fun side. But she also has a very serious side that shows her care and concern for other people. I like how she isn't...
  5. Strawberry

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    To the posts above me, I never got the impression that Aeris broke up with Zack in her letter. Though I can see why you would think Zack died because of Aeris, the reason isn't because of her letter that 'broke up' with him. It IS because of Aeris Zack goes back to Midgar and on his way he gets...