Search results

  1. Rithonertage

    FF7: Advent Children Complete in a bundle and FFXIII trial

    Is this the whole Crisis Core PSP thing all over again? There has been a FF3 DS, FFCC:RoF DS, FF12:RW DS, CC:FF7 PSP (I not too sure about any others) and a possible upcoming Dissidia PSP... now this? Well I ain't complaining because I'll most likely end up with this PS3 if they end up here none...
  2. Rithonertage

    Final Fantasy: Legend II New Scans

    Yeah, it's a DS game for sure. But I don't get it, why this game? Why the second not the first? Or am I missing out something here?
  3. Rithonertage

    ALL Dissidia second outfits

    Squall would look weird with a color change haha. But yeah, I loved what they did in Kingdom Hearts for Squall (or Leon, for that matter), I was kinda hoping for that... but yeah, that's a totally different Squall (age and background). So it makes sense that it didn't make the cut. One can dream...
  4. Rithonertage

    24 and still playing FF

    I'm on my 10th anniversary of Final Fantasyness... I collect Final Fantasy like the nerd next door collects stamps and coins. In thirty years, that nerd will still have his stamps and coins while I play though the lastest Final Fantasy XXIX. But seriously, I think Final Fantasy is the only...
  5. Rithonertage

    Your Favorite or best party

    For me, I never bothered with Zell at all... maybe I was just too lazy to figure out Zell's limit break. For Selphie and Quistis, I like them as characters but not in the battlefield. I had and loved the Squall-Rinoa-Irvine combo. Reason: My Anti-Ultimecia battle consists of a cast of Triple...