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  1. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH] (Discussion Thread)

    Thanks, Tsurugi! You don't know what it means finally have someone reply :) Anyways, back when I first started this story, I got nowhere near the part where the guy was unmasked. I'm hoping if people keep giving me feedback (and as long as you do), I should be able to keep writing :) Who do...
  2. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH]

    Chapter 2: One Night [COMING SOON]
  3. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH]

    Chapter 1 (CONTINUED) ________________________________________ Tidus and Yuna now stood on a cliff that overlooked the ruined city of Zanarkand. The Celcius, which had flown them here, was waiting further away, out of sight from the two. This was the very spot that he and all the others had...
  4. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH]

    Chapter 1 (CONTINUED) ________________________________________ A body, curled like a child waiting in a mother’s womb, lay below the depths of the ocean. It was a man, one with golden tanned skin and dirty blonde hair. He wore strange attire, most of which would have seemed quite out of place...
  5. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH]

    Chapter 1: A Dream Awakened A brown haired woman was spread out on the magnificent flowers of the Farplane. She was breathing in the scent of the plants as the wind gently blew through her hair. That same breeze carried numerous petals and leaves with it, making them dance gracefully through...
  6. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH] (Discussion Thread)

    Well, basically what the title says! If there's anyone that actually enjoys reading the story, the more replies and feedback I get, the more motivation I'll have to write something decent (or at all). So Commence!
  7. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH]

    Prologue "If you touch her again... " the tanned boy spoke, gritting his teeth angrily, "... I'll kill you." There was silence in the darkened, ancient room. Tidus stood in front of the door he had used to enter this place. Sweat dripped from his forehead, falling onto his chest, which was...
  8. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: [ReDEATH/ReBIRTH]

    This is a story that I started a very long time ago. I got nowhere near finished, however still to this day would like to get to an end point with this. I was going to just paste up the old copies, however my writing back then was quite 'fresh' and amateurish. I'm going to follow the same...
  9. JohnnyBoy

    ~: Hello all! I'm:Sky~ :~ !!!

    No, not when your friends have been having a little too much to drink and you're still sober. As funny as heck as it is, you do not want to be around them when they start chasing you with them *shudder* I can still feel the flames... it burns my soul. Ha hah! Aaaaah, Yamaha's, ha hah! Well, I...
  10. JohnnyBoy


    It seems as though, from what I've read, people either hate him, or love him. I think I might have seen one or two gray area posts... for me, however, I thought he was pretty good as a villain. Honestly, I'm not sure why some people complain about the voice acting. I thought it fit very well for...
  11. JohnnyBoy

    ~~Boundless Sky~~ [Part ONE] {OPEN}

    In a nutshell: It's a hierarchy placed in a somewhat steam-punk world. It's about survival of the lesser classes, and for now, the oppression and domination of the Divine (which is the top part of the hierarchy chain). Their is a lot of freedom in what you are able to do, however, like all...
  12. JohnnyBoy

    ~~Boundless Sky~~ [Part ONE] {OPEN}

    NOBLE CLASS Name:Crome Shester Age: 86 Gender: Male Personality:Crome has a rather calm state of mind, and rarely does he ever speak out of his character. This in itself is quite rare in terms of the Wolfen race. He is rather mature for his age (in his race), and is a lot more knowledgeable...
  13. JohnnyBoy

    ~~Boundless Sky~~ [Part ONE] {OPEN}

    (Part ONE) With LiFe Comes DeAtH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is not life, they said It is a dream, a twisted desire One born of a man who had everything And felt he lost all that was most precious to his heart A man lost within his sorrows To troubled to see the...
  14. JohnnyBoy

    ~: Hello all! I'm:Sky~ :~ !!!

    Dang, you are hyperactive. This is not good for anyone's sanity. Ha hah! Hey, just got here a while ago... pretty good place so far. Anyways, don't go causing too much trouble, ya hear? I've got enough of 'your' kind where I live, ha hah (sigh... don't ask...
  15. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction After AC

    Now it's starting to get interesting. Though, I kind of feel like Cloud is not true to himself at times... overall, your writing style is very good. Smooth and easy to read, makes it enjoyable too. Keep up the good work, my friend.
  16. JohnnyBoy


    I refuse to love you. NOW GET OUT! ... ... okay, that was a little harsh, ha hah! Hey, just signed up here a few minutes ago. Thought I'd stop by and say hi! Hope you enjoy your time here. Kudos (for now ; P )
  17. JohnnyBoy

    ON DISPLAY: Crazy Canadian from the Wild North

    Finally, another Canadian! Ha hah... through all these long, harsh times of being surrounded by nothing but Americans... I was beginning to worry! Ha hah! What part of Ontario are you from? Near Toronto, or somewhere smaller? Me, I'm from Calgary! Though I lived up in Yellowknife for about...
  18. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: (Re)BIRTH

    Chapter 8: They Came from the Sky ~~ COMING SOON ~~
  19. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: (Re)BIRTH

    Chapter 7: And So, Our Journey Begins… "Suja ed! Suja ed! Fa tuh'd ryja ymm tyo, baubma! Fa yna Zanarkand puiht!" Brother was running around the Celcius, yelling like a madman. He always was the ‘scream first, think later’ kind of person. Though everyone found it quite annoying and...
  20. JohnnyBoy

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: (Re)BIRTH

    CHAPTER 6: Man of Mysteries They all stood there, still shocked at what this…mad man had just done. What great sin he had just committed. Tidus stepped up again, shouting with rage. “What the hell NEEDED to happen a THOUSAND YEARS ago? HUH!” He was panting heavily, as everyone watched him from...