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    Why doesn't anyone want to play as Tidus?

    I wasn't into gaming when final fantasy was still on PS1 my very first game was FFX on PS2 and so Tidus quickly became my favourite character, and then launched me into the final fantasy series. When i first got Dissidia, i only ever used Tidus, as i was used to his style of fighting, the...
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    [FFXII] Where would you like to live?

    The Necrohol of Nabudis for me, all the dark atmosphere and history, would be sweet to live in. Surviving there would allow one to wield almost any magic, armour or weapon. Plus there's the added bonus of it being the resting place of chaos. Failing that the Euryt Village would be my second choice.
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    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra

    Its a beautiful work of art thanks for sharing it with the world, i hope to read the full story when you complete it. Arigatou Aerith
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    SOTW 91 Voting Thread!

    All of the were fairly well done, but no 2 snagged my vote.
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    Need Help in FF XII

    if your Still having trouble put in all the details of your party and gambits you have and i'll see what i can come up with!
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    Need Help in FF XII

    Have you had any luck beating him yet?